Villain! Lila x Hero! Reader Part 2

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Lila gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'll see you after school, cutie~"

Lila gets into a car before I turn back toward the school. She has a doctor's appointment and said it should be done around the time when school ends.

I'm about to go to my next class when I hear several screams coming from a certain direction.

I look around before rushing to the bathroom.

"Croww, spread your wings!"

As I finish transforming, I hear noise coming from the common area.

I quietly exit the bathroom, only to see some kind of monster looking for something. Time to play the friendly hero.

I clear my throat as I approach it.

"Good day sir... er.. madam... whatever you identify as. May I ask why you are so hell-bent on destroying this place?"

I cross my arms to make it clear I won't reach for my weapon.

They growl a bit as they come closer. I can feel eyes watching us from several directions.

"LIE-la said she would make everyone think I was the monster instead of her. Here I am, ready to get her like the monster I've become."

My fists clench tighter with every word.

I've been trying so hard to be nice to Lila and see the good in her, but it seems like whenever I turn my back, she's lying to or manipulating others.

I force a smile as I pat the villain's shoulder.

"Now, that's no good. How about you get rid of the akuma and I'll deal with Lila personally?"

I don't mean to be rude, but this villain has to be dumber than I am if they take this offer. If I was akumatized, I wouldn't give up my akuma that easily.

Huh, that necklace looks kind of odd. Oh wait.

As the purple moth mask appears in front of the villain, I just take the necklace and stomp on it.

Coincidentally, Ladybug arrives just as the akuma leaves the item.

"Well, I did kind of play dirty with that offer, so I'll keep my end of the deal and go find Lila."

I leave and look around. Lila probably didn't even have an appointment. She probably wanted to go home.

That's where I go. Yep. I see Lila sitting on her bed while looking at something.

Her window is open, so I let myself in. Lila seems startled by my entrance.

"Lila, what the fuck?! Why do you keep lying and manipulating? I've been trying so hard to keep you in this good light, but something always happens to ruin it."

Lila's jaw tightens, but there is no other give away that I said something she didn't like.

"I don't even know who you are outside the hero persona. However, how would it look for you if it got out that a hero of Paris threatened an innocent girl?"

I clench my hands into fists again.

Fuck. I forgot that she doesn't know I'm a superhero. I should have waited until I was back to (Y/N) to confront her.

"I can see it now. 'Blackwing, Paris' new defender secretly a villain?' That wouldn't do anything good for your reputation now, would it?"

I grit my teeth at her words. Now she's trying to manipulate me?

My head pangs as I realize why she's doing this. She's doing all of this just for attention and a reputation. Does she even care about me at all?

I sigh as I also realize this is achieving nothing. I don't even spare her a glare before leaving.

I quickly make my way back to the school. Another day cut short by a villain. After looking around, I duck behind a corner.

"Croww, nest and rest."

I walk out just as I see Lila approaching the school.

She runs up and hugs me.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay? I heard there was an akumatized villain attacking the school. It's such a shame that some people just allow themselves to be turned evil like that."

I lightly pat her back before holding her at arms length.

I can't change her. I can't make her stop lying or manipulating.

The worst part is that I've seen her willingly take an akuma for the pettiest shit, stuff that someone shouldn't even be akumatized over.

She just wants revenge whenever someone doesn't listen to her or does what she wants.

I have to do this for both of our sakes. As a hero, I just can't do this anymore.

"Lila, this isn't working out for me. I'm breaking up with you."

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