Eclipse - A 2Moons FF

By PinkMilkBoy

542K 21.4K 4.1K

Wayo is a boy who has been helplessly in love with his high school senior Phana, however after he got rejecte... More

Chapter 1. Wait for me, i am on my way...
Chapter 2. Lost in Thoughts
Chapter 3. The Changes i had to make.
Chapter 4. Reunion
Chapter 5. Face to face with our feelings
Chapter 6. Exposing a Friend
Chapter 7. Confessions
Chapter 8. Date Night
Chapter 9. I fell for him
Chapter 10. A Deceiving Girlfriend & A Flirty Boyfriend
Chapter 11. I'm Sorry!
Chapter 12. "Let's Break Up"
Chapter 13. Two-Timer
Chapter 14. "Still here."
Chapter 15. We're not official yet
Chapter 16. So Comfortable
Chapter 17. I Might kill my friend
Chapter 18. As Sweet as Your Name
Chapter 19. A New Chapter
Chapter 20. The One I Love
Chapter 21. Finally Yours, Finally Mine.
Chapter 22. Competition Talk
Chapter 23. Miss you, Love you, Thank you
Chapter 24. A Painful Interruption
Chapter 25. Scratched but not Broken
Chapter 26. A Place to call Home
Chapter 27. A Dark Past, A Brighter Future
Chapter 28. Kit's Sweetness
Chapter 29. Ming's Violence
Chapter 30. Beam's Kindness
Chapter 31. Forth's Immaturity
Chapter 32. Park's Motive
Chapter 33. Yo's Empathy
Chapter 34. Phana's Lust
Chapter 35. My First
Chapter 36. Shortlasting Peace
Chapter 37. Senior Idiocracy
Chapter 38. Love brings Insecurity
Chapter 39. Will I Reach You?
Chapter 40. Mistakes & Trust
Chapter 41. Night of Love
Chapter 42. We Meet Again
Chapter 43. A Grand Entrance
Chapter 44. I Reached You
Chapter 45. A Suprising Finale
Chapter 46. 2 Moons, 2 Dads
Chapter 47. From the Bottom...
Chapter 48. ...To the Top
Chapter 49. Together as One
Chapter 50. Sun, Moon, Star
Chapter 51. The Morning After
Chapter 52. Family Similarity
Chapter 53. Family Friendly Morning
Chapter 54. Close Call
Chapter 55. Our Future
Chapter 56. Siblings Everywhere
Chapter 57. Little Boy in Need
Chapter 58. Chat with the Bottoms
Chapter 59. Sleepless Nights
Chapter 60. Another Brother
Chapter 61. Practice for our Future
Chapter 62. Working things out
Chapter 63. Here goes nothing!
Chapter 64. "You taste like KitKat."
Chapter 65. The Dom is out of the Bag
Chapter 66. Unlucky
Chapter 68. "She would be proud."
Chapter 69. The Video
Chapter 70. My Dad
Chapter 71. "Pa."
Chapter 72. The Night(mare) before School
Chapter 73. The Angels are back
Chapter 74. "You are my Happiness."
Chapter 75. "He is my Happiness."
Chapter 76. Worry
Chapter 77. Getting over him
Chapter 78. Rumour has it
Chapter 79. Finding the Perpetrator
Chapter 80. Caught!
Chapter 81. Summer's Arrival
Chapter 82. The Wedding
Chapter 83. The Honeymoon
Chapter 84. The Gear
Chapter 85. The Eclipse
Special Chapter 1. Epilogue (2 Years Later)
Special Chapter 2. Epilogue (3 Years Later)
Special Chapter 3. Epilogue (10 Years Later)
Special Chapter 4: Reveal!

Chapter 67. Coming back Home

4.6K 206 25
By PinkMilkBoy

Wayo's POV

The gentle rays of the sun entering the room through the curtains wake me up from my night's rest. If you can call it that, i'm just happy i got to sleep at least for a few hours. I tried to turn around and suddenly the pain in my lower back became noticable. I think we might've overdone it last night. He didn't lie when he told me he was holding back. He explained me that when i felt almost high on sex it's something called subspace. It's possible to feel that good because the border between pain and pleasure breaks and you're able to focus only on that feeling and the person you're with. It feels somewhat comforting for me. I trust P'Pha and this is a way for P'Pha to know that i do. He never really says it or shows it under that gangster demeanor of his but i already knew that he was quite insecure. He felt the same way as me, insecure if you're good enough, if they love you back just as much as you do, thinking they might leave you for someone else or better. I just hope he knows now. I don't want to lose P'Pha.

When i am able to fully turn to face that handsome person sleeping in front of me, i just smile at how lucky i am to have someone so perfect in my life. I have a person that cares for me, that loves me unconditionally and will remind me everyday, a person that's loyal and would do anything for me. Someone that puts up with my annoying child like behaviour. It also helps that he is handsome but i'm not about to mentally stroke his ego about his looks again. I chuckle softly to myself. 


