October 11

4 1 0

A/N: Takes place in a battle scene. If you're not comfortable with that then I recommend that you just skip to the next one.

You watch in horror as  a pillar of fire erupted from the hand of someone that you thought to be your friend. It streaked across the old battleground, colliding with the ranks of the enemy and decimating the front line. You would have felt bad, but they were the ones that left only the two of you alive.

Your friend looks down at you in what they hope is an empathetic smile, though you can see that it's muddled with worry.

"What are you," you whisper, getting to your feet and stumbling back. You nearly tripped over a bloody sword, but you managed to catch yourself at the last moment.

"I'm human, I swear," they say, taking a step toward you their hands raised. It looks like they're either trying to surrender or trying to make you trust them again like you did only a few minutes before.

"You are NOT human," you choke out, taking another step back. "Humans can't do that!"

They sigh and pull off the hood that was shadowing their face. For the first time, you don't see the beautiful human eyes that you had grown to love. This time, their eyes are the color of the rising sun, their pupils slits instead of the normal orbs that dilated every time they looked at you.

"Fine, if you want me to be specific, I'm only half human. But that still makes me just as human as you." 

A pit of worry embeds itself in your stomach and you clutch at your armor, wishing that you could feel your human flesh against your hand to try and comfort you. 

"Are you implying that I'm half alien?" You look up and down at them. "Like you?"

They shake their head and a small chuckle escapes their lips. "Not implying. Saying." Then, they lower their hands and stretch one out to you. How many times had you taken that hand without a single shred of doubt that you would be safe? 

"What do you want?"

"To show you who you truly are."

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