June 7

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What do I think of when I think of June?

Summer. The daydreams of spending the day either sitting in a field under a willow tree or relaxing on a beach. The months of heat that I am not equipped to handle in the least, and the breezes that smell like they're carrying possible adventures with them.

Time spent with friends. I think of drive in movie theaters that are full long after the stars have come out. Sitting in the back of a mini-van or pickup truck, covered in blankets and laughing with my friends as we listen to the movie playing on the screen. The days at the beach spent in bathing suits that will leave an odd tan on my body for months after the summer has passed. Beach volleyball that usually ends up with someone stuck in the ground or how the game sometimes ends up in the water, soaking from when someone had pushed them in. 

Books. The one time that I read romance books more than fantasy books. Fantasy books go on the to be read list for the duration of the summer and instead I read more realistic books that focus on some lovesick girl or guy trying to prove their love and finally confess their love for someone. 

The cold drinks that I chug down while reading books or while having private dance parties in the hours that I have to myself. Some homemade, and others that I have to go out and get simply because I think it's too hot to cook or make anything in the house.

And the hours that I spend outside rather than inside, soaking up the bright summer sun beams which threaten to burn me whenever I forget sunscreen. 

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