I move around the strands of hair covering his eyes, but then i notice his mouth slightly curling up.

"If you're going to take advantage of my body, then do it already." I move away quickly but am held back by his arms circling my waist, his hands went lower and had a firm grip on my buttcheeks. Now i noticed that i was only wearing an oversized t-shirt and no underwear. He blinked his eyes a few times and smiled at me. A warm and innocent smile.

"G'morning Baby." 

"Full of yourself?"

"Yep." He said and showed me those white teeth in a beaming grin. Waking up with P'Pha always felt like a dream to me, no matter how many days it has been. Every day still feels surreal to me when i see him next to me on these peaceful mornings.

"Also can you tell me why i have no underwear on?"

"Because i like touching you." His hand tries to move from my back to my front but i just slap it away.


"You know you like it."

"Daddy give me some underwear now." 

"Sure, but Yo can i ask you something please?"

"Sure what is it?"

"I know this sounds weird, especially after yesterday but would you be okay with only calling me Daddy when we know."

"When we are you know what?"

"Having sex, Yo." He chuckles. "So innocent."

"Didn't you like being called Daddy though?"

"I love it when you call me that, but i only asked it because i was insecure." Is he actually telling me this now? When he literally made me crawl on the floor last night and didn't give me underwear to sleep in. I mean i knew already but still. P'Pha never had been good at timing.

"Insecure about?"

"About you realising you could do so much better and leaving me. I'm an ass. My personality is shit. I've hurt you mentally in the past and am scared to actually hurt you physically if i get too much into this kinky stuff."

"To be honest i don't mind the kinky stuff." I told him with a thinking expression.

"I know baby, but that's why i want to keep it in the bedroom. I just want it to add some spice to our lives, but i don't want it to take over our lives."

"I'm not going to leave you, i told you this. You'll always be my P'Pha."

"And you'll always be my Nong Yo" He pulled me in closer. Leaving a small kiss on my nose and putting his forehead against mine.

"Not so full of yourself anymore, hm?" I tease and give him a smirk.

He chortles and puts one of his hands on my cheek. "Loving you makes me humble."

"N'Yo, i really need you in my life, i might act all big and mighty but without you i'm nothing. Please promise you'll never leave me."

"P'Pha, i need you just as much as you need me. I trust you like you trust me. I want you to lean on me just as much as i lean on you. I Promise to never leave you, only if you promise as well."

"I Promise baby." He holds out his pinky and i lock mine with his and shaking on it, a pinky promise seems so childish but i can't help but to smile and laugh.

"Now can i get some underwear?"

"You sure u don't want to play?" He smirs and puts his knee against my groin.


"Just kidding, i'll get some for you hold on." He wriggles away from me and stands up to stretch, before he walks away i poke his butt and move back under the covers before he notices. But i just giggle. Hearing me, he pulls the covers just under my nose and stands up again with his side faceing me.

"If you want me to wear this again, you just have to ask babe. This ass is all yours." He pulls back the straps and releases it, making a slapping sound against his bare butt. I blush at his awaiting gaze at me and pull the covers back over my head. I can hear him laugh as he walks away.

Getting ready was quite a hassle, P'Pha refused to get dressed and would just walk around in the jockstrap, hiding my arousal was a bit of a task but my butt was too uncomfortable to play again in the morning. Eventually he had to get dressed though and pack our stuff and it was finally time to say goodbye to Pa and Dad and go back to our home on campus.

"Do you have everything. Call us if you need anything. Send me a message when you arrive safely. I'm going to miss you guys so much. Yo please come visit us again."

"Gump calm down, He isn't leaving forever besides you have work."

"I know, i just don't want to have to worry about them too much later, so i am using all my worry now."

"Pa. Don't worry. P'Pha takes good care of me and i will keep up with you frequently. Thank you for everything." I say with a smile and Gump brings me in for a hug and then hugs Pha as Sunz comes to stand in front of me.

"Come here whenever you want to son. Our home is your home." 

"Will do. Thank you Dad." I say and he picks me up for a hug.

"And if that asshole gives you any trouble, tell me. I'll kick his ass for you."

"That asshole is your son and is standing right here!" Pha teased his dad with a smirk. His dad smiled at him and gave him a manhug.

"Do well in school son. Stay healthy. We love you."

"Love you too old man. Pa, we're leaving now!" Pha says as he opens the door and pull the luggage with him.

"Bye Pha, Bye Yo! Love you both!" They wave at us and we wave back as we loaded our stuff in the car.

And just like that. We're off.

I let out a happy sigh and look out the window as we drive away. "I'm gonna miss your parents."

