October 22

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A/N: Ohmygoodness I'm finally caught up. That took forever. I really have to stay on top of this better. If anyone has any ideas for imagines for me to write, please let me know!

So today I thought that I would just write a little bit about how this experience has been for me. I've been writing this for 140 days so far and it's sometimes very enjoyable when I feel like I have ideas, but other days it feels like more of a chore because I don't have any ideas. I'll try to look at prompts but they won't give me the inspiration I need. Don't get me wrong, I still love doing it, but I feel like the times that I have inspiration are the times that I can't actually write anything. For me, I have a lot more ideas when its raining outside and I'm able to curl up with a mug of hot chocolate or coffee. But, one thing that I really enjoy is how much feedback I'm getting from the book. Thank you to everyone who has been reading this book so far, it really means a lot to me! 

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