June 29

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In the darkness of an evening sunset, a single figure could be seen standing on the edge of a cliff. The rain pounded down around them, soaking them to the bone due to their lack of umbrella, but that didn't seem to dissuade them in any way. Instead, they remained standing atop the cliff, their face turned toward the sky, thinking quietly to themself. The rain started pelting their face and a small smile broke out on their face as the rain followed the curves and lines in their face. Their hair stuck to their scalp and neck along with their clothes which had almost become a second skin because of how wet they were.

People walked by at the base of the cliff, wondering what the person was doing up on the cliff, but one, in particular, stopped under their umbrella, staring up at the figure. They were easily able to recognize them, even though it was too dark to see any specific details. It was the way they stood and the way they were staring up at the sky above. Taking a deep breath, they started up the hill, ignoring the thought of how muddy their shoes would be once they got to the top. The hill was slick with water, so much so that a small stream was starting to form, winding down the hill like a snake, and though they slipped, the person kept climbing, their umbrella always upright. 

"You'll catch a cold if you stay out here," they said when they reached the top. They didn't approach the figure.

The figure laughed but didn't turn to look at the newcomer as they were easily able to recognize their voice.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to find me up here."

"Is that why you came? So that I would have to look for you when you didn't show up."

"It was certainly something that crossed my mind." Finally, they lowered their face and turned back to look at the one who had been searching for them. "Only you would be willing to come out in this deluge and find me."

A chuckle escaped their lips. "To be fair, you are the one in the deluge. I am still dry."

It only took a few steps for the two to meet. 

"Dance with me..." 

"No way. You might be fine with getting drenched but I would prefer to remain dry."

They didn't have a choice as the umbrella was removed from their hand and they were pulled up against the one they had been looking for. 

"Dance with me."


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