October 16

3 1 0

A/N: Please request or tell me more of your favorite songs! I really enjoyed writing the last one!

What songs take you back?

Where do those songs take you?

Do they take you back to a happy time?

Where you did nothing but smile

Or do they bring you back to a time that you wish that you could forget?

A time when it felt like your chest was constricting around your lungs

A time when you could hardly breathe

Do they show you someone that you wished that you could see again?

Do they show you someone that you wished you had treated differently?

Someone that you should have been nicer to

Someone that you shouldn't have spoken to in the first place

Someone you wished that you could forget

Do the songs make you happy or sad?

You were strong enough to get through those times

They didn't break you

They helped you learn how to build yourself back up after those trials

You got through that

You can get through anything

So do you regret what happened?

Or are you glad that they happened because now you have that experience?

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