August 29

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So there are two sides to me

There's the side that wants nothing more than to live a quiet and simple life filled with books and movies that can take me away from this world. A life of quiet peace with nothing but a fireplace and a mug of hot chocolate. A cabin far away, up in the woods, surrounded by the beautiful colors of green during the spring and summer, orange and red in the fall, and a plushy blanket of white in the winter. Nothing but fluffy slippers and comfy sweatpants that hug me like a warm blanket that's tucked around me everywhere I go. My only worries are what will happen next in either the book I'm reading, or the book I'm writing. The simple life of simple pleasures found in the company of a dog, or days spent walking around the forest to clear my head.

And then there's the other part of me.

The part of me that wants nothing more than to travel and experience all that this world has to offer. To see the highest mountain peeks, and the deepest caves that go way below the surface of the earth. To see everything from one side of the world to the other. Live every moment to its fullest. Experience the past, present, and future in everything that I see in history, on the news, or in theories that people have about what's to come. I want to see everything and live through everything. From the sparklers that I lit at Halloween when I was a little girl, to diving off of a cliff into the ocean with my friends. Climbing a tree that I can only get three feet up, to diving out the side of an airplane and plummeting toward the world that so often touches my feet. Feel the wind in my hair as I drive across the country, my hands stretched high through the window at the top of the car, my hair hitting anyone unfortunate enough to sit behind me as my window is rolled down. 

There are so many things that I want to experience to say that I've lived this life to the fullest. And I know that I'll get there one day.

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