Eclipse - A 2Moons FF

By PinkMilkBoy

542K 21.4K 4.1K

Wayo is a boy who has been helplessly in love with his high school senior Phana, however after he got rejecte... More

Chapter 1. Wait for me, i am on my way...
Chapter 2. Lost in Thoughts
Chapter 3. The Changes i had to make.
Chapter 4. Reunion
Chapter 5. Face to face with our feelings
Chapter 6. Exposing a Friend
Chapter 7. Confessions
Chapter 8. Date Night
Chapter 9. I fell for him
Chapter 10. A Deceiving Girlfriend & A Flirty Boyfriend
Chapter 11. I'm Sorry!
Chapter 12. "Let's Break Up"
Chapter 13. Two-Timer
Chapter 14. "Still here."
Chapter 15. We're not official yet
Chapter 16. So Comfortable
Chapter 17. I Might kill my friend
Chapter 18. As Sweet as Your Name
Chapter 19. A New Chapter
Chapter 20. The One I Love
Chapter 21. Finally Yours, Finally Mine.
Chapter 22. Competition Talk
Chapter 23. Miss you, Love you, Thank you
Chapter 24. A Painful Interruption
Chapter 25. Scratched but not Broken
Chapter 26. A Place to call Home
Chapter 27. A Dark Past, A Brighter Future
Chapter 28. Kit's Sweetness
Chapter 29. Ming's Violence
Chapter 30. Beam's Kindness
Chapter 31. Forth's Immaturity
Chapter 32. Park's Motive
Chapter 33. Yo's Empathy
Chapter 34. Phana's Lust
Chapter 35. My First
Chapter 36. Shortlasting Peace
Chapter 37. Senior Idiocracy
Chapter 38. Love brings Insecurity
Chapter 39. Will I Reach You?
Chapter 40. Mistakes & Trust
Chapter 41. Night of Love
Chapter 42. We Meet Again
Chapter 43. A Grand Entrance
Chapter 44. I Reached You
Chapter 45. A Suprising Finale
Chapter 46. 2 Moons, 2 Dads
Chapter 47. From the Bottom...
Chapter 48. ...To the Top
Chapter 49. Together as One
Chapter 50. Sun, Moon, Star
Chapter 51. The Morning After
Chapter 52. Family Similarity
Chapter 53. Family Friendly Morning
Chapter 54. Close Call
Chapter 55. Our Future
Chapter 56. Siblings Everywhere
Chapter 57. Little Boy in Need
Chapter 58. Chat with the Bottoms
Chapter 59. Sleepless Nights
Chapter 60. Another Brother
Chapter 61. Practice for our Future
Chapter 62. Working things out
Chapter 63. Here goes nothing!
Chapter 64. "You taste like KitKat."
Chapter 65. The Dom is out of the Bag
Chapter 66. Unlucky
Chapter 67. Coming back Home
Chapter 68. "She would be proud."
Chapter 70. My Dad
Chapter 71. "Pa."
Chapter 72. The Night(mare) before School
Chapter 73. The Angels are back
Chapter 74. "You are my Happiness."
Chapter 75. "He is my Happiness."
Chapter 76. Worry
Chapter 77. Getting over him
Chapter 78. Rumour has it
Chapter 79. Finding the Perpetrator
Chapter 80. Caught!
Chapter 81. Summer's Arrival
Chapter 82. The Wedding
Chapter 83. The Honeymoon
Chapter 84. The Gear
Chapter 85. The Eclipse
Special Chapter 1. Epilogue (2 Years Later)
Special Chapter 2. Epilogue (3 Years Later)
Special Chapter 3. Epilogue (10 Years Later)
Special Chapter 4: Reveal!

Chapter 69. The Video

4K 216 69
By PinkMilkBoy

Beam's POV

Me and Forth have been bickering for the entirety of the road home. He tries to coax me into having sex tonight but i just tell him to wait till tommorow after so he can get his cast remove and it won't be like having sex with a piece of wood. A piece of wood that has a smaller piece of wood, that he wants me to sit on.

Besides Forth trying to actually fuck me when i try to sleep and him ending up on the floor, i have found out something disturbing. Before we left tonight, i found my brother laughing as he looked at his phone, i sneaked up behind him and took a peek. There he was looking at a picture on his phone, a picture of a boy tied up to a chair, bloodied and bruised. Missing a few fingers and nails, as someone pulled the head up of the boy so you saw his tears coming down, i noticed it wasn'ta picture but a video. And my brother was enjoying it?

"Why are you laughing at that?" I asked him, he quickly turned to me and locked his phone instantly.

"L-laughing at what?" He coughed trying to cover up his last chuckle.

