October 10

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A/N: If any of you have watched the movie Ballerina, I'm taking inspiration from that for this poem

The feeling of freedom

My limbs no longer bound by the chains that came with my mundane life

I felt all the worries melt away as I stood

This was my release

This was my passion

This was the thing I enjoyed more than nearly everything else in the world

The feeling of adrenaline as I stared at myself in the mirror

The feeling of my hair whipping in the wind as I twirled

The feeling of the hard floor beneath my pointed shoes

Unspoken words were translated in a language that few understood

But those who I needed to tell would understand perfectly

And as I danced a hand wrapped around my waist

I shut my eyes allowing myself to fall back

I trusted my partner without a doubt

The trust that I had for few

And yet my partner had more of my trust than anyone in the world

It felt like the world melted away

It was only me and the one in front of me

It felt like my worries simply slid away from my body

Sinking into the ground below

I cast my head back and laughed joyfully

Dance truly was the most magical thing in existence

Year of 365Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