August 2

5 1 1

A/N: So I absolutely suck at studying and actually wanting to study, so does anyone have any good tips for that? Because I could really use the help! Also, this is mainly a battle scene so blood and violence both in the story and in the video! Be warned! I found this song and thought that a battle scene would be the best fit.


You're the child of a chief, but since you are not the eldest, you decided to take up the position of the leader of the army. You have never been in a battle before and today is your first one. Normally, you would be nervous about leading an entire army, especially the army of your forbearers, but today, you feel nothing but power. It feels like an entire thunderstorm has been trapped within the walls of your heart, spurring it forward without fear. 

The world seeemed to know that today would end in nothing but bloodshed, and the clouds had gathered, blocking out all sunlight. A few raindrops pelted your armor and you turned your face to the sky, allowing them to hit your face, which was covered in black war paint, similar to the paint that your army was wearing.

Your right hand soldier comes up to you and you turn away from the front of the ship to face him.

"We're approaching the shore," they say and you nod.


Sure enough, about a minute later, you arrive on the edge of the shore which is already stained with blood. An ancient battleground of your people, and one that would once again see battle. You grab your weapon from where it rests against the front of your ship and as your boat scrapes along the top of the gravel shore, you let out a battle cry and leap over the side. 

On the other side of the battlefield, still littered with bodies, is your enemy, their leader standing in the front. You can see the smirk underneath his hood, but for your sake, or simply for his pride, he lifts his hood and drops it down so that it rests against his back. An age old enemy, a clan that has fought against yours for too many generations to count. This one was a man you had never met before, though you had heard stories from your father. 

Sten. The second born of Roar. Like you, he had chosen to serve his father as a leader of his army, though he had already seen battle many times before. His face was painted with blood as was his clan's tradition, and his long black hair had also been dipped into the blood of his enemies, saved from the last battle. A few black marks were pained on overtop of the blood, adding depth that would have terrified you if you were younger. But, the thunder was still in your heart and you felt no fear.

As you and your army walked up the shore, your army started to create lines as you had directed them. Your father had fought a few battles against Sten and had told you about his tactics. Of course, it was entirely possible that he would have changed tactics since the last battle against your clan, but you went off what information you had from your father and your spies that you had sent into Sten's camp. They had reported back saying that he would try and lead the army back into the mountains on the end of the battlefield where he had other men already waiting. His clan had more solders than yours did, but you never focused on the numbers and rather the strength of your fighters. 

"What are our orders," one of your soldiers asked, breaking ranks to ask.

You glanced to the sky and let out a piercing whistle. Nothing happened, but you didn't need anything to happen yet. Your whistle was simply a call to something that would help you later on. 

"We play along until we get to the mountains," you said, turning to face your army. "I am aware that it very well may be a trap set up by Sten, as he is as crafty as he is bloodthirsty, so stay alert no matter what it seems like."

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