"What did that boy do? Why was he like that? Who did it to him? Why was it funny to you?" I asked him these questions and for some reason a bit frustrated.

"Lying won't help so i'll just tell you." He sighed and got up. "That boy that was being beat up was Nong Film, the boy that hit you and N'Forth. He got out of the police station and my men took him, torturing him for more information. So you could say i'm the one who did it to him."

"I get that you want more information, but what if he actually didn't have any? Then you just harmed that boy for nothing."

"Who said i didn't get any?"

"Wait? Did you?"

"Yep, after they chopped off his 2nd finger he confessed that the person who hired him was some pretty girl that used to study at your faculty last year. My methods are a bit frightening but it gets the job done."

"Oh okay. Uhmm. I still don't know who could've hired him though. There are a lot of pretty girls at my faculty, especially last year. But with Medicine being a difficult and expensive study, a lot of students quit in either their 1st or 2nd year. Maybe the girl doesn't even go to my school anymore."

"That's what the torture is for little Bee. Even in the video i could see the fear in his eyes, Not only the fear of pain and torture, but the pain from lying and knowing the consequences. We know he is holding more. We're trying to get a description of her look from him."

"I'm a bit disturbed and also scared for the boy, i get that he hit me but prison should just be enough. Not being brought to the verge of death."

"Oh we don't bring him to the verge of death, we bring him to the point of pure despair. Death is just a release when your body can't handle it anymore. But what's even worse is the state of your mind. And i guess that's the part that i like. Seeing him pray for the release of death, even so close to pure despair that if given the option he would kill himself in any way we give him." My brother might be a sadist, need to introduce him to Phana again. Actualy for the safety of both Simon and Yo, i won't.

"P'. That's kind of messed up."

"It is, but what can i say? I'm a very overprotective brother."

"I'll pray for Forth that this will never happen to him."

"Don't worry, it will only turn out this way if he breaks up with you or leaves you at the altar. And i'll get your permission before i do anything rash. So no worries little brother." He said ruffling my hair.

I'm brought out of my flashback by my phone ringing.

"Kit? Why are you calling now?"

"Stop complaining and come up to my room, now!"

"What if we aren't at the dorm yet?" I said as in a what if situation.

"I know you are because i'm looking out the window you idiot." I put my head out of the window and look up at Kit's balcony and surely, he is there. Flipping me off. I groan and get out of the car, putting the bags over my shoulder before going around and helping Forth up and walking. I quickly drop the bags in our room and walk up to Kit's room. On our way, meeting Suthee and Park and giving them a quick "Hey, We will talk later. Need to go." As we continued up the stairs.

Once at Kit's room everyone was there, our Yo was a bit more silent than usual. When me and Forth greeted him, he just gave a weak smile and nodded. We sat down and Forth and I began to ask.

"What happened? Why is this like a meeting, " "Can't this wait till tommorow? " "Why does N'Yo Look so sad?" " Ai'Pha what did you do?!"

"I Didn't do anything, Ai'Forth!"

"Actually P'. I asked P'Kit to call you. P'Ben gave me this USB and he says there is a video on it to watch. I want to watch it together with you guys so i don't have to explain anything." Yo said defeated.

"But why are you so sad? Did something happen at Pha's place?"

"Uhm Actually we went to Yo's place, his dad wanted to take him away to America and it ended up with Yo going against his dad and getting kicked out of the house."

"Your dad kicked you out?!" I yelled out in disbelieve. Kit told us Yo's dad is almost never home. So why would he kick him out just because he doesn't want to go with him? I mean he never asked him to go with him before, right?

"Who is P'Ben?"

"Servant." Ming answered Forth's at this moment useless question.

"Huh, Rich kid." Forth huffed teasingly, i flicked his forehead in response. This wasn't the moment to try and be Funn, Ai'Forth. Learn how to read a situation.

"Then, now that we're here should we watch it? Forth has been giving me a headache and i just want to sleep right now."

"Hello? I'm sitting next to you."

"And i stopped caring." Pha was laughing at Forth as Ming and Kit tried to cover their smiles, Yo just had the slightest curve up his lips, also trying hard not to laugh but he continued to get the laptop, plugging it to Kit's TV and putting in a USB-stick.


Wayo's POV

I opened the USB disk on my laptop and saw the video and file, just as P'Ben instructed i started with the video. Suddenly feeling nervous, i glance over at P'Pha is sitting next to me on the bed. He looks back at me and takes my hand tightly. I look at our now intertwined hands before looking right into P'Pha's eyes. He smiled gently at me and mouthed the words "You can do it.", placing a kiss on the top of my hand. I clicked on the video and it started playing. And what i saw was...everyone. Everyone who works...well worked at the house. P'Ben, the cooks, the maids, the chauffeurs, even 2 bodyguards that my dad hired for me. Everyone just sat and stood there in front of a camera, bickering about who was going to start the intro. One of the ladies that was my tutor started.

