September 2

7 1 4

Okay, so this is just gonna be a bit of a rant and blurb about some of the works in progress that I have, and some ideas that I have for stories. 

1) Raven of the Sea

This is just a single story that features a pirate girl as the main character. The basic storyline of the story is that she is on a raid when something goes wrong and then she is forced to serve the princess of a kingdom and help her defeat the enchantress tormenting the world and threatening to end it all. 

What's annoying me about this book?:

I need to write romance and I have no idea how...

2) The Obsidian Fountain

This is a duology that focuses on a woman who is kidnapped and taken through a portal. She discovers some curious things about this world and has to stop the war that is going on and defeat the rebel group that started the war in the first place. She also has to clear someone's name.

What's annoying me about this book?:

The emotional scenes don't seem right to me
Certain elements that I want to work into the book are being frustrating and not working properly
I don't think the main character has the right name and I want to change that but I don't know how

3) The Plague of Orion

A boy has to travel across the world to find a lost cure that will save his mother and sister before their death.

What's annoying me about this book?:

I have no idea how a boy would think about certain things! 
I can't write male characters

4) Lost in Paris

A teen girl moves to Paris where she discovers twin siblings and becomes friends with one, and falls head over heels for the other. The only problem is, she just got out of a messy break up and isn't sure if she can open her heart up again.

What's annoying me about this book?:

It's a romance, enough said

5) Under the Maple

Set in the Sengoku Era in Japan, in a fantasy world. It's sort of a combination of Beauty and the Beast, Swan Princess, and Mulan. A girl is set for an arranged marriage, only to find that the man that she is supposed to marry is missing, and has been for a while. 

What's annoying me about this book?:

It's so hard to narrow down research for this book!!!
Should I include yokai and other myths and mythology?
I can't decide on a storyline!!!

And that's most of the works in progress that I have. Please don't copy any of these ideas, I'm working really hard on them and I'm taking a risk by putting blurbs out on the internet before I've finished the books. If anyone has any ideas or tips, they would be greatly appreciated. 

A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading this book and my other stories, it really means a lot to me!

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