Alix x Short! Irish! Reader

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"Say it again, (Y/N)! Say it again!"

I smile as I stand in front of our group.

"Well, I'll be fucked if they steal me lucky charms."

We all burst out laughing. My Irish accent is already strong, but who knew forcing an Irish accent to sound more Irish was so entertaining?

I jump up and click my heels together in the air. Damn, I'd make a pretty good Miraculous holder with my jumping skills.

I look around at the people laughing. It fills me with joy to know I can make people happy, even if it's just for a few seconds.

My short ass will do anything for my friends. Especially Alix. We're the same height, marking us as the shortest in the school.

Alix is also feisty. She is not a pushover whatsoever. She'd fight a whole pride of lions just for some fun.

I don't blame her. It does sound like fun if you were able to get the lions to not kill you.

"Hey (Y/N), got a leprechaun outfit for Alix too?"

Yeah, I kind of came to school in a leprechaun outfit as a gimmick. I knew most people would like the sight.

We all kind of laugh while Alix hits Kim on the arm. I smile and motion for Alix to join me.

After looking around at everyone else hesitantly, Alix stands next to me. I turn toward her.

"Alix isn't a leprechaun, let's get that right."

Kim quirks an eyebrow.

"However, I must say, every leprechaun needs their gold."

Without missing a beat, I grab the front of Alix's shirt and pull her toward me. I kiss her. Her face is as pink as her hair.

I hear a gagging noise and just give a middle finger to whoever it was.

I pull away while smoothing Alix's shirt.

"...shiver me timbers."

I crack up immediately and keep my hands on Alix's shoulders to stay standing.

Alix, those are pirates, not the Irish, but I'll let it slide.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now