"Uhm..Hi N'Yo. So we've all just gotten fired, over the phone, by your dad."

"Except for Ben of course, Asssucker..." One of the maids joked.

"Shut it Sally." My tutor said, slapping the back of the younger's head. "Anyways, yeah. We got fired but we're happy, we've been happy. With you Yo." My driver spoke.

"We've all been taking care of you for years, teaching you things, protecting for you, having fun and loving you, Yo." By now i noticed they all spoke in a random order after someone said a sentence.

"We never thought of taking care of you as a job, we took care of you because we wanted to."

"And we all know about your boyfriend, N'Ming still updates us every so often." P'Ben said with a slight chuckle which made everyone look and me glare at Ming. he just smiled sheepishly and told us to continue watching. I'm going to slap him.

"It was just like yesterday you walked your first steps and almost fell down the stairs. And now our baby is already having a solid relationship. They grow up so fast!" The oldest cook cried out, she always was really dramatic but never failed to cheer me up.

"We want you to know Yo. We looked out for you and you always returned it with your kindness."

"The Late Lady would be satisfied if she saw you nowadays. You make her proud, boy."

"Told you." P'Pha whispered to me.

"You make us all proud Yo. Even if you sometimes made things hard for us, you never dissapointed us."

"Yeah and don't think just because we got fired, you get rid of us. You're like my little brother, and now that i don't need to do maid stuff. I can finally treat you like i've been wanting to. Teasing you and sneaking into your house to steal your food."

"Sally, breaking in is not something you can do to our little brother." One of the bodyguards sighed but smiled anyways.

"Shut it Kevin!"

"Make me!" He teased her, i think they're dating?

"Girls, we aren't going to fight in our video to Yo. Now shut it Sally."

"I'm in no way or another a girl."

"No, but if you don't shut up, i'll let the one thing that shows people you are a man dissappear."

"I'll be good." I was silently laughing, everyone in the room still happily focused on the video.

"Now Yo, we all got you a present, Next time you come to the house, Ben will give it to you. It's from every single one of us. It's only somthing to keep you good whilst we are 'on vacation' you could say."

"We will see you again soon Young Master, And tell that boyfriend of yours that he better take good care of you before we all come and give him a pummeling, Don't think we forgot what you did to Wayo in high school Phana~." P'Pha looked shocked, of course they all knew. I was stuck in my room with just Ming for 2 weeks, feeling depressed and rejected.

"He takes good care of me, don't worry." I said to the video, even if the words didn't reach them.

"Young Master don't forget to invite us to your wedding. I want to walk you down the altar."

"Isn't his father supposed to do that?"

"I've walked next to Yo more than that old man ever will. I deserve it!" The bodyguard next to Kevin said and pouted. The remark about my dad being around me actualy not making me feel bad, just giggling at Mark's childish behaviour. For a bodyguard who looks like a giant, always wearing a suit, standing straight and glaring at everyone who came close to me when i was younger and shopping on my own, he is one of the most childlike and kindest people out there.

"Alright big man, if you say so."

"We will see you again Yo, remember. This isn't a Farewell Goodbye, it's only a See you later." One male maid said. (yes we had male servants who were doing maids jobs...Only 2 but still.) And everyone nodded or hummed in agreement.

"Ready everyone?" P'Ben turned to the others and asked them.

"Nong Yo, We love you!" All of them shouted simultaniously and started clapping and cheering. All i could do was laugh softly. In complete bliss over the love i have gotten from them over the years.

"Yo, we're all your family. We will never leave you behind. Your father might not've been always around and i apologize for it, but i want you to know you still have us. I love you son."

And just like that the video ended, or so it seemed...

"Is it on?" The woman on the screen asked. The video seemed older compared to the last video, the camera quality was definitely something from 10-15 years ago.

"Yes it is, stupid." Someone said from behind the camera. The voice was familliar and i instently knew who it was.

"Ben, i will throw you on the floor!" I got a better look at the woman as the camera focused.

"Mom." I breathed and started crying tears of joy and i put my hands over my mouth. The others looked at me briefly before turning back to the TV displaying the video.

"Try me!" Ben challenged h er and she pouted, making P'Ben laugh.

"Calm down, Jen. You should start talking to the camera instead of me."

"So i can start now?"


"Okay so, Wayo. Hi! It's Ben this is strange he is literally sleeping in the next room. Talking to a camera instead of the real him feels stupid."

"I know, technology is strange and i don't like it either but it's the best for now."

