October 2

9 1 0

A/N: If you can't tell, I was watching Thor Ragnarok and was inspired by the songs.

You're an outlaw in your city. You've stolen one too many times, this time from the ambassador of a nearby city. Unfortunately for those chasing you, they don't know just how dangerous you are. They don't know that you've been avoiding capture since you turned five, and that was decades ago. 

There are holograms of your wanted poster all over the city, each showing what they thought your face looked like. But what they didn't know was that you didn't have an unblemished face. A terrifying scar ran from your right eye down to the corner of your mouth. Not that they cared. They had been following you for the better part of an hour at this point and you knew that you would only be able to last for so much longer.

You jumped up from the top of the pod that you had been crouched on, grabbing the bar of another track and hoisting yourself up. It would take their pods a minute to catch up with you. So, you pulled yourself up onto the holotrain as it sped by, running to the back of it and jumping off. They had lost sight of you and you knew that if you were going to escape, now was your chance. 

Once you reached the end of the train, you leaped from the train, your legs pointed as you fell through the many intersecting lines of traffic. Your cloak fluttered in the wind as you fell, your hood being wrenched from your head. Just as it looked like you were about to hit the ground, you pressed a button on your belt which activated the anti-gravity boosters on your boots that you had stolen a few years ago. They were such a useful tool.

You landed on the ground and smirked up at the neon lights above you. Another day, another successful heist, and another avoided capture. Now it was time to figure out what your next target would be.

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