MOVIE >scene114> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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"Don't let me down!" Jessie clapped his hands and hooted for Fayth as she ran to the runners starters line. Not only was she burning with excitement, she was also willing to win just to prove Jessie right.

To make him proud.

Vivian called Charles' phone as soon as the race started.

"Where are you?" She asked him.

"I'm at my father's company. I'll be there directing for about a week. Why?"

"Did you know that our friend here fell in love?"

Long silence.

"How did you know?"

"Are you kidding? You can see it from a mile away. Everyone probably sees it too. What's his name, Jessie?"

"Vivian. Just leave her alone."

"She's in love Charles, Fayth Armstrong is in love. Am I the only one who's shocked by this?"

"I was too, but you get used to it."

"How do you get used to something like that?" Vivian insisted. "I never thought a day like this would come. She's in love."

"Yes. I heard you the first infinite times that you said it."

"Charles!" Vivian exclaimed.

"Why are you angry about it? It doesn't have anything to do with you–wait are you crying?"

Vivian wiped her tears off. "No. What? Are you an idiot now?" Feeling suffocated, she walked over to her Lambo and went inside.

"You're outside the Academy?" Charles questioned, noticing the car noise.

"It's the weekend. I'm allowed." She argued, turning her car on. "Plus, they're having this race that your friend is competing in."

"Suddenly, she's only my friend now?"

"Screw you." She hung up her phone and raced out of the parking lot.

Behind her, the alarm for the competition was blaring, initiating the start of the race. The contestants had begun their jogging, and the cheers from the benches could be heard from a mile away.

Fayth knew who was going to be her rival and who was going to end up losing. Those who sprang off like bullets had no chance of winning and those who started out a run in a composed pace were up against her.

They entered the trail in the woods an hour after they left the start, and that's when the real competition was set in motion. Fayth began increasing her pace slowly, and ended up exceeding eight of the competitors that had a head start. Almost a mile into the race, and things were already looking up.

I'm going to make him proud.

When the mile mark was passed, one boy who looked a lot like Connor with his fit posture was left behind her. He was very athletic and bulky, and was gaining on Fayth slowly. She knew she hadn't given it her best yet, but he was still a mere threat.

Less than a half of a mile was left and her and the Connor look-alike were getting ready to go for the sprint. He had been right behind her that moment, but she knew well from the heavy breathing he was doing the sprint would be to her advantage.

Fayth was glad for the shade of the trees that caved above their heads from the high sun. Though it was a bit chilly out, the sun was still hot and could have very well faltered her running speed. She was truly thankful for the shade, it's not like she wasn't. However, the trees played another part. A very nasty, deceiving part. 

A concealer from any eyes around them.

As soon as it was permissible to start the sprint, the guy in second place pushed Fayth and dashed past her as she stumbled, tried to catch her footing, but lost as she tripped on the edge of a rock sticking out of the ground.

Her ankle twisted almost all the way to the side, and an obnoxious amount of pain shot from the bottom of her right leg.


She tried to stand up, and limped as she pushed herself to run again, but as she looked up at the devious guy, she realized that at this point she's as good as a loser in this game.


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