August 25

12 1 1

The answer for the riddle was the galaxy. This is the picture that I found. Now here's another one.

Wind like a hurricane is the only sort of thing that I can feel on my face. When I turn my face toward the cloudy sky overhead, I see my hair spiraling up like a tornado, the updraft pulling it with it, almost as if it wants to beckon me to a home in the clouds. And yet, my feet remain firmly on a carpet of green and brown, the odd splash of grey scattered at my feet. In front of me is the roaring curtain of grey, coming nearer with every passing second. The cold splatters at my cheeks and any exposed skin, nearly stinging me like a thousand wasps. Beneath the wall of grey, there's a blue blanket, churning and reaching for me with claws. But, from where I stand, the malicious hands can't reach me. 

Where am I? What is in front of me?

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