July 31

4 1 0

It's funny how people change with the clock

As if the clock somehow dictates how we act

With each tick in time we find something new

And we forget something from our past

Until another tick comes by and you suddenly remember it

Like when someone passes by you and you suddenly have a memory

Times you used to share

Games you used to play

Secrets that are no longer kept in a locked box under your bed

With each second that passes a door in our mind opens

Something slips in

But something slips out

People have said to me that they won't forget

But I think that's impossible to do

You do forget

You will forget

Sometimes you'll forget what you promised that you would remember

We forget the good

And we forget the bad

We forget about people in our past

We forget about those things that we once held closest to our heart

Until one day

When you're digging through little scraps of notes

Or odd little trinkets

Or even just scrolling through messages or pictures on your phone

And something triggers a memory

But what can you do about it now

It's been years

Maybe it's been decades

Since you've talked to that person

Or since you've played that game

And you might be scared

You might be scared that if you talk to that person, or read that book

Something might happen

It could be bad

But it could also be the best choice you ever made

So don't be scared

Take that leap

Because I guarantee you

It just might be worth the risk

A/N: Wow! It's the end of July! I can't believe I've been writing this for nearly two months already... my how time flies. Well, I'll see you all tomorrow! And thank you to everyone who has been reading my book and commenting, it really means a lot! I'm still open to writing if anyone has a request! Rules are in the introduction!

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