September 8

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Kill the cliché!

Okay, so I've been thinking about this a bit, especially since I'm writing more and more stories. What is a good cliché and what is a bad cliché? What are some of your favorites and least favorites that you've read in recent years? There are so many clichés that I wish weren't a thing any more. As much as I love them, I think that they're getting a little old. 

The classic "I don't want to be a hero but I have no choice"

Or the love triangle! I absolutely hate these sooo much! They are so frustrating for me to read and half the time I end up putting the book down because I just can't deal with it.

When characters just seem to have one personality trait (2D characters) 

Not having parents! Especially in books, this is such a classic. I'll admit, I do have a few characters that don't have parents because it's good for drama, but still, I do find it annoying when every story I read, the main character seems to be missing parents. 

And of course, when characters describe themselves!! Especially in the first person. It's like giving a character bio for me, which I'm not a huge fan of. (here's a website that I used to look up some terrible clichés)

So what are your opinions on clichés? Yay or nay for the one's that I've listed above?

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