June 5

29 2 4


It can crumble mountains to their feet and turn the clock forward to people are nearer to their death

As a child, it seems like we have all the time in the world, and yet, as we grow, we discover that we have no time at all

It seems like just yesterday that I was a child, running through my lawn and climbing up trees to try and get closer to the clouds

Maybe yesterday was when I wasn't sure what was happening around me

All I knew was that I was a teen being thrown around in my life without any idea where to turn

And now, time has come once again

It seems like just yesterday that the pandemic had started, and yet, I feel as though it's been forever

For me, it's hard to believe just how much time has passed

As a child, I was worried that time wouldn't pass fast enough

But now I wish it would slow down

There are things that I wish I could have done, things that I wish I could have said

Sometimes I wished that I had a time machine so that I could go back in time to fix something that bothers me

And yet, time seems to know

I've grown with time and I've started to understand what's going on

I still dream that I've had more time, so I could do the things that I wanted without a care in the world for time management

But life doesn't work that way

So for now, until I figure everything out in the little time I have

I think I'll just take a step 

Just one foot forward

But that's all I need in order to progress forward through time

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds... 

I think it's working ;)

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