"Right! So, Hi Wayo, son. I'm making this video right now because i'm sick and probably don't have that much more time. I know this will make you sad, and i'll be sad too. Because i won't be able to hold you and craddle you anymore. But i will always be thinking about you." She took a tissue and started letting tears out. Subconsiously, my own tears have begun to fall as well. Not caring to wipe them off my face.

"I want to make this video for you as a birthday gift, i hope you will still remember Momma's face, i don't want you to remind me as a pale body attached to a hospital bed. That's why i am filming this now as i am still looking somewhat normal and presentable." She was right, i barely remembered her looking healthy. Every time i tried i just saw her pale body on her deathbed. It wasn't until today that i have been able to remember and see how beautiful my mother used to be.

"You look beautiful Jen."

"Ben stop flattering me, i might actually believed you. But i don't."

"Damnit. I mean it took you a thousand times before you realised i was joking."

"I hate you so much Ben."

"Love you too."

"Ugh, this guy is driving me crazy." She muttered, making me giggle. "Anyways Son, i want you to live your life happily, i want you to be healthy, find someone to love you and you can love them back, romantically. And sexually." Ew mom.

"Jen, maybe you shouldn't give your son the sex talk."

"He's 20 when he sees this, he must know about sex by then."

"Also Wayo, if you lose your virginity to a boy, know that it was obvious you're gay. Even as a baby i had my suspicion about your sexuality. But i'll be happy with a son- or daugther-in-law as long as you are happy with them. Do well in school, Don't eat too much candy, or drink too much pink milk. I know you love it, you got your sweet tooth from mama but don't get obese or a witch might eat you."

"Are you that witch?"

"Ben i swear to god, i will kill you." Ben walked up in front of the camera and sat next to Mom on the couch and waved. He looked young, he looked handsome and actually cute? The P'Ben in the video from before was graying and still had manly charms but he didn't look all that cute, except for when he ended the video. His smile was adorable, it was the smile i saw when i ran to P'Ben every day after i got home from elementary and pre-school.

"Now, Wayo. We will need to be a bit more serious now." She said and held P'Bens hand.

"This right here is Ben. You've already known him for a little while. He is Papa's servant. But he is also my best friend." Ben nodded and took over.

"Hi Wayo, so i'll tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Chiang Mai, just like your mother. My parents and your grandparents were good friends, so we've known each other since birth really. We have been inseperable. Even as adults, 35 years later, we are still best friends. I moved out of Thailand for a while and we lost a bit of contact. When i came back, i immediately contacted her again and we met finally after 3-4 years of missing each other. It was really fun to have her around me again, and maybe we had a bit too much fun..." He said and was scratching the back of his neck, looking away from Mom as he finished the last sentence.

"Wayo, Son. We never had feelings for each other, other than best friends but with a bit too much alcohol and 2 light drinkers, you get..." I don't understand what they are talking about by now. My mom and P'Ben are definetily a weird duo.

"YOU!" I felt a pain in my head. My mom never wanted me?



"You make it sound like he is an accident!"

"I mean...We got drunk on accident. We kissed...on accident. We had sex...on accident."

"Yeah but i don't accidentally give birth!"

"No i know, i was there. Why wouldn't i want to see the birth of my own baby boy. He might be 'unplanned' or 'unexpected' but i still want to see and love my own son."




So. How do you guys like this chapter :P. Did you see that one coming? Tell me what you think. In the next chapter there will be more information about how, what and why. So i won't keep you in the dark, but ask your questions, maybe it won't be mentioned next chapter so i can answer it for you if it doesn't. :3 Thank you guys for your support still, Wattpad has finally been doing normal again so i didn't have trouble writing, but i've been really really lazy...and i was busy working on the new book.

I promised i would reveal more about the book in this chapter so here it is:

(The Cover is shit and i know, no need to tell me.)

But yeah, the title is The Gangleader and His Moon.

It will be a story about the 6 moons, with a bit more focus on PhaYo. (Just like this book). The book will be set as 'Mature'. Since it will include: Sexual content, BDSM & Kinks, Strong language, Bullying, Violence, Drugs/Alcohol, Abuse, Rape, Death/Murder/Suicide, Selfharming. (Not everything will be constantly brought up, but it will be mentioned on some occasions throughout book.)

Basically, my new book will be a bit...heavier. I hope everyone will give it a chance, but it's understandable if it isn't according to your taste :P. But i'll tell you, it will have a happy end.

I will release the Book (With the first 3 chapters) most likely simultaniously with Chapter 70 (of Eclipse), i might do it before, i might do it after. Who knows? Be sure to follow me to get the notification though.

Thank you for your time and support, You guys have encouraged me to write more and improve myself. Much Love and Appreciation <3 - Ryan

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