Chapter 145: Suspension

Start from the beginning

"There, there," Professor Flitwick said as he rested a palm on the big man to ease him.

Looking at the Hagrid, Harry caught the big man's eye as he winked at him. Shaking his head to himself and chuckling amusedly, he never knew that the big man had it in him.

"You... can't d- do this," Draco shrilly cried out as he saw that the corners were finally closing on him.

"Please calm down, Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore waved his hand to ease the frantic boy, however, the fool just carried on.

"My father will hear about this unjust treatment," he cried out as he widly looked around at everyone. "He will know how you treated me, and how you should preferential to this... this filthy half-blood," he bite out.

Slamming his fist down on the table, Dumbledore looked angry for the first time ever. "That is enough! You will spend the remaining school year in detention with Mr. Filch, doing the tasks he sets you upon while thinking about your actions and words. And before you utter your father's name," Dumbledore said as he waved a finger at the boy.

"Remember he has lost all power and respect he used to have. And now I doubt he will even keep his family home..." the old man added as he only cast a single glance in Sirius's direction.

Going absolutely red in the face, the idiot shouted, "he is still part of the Board of Governors, and he could have your scrawny ass removed from the Headmaster position at any time!"

"I also doubt that as well," the old man simply replied, "his seat is now being contended by Mr. Potter as we speak."

Waving politely at the ass when he spun around to face him, Harry uttered, "I really couldn't leave a man who unleashed dark magic on the school ground to remain part of the board overseeing the school."

"Simply put," Sirius snickered, "your father lost nearly all his power thanks to his bad moves, and is now basically a nobody.

"Why don't you come with me," Filch said as he stepped out of the corner he was in. Watching as the dumbfounded idiot was dragged out, Harry couldn't help chuckling to himself as the ass was once and for all put in his place.

"Why do you find so funny, Mr. Potter," Dumbledore asked, turning to look towards the old man Harry saw that there was no grandfatherly kindness in his expression, just only severity on his face.

Seeing his mood, Harry knew he was in for a heck of a time!

"I am really disappointed in how you have conducted yourself," the old man stated.

"But..." Harry tried to start, but was cut off as the powerful wizard held out a hand.

"No, buts, it does not matter why you have done what you have. The point still stands, you attacked both a student and a staff member of this school which is grounds for immediate action on my part."

"You must consider the circumstances, Albus," Sirius spoke up for him on his behalf. "They besmirched his betrothal honor, so it is his right as a lord of this land to seek his satisfaction. They are lucky that they didn't end up as a stain on the ground," he chafed as his eyes landed on both Snape and Nott.

"The point still stands, he has attacked a student and teacher," the old man repeated. "And you don't have to worry yourself," he added for Sirius's benefit. "Everyone shall be dealt out their proper punishment!" he emphasized the point with a heavy pause.

Then looking back on Harry, he pronounced, "Harry, my boy, I say this with a heavy heart, but I won't stand for any violence in my school, that is why you shall have a one month suspension from school effective immediately. Take that time to think on what you did, and reflect on your action!"

"Snape," the old man said as he turned to the hooked nose man who was finally allowed to speak. "You will take leave of absence for the rest of the year as you are suspended without pay!"

"What!?" the greasy bat shouted, disbelieving at what he was hearing.

"You heard me," Dumbledore said, "you are suspended for incompetence, conduct unbecoming of a teacher, failure to attend to duties, and failure to carry out reasonable orders and directions. And the list goes on from there, do you want me to get into greater detail?"

Finally being able to splutter out a hasty reply, Snape made to defend himself. "This is just unreasonable, Albus! I am a vaunted member of this school. You can't just suspend me for trying to discipline a rowdy student!"

"Yea, and how did that go," Harry chuckled.

"If only it was that," Dumbledore said with a shake of his head, "You have shown all year long that you can not be able to control your temper and behavior, Severus. You have shown conduct unbecoming of a staff member of this school as you have continued to demonstrate a lack of restraint. And I told you what would happen if you continued this way. Now take the rest of the year off, I shall take charge of your classes for now, and reflect on your conduct."

Snape was left utterly silenced, his mouth continued to flap open and shut like a fish stuck on land.

Not giving him the time of day anymore, Dumbledore turned to the final and chief instigator. "Mr. Nott," the old man begin, but he was cut off as Theodore held his nose in the air.

"So am I to get cleaning duty with that squib?"

"No!" the old man answered.

"Suspension for a month like this pleb?"


"Seriously, for the rest of the year," the Slytherin boy sighed out.

"No as well," Dumbledore forcefully got out, "this is the first time as Headmaster I had to do this, but for your action, Mr. Nott. I will have to expel you! We do not stand for trying to assault other students and nor shall we ever! That is why you shall be an example for anyone else who has funny thoughts about doing the same thing on school grounds."

Unlike Draco and Snape you have a very violent reaction to their punishment, Theodore only remained silent.

"Alright fine," the boy replied with a shrug."My father always did want me to go to Durmstrang Institute. Hogwarts isn't what it used to be.."

"Sadly, you will find that impossible, after your father's fall from grace as he now awaits his trial in Azkaban," the old man shook his head. "And Igor Karkaroff does have an adverse feeling for any past Death Eater, especially those sprouting bringing back their Dark Lord!"

Seeing that all the matters was settled, Harry made to get up, ready to pack in for the day. However before he left, he turned to Theodore, "I am really glad I have some time off from school! I think I would be using it to wipe your family off the map, permanently!"


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