sad boy.

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^ahh too freakin hot oml oof.🤤

soap suds covered my hands. dishes from dinner with johnny last night still sat in the sink this morning. my hair tied up in a pony tail, all i wore was one of johnnys sweatshirts and adidas sweatpants.

foot steps padded against the tiled floor. i placed a bowl on the drying side of the sink. warm arms wrapped gently around my waist. his chin sat on my shoulder. he turned the running water off and took the plate that i was washing out of my hands. he needed my full attention.

"baby?" his husky body pushed me closer against the granite counter.

"yes love." i softly replied.

"i'm sad." his face inched away from my shoulder, and slid against mine. we were cheek to cheek. his bare chest to my clothed back. he never openly told me he was sad, but when he did he had no reason to be.

"why?" if i could stay in his arms forever i would. it's my safe place, the only place i feel comfortable.

"because kylie and travis are talking about getting married." bitchhhhh fucking lyin. hell nah not this again. all i could do i sigh.

"really john." i smacked my lips in disgust. at this point the dishes could sit there and rot because now i could care less about them. i pulled both of his hands away from my sides, and began to walk off. i was taken back into to him by his large hand lapping around my wrist.

"are you mad at me?" he looked puzzled. but why. why would he ask me if i'm mad, when he knows that i am. i have every right to be.

"no i'm fine." a fake smile appeared on my lips.

"i just wanted to tell you how i felt." his green pools of eyes mesmerized me but i had to fall out of it. all he ever talked about was kylie. i've learned to live with it, i would secretly get mad but i kept it to myself. i listen to him anyway because he is my boyfriend, and i'm supposed to.

"i said i'm okay." i repeated, we both knew that i wasn't.

"your not though." he pulled me into his bare chest but i refused to hug back. i stood there and still embraced me and my presence.

"you're right i'm not." hun, how can you not tell that what you just said not even twenty minutes is the reason why i'm upset.

"well why then." his gentle voice blessed my ears. i didn't want to be mad at him but i felt as if i had to be.

"it's always kylie this and kylie that. i've had enough of it." i admitted. admitting is impossible.

"you know how much i love kylie." his raspy morning voice hummed into the silence of the air. he squeezed me but i still stood with my arms attached to my sides.

"it's gotten to the point that it's sickening. she's everything you want and i don't have all of that. we get it, it's enough. i'm really tired of freaking hearing it. i know you love her, you love her more than me." i huffed. anger filled my body, he thought it was alright though. to always talk about kylie, and literally not see that it's driving me up the wall.

"i am with you. i go to sleep with you and wake up with you. no one else. if you can't except me and the things i talk about, then i don't know what you see in me or this relationship. i love you. only you. you're mine." his large warm hand covered the small of my back. his place. i still refused to touch him back.

"just because you say that doesn't mean you don't think about kylie every second of everyday. you practically drool when she posts a picture on instagram. you don't even comment on mine anymore. i feel like i'm just here in your eyes. you don't love me anymore, you only love her." it's all he ever talked about. all he ever thought about. even big booty bertha didn't stand a chance of being in his little mind. kylie was everything to him.

"you're my fucking world. i don't tell you that enough but you are. when you walk around her in those crop tops and shirt jean shorts you don't know what that does to me. let me love you, because i do. kylie will only ever be a dream, a guy can only dream. you are my reality. you are for a reason." his hands rubbed circles on my back. my two hands grasped around the back of his neck and i embraced him back. fully. he was so warm, his chest comforted me in a way that nothing else could.

"stay with me forever." i nuzzled my face into his neck. so sweet and adorable.


aye aye aye. what it doooooo. there should be some mo updates tn so be on the look out babies. i luh uuu!🖤

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