August 31

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History is definitely something that people can learn from, even today in the modern world. I spend so much of my spare time looking at old history documents online or reading up on different aspects of historical life. And yet some people find this boring. I guess I can understand why, but at the same time I don't. I understand that different things interest different people, but I think that everyone can learn something from history. Admittedly, as a young child, I never really enjoyed Social Studies, mainly because I never thought that it was anything interesting, but now, I'm looking at it a little differently. 

A/N: I didn't really know what to write today and I just watched a few episodes of Bones with my parents, so I thought I would just write whatever came to mind and this is what came out of that. Sorry it's not much. School starts in a week and I'm feeling a little... education-thirsty if that's a thing. We'll just say that I'm bored.

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