MOVIE >scene129> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Fayth was walking to the cafeteria when the sound of a huge bang came from nearby. The sound of girls screaming came right after.

She ran over to the commotion and pushed through the others, until she was close enough to see what was going on.

It was Charles and Lexis. Lexis had shoved Charles so hard against the trophy case that the broken glass was scattered all over the floor, cutting both Charles and Lexis as they resumed to fight.

Charles shoved Lexis, and landed a punch across his face. They were both so angry it scared anyone to get near them in case of getting pulled in to the middle of it too.

So much glass...

Fayth shook her head and closed her eyes. Why are they fighting?

Lexis was on his feet again, throwing punches at Charles' head, Charles pushed Lexis again, shoving him on the ground against the broken glass. Lexis turned and brought Charles under him, socking him with a punch across the face. Both of them were bleeding, both of them had torn buttons and battered clothes.

"I will murder you." Charles screamed, trying to pull Lexis off of him.

Security jumped in. About seven of them, but two more had to join before they were able to pull the two away from each other. Fayth stood there shocked at how hurt they both were.

She sat on the cold tiled floor outside the headmistress's office, waiting for Charles to get out. However, Lexis did first, his face had dried blood all over it, and he held his ripped up school uniform jacket in his hand.

He glanced at Fayth and paused in mid-step. Fayth stared back at him, questioning his halt. He began to walk again, this time towards her. A step after the other, his eyes not leaving hers. Her eyes opening wider by every movement he took bringing him closer to her. She felt her body become tense, a ribbon of fear wrapping her entirely, nearly suffocating her as she suddenly forgot to breathe. What did he want? His eyes were glazed. Dead. Terrifying. His jaw twitched every now and then, and even though his expression was somewhat blank, his anger was visible to the naked eye. And Fayth nearly choked as he stopped right in front of her.

He knelt down where she sat, his face less than a foot away from hers. And for a long moment, nothing was said. Both sat there, staring at each other. Unspoken emotions passing in-between their eyes. Fayth was terrified. Her eyes showed that fear. Her fingers trembled as she continuously failed to clench them in a fist, disabling them from spreading the shaking to the rest of her body. She wished there was more room behind her to slide back. To move away from his vital stare. It was enwrapping her, trapping her into cold silence.

His hand, which had been resting on his knee, moved forward. For a second, she was lost between fear and confusion. What the hell is happening? She stared at the hand. You'd think it was a poisonous snake slithering its way towards her. Fayth moved her face away from it, making the back of her head stamp against the wall and become immobile. It was hard for her to breathe. Hard for her to swallow to wet her dry throat. She pushed against the floor with her hand, wishing to move away from his fingertips. She hadn't realized that she was no longer looking at him until he had his fingers under her chin, electrifying her skin. Her heart hammered against her rib cage, wanting to break free and run away. She can feel her pulse in her ears while all other sounds became muffled with her hazy consciousness.

He lifted her face up, making her look at him. She dropped her gaze, making his lips the farthest thing she can look at away from his eyes. He knelt in. Closer. Closer. Closer. Until his lips stopped near her ear.

"How is it that my life is no longer mine?"

It was those words. And only those words that he said before he stood up and walked away. Fayth sat there drained, her exhale coming out in heaps as she finally breathed again. She stared after Lexis. Her brain cursing him for what he'd done. How is it that he puts her under that much fear. That he can do whatever he pleases around her leaving the only one affected?

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