"They're your parents as well, you know that right." He says and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"It's nice to have a real family again, even if they are a bit strange. I wouldn't want it any different."

"Me too." He says and places a quick kiss on the top of my hand. Making me giggle. I almost fall asleep in my seat when my phone starts to ring. I look at the name in confusion and pick up. It's a call from home...





"What...?" I shout, starttling P'Pha and making him look at me in concern.


"Okay, i'll come right away. Thank you." I say and hung up the phone.

"Yo, who was that?"

"P'Pha, i need you to bring me home."

"Home? Like your house? Why?"

"It's my dad..."


Kit's POV

I woke up and all i think of was panicking. I didn't even know why or what it was, all i knew was that i was forgetting something important and that worried me to no bounds. 

"MING! MING!" I shook him violently, trying to get him awake.

"EARTHQUAKE! P'KIT GET THE LUBE! I'LL GRAB TH-Wait there is no earthquake."

"No you idiot it's me. Did we forget something important. Because i'm stressing out here."

"I mean we had sex so what we forgot might not've been that important."

"Is sex the only thing you think of?" I asked him annoyed.

"No, i also think about you." I felt myself calm down and how i wanted to hate him for beeing so cheesy at such a moment i just couldn't. It was just a little thing but it was enough to calm me down and give my cheeks a light pink hue.

"You okay now KitKat?" I nod and show him a smile that makes him poke my dimples. I giggle as he does so and he joins in with me.

"Now tell me, what did you forget?"

"Don't know, i just woke up and started freaking out. All my mind was thinking of was that i forgot something, but i can't remember that 'something'." He takes my hands in his and sits with his legs crosses, i do the same and try to think.

"Let's retrace yesterday backwards. We went to bed, we had sex, we tucked in Ea-." My eyes widen in realisation and a scream leaves my mouth.

"EARTH!" I jump up and out of the room into Earth's room, ignoring the pain in the small of my back. But when i arrive, he isn't there.

"P'Kit, calm down please. It's already Noon. He's probably downstairs."

"Noon?! How long did we sleep?"

"About 6 hours i would say? It was pretty late last night. You were really sexy KitKat." Ming held onto my hips but i slapped his hands away.

"Shhh. Not the time Ai'Ming." 

"P'Kit. Let's just get ready and go downstairs. We're leaving today remember?"

"Ah i forgot. Right. Let's get ready quickly, i need to check on Earth." I quickly went back to our room and hopped into the shower, Ming joined me and i didn't mind. He was very touchy like always but didn't go any further than just touching or washing me. I picked a proper outfit for the day and put the rest of my stuff back in my bag. I rushed downstairs and left Ming to bring down the bags. When i entered the livingroom, Pa was reading a newspaper and Mae sat down with Earth on the couch. The second i entered they turned towards me with a smile.

"P'Kit!" Earth stood up and ran towards me with his arms open.

"N'Earth!" I crouched down and he jumped into my arms.

"P'Kit, Earth did it! I slept and didn't have a bad dream, only good deam like P'Kit said."

"I'm so proud of you buddy, i told you that you could do it." I said and gave Earth a kiss on his cheek. He hugged my neck and continued talking.

"Mama told me that if i continue to do this good, i can visit P'Kit and P'Ming sometimes."

"Mama?" Did he talk to his mom in prison?

"Kit, son. I really need to thank you for everything. In just 4 days, you have done more for us than anyone else could. This morning he ran up to me, told me and Nat everything about his dream and called us Mama and Papa. He has always called us Mae and Pa or Aunt Anne and Uncle Nat."

"Why did you start calling P'Anne and P'Nat, Papa and Mama?" I asked Earth as i put him down on his feet.

"In my dream i saw Mae and Pa taking care of Earth. Mae and Pa are Earth's parents. They're my Mama and Papa now."

"Were me and P'Ming in your dream?" He nodded and smiled.

"P'Kit was together with P'Ming and were playing games with me and there was a little boy that played with us, who became Earth's friend."

"Little boy? Where did he come from?"

"From P'Kit. P'Kit and P'Ming were his Mama and Papa." My mouth gapped. Does he know that i want a boy? I don't think i ever told him. And does he know i can't conceive children seeing as i am a man and Ming is a man as well.

"Y-yeah. When P'Kit and P'Ming get older we will have a new friend for Earth to play with. But I am still your best friend okay?"

"Yes P'Kit! Always Earth's best friend." 

"Now do you think you can sleep alone? P'Kit needs to leave today and if N'Earth wants to visit P'Kit you need to sleep well."

"I will P'!"

"Good boy." I ruffle his hair and run over to Ming who is huffinf and puffing with all the bags next to the door.

"Sorry Ming, i was really worried about Earth."

"I wish you were this worried about me as well, but i'm okay. How's Earth?"

"Basically Cured."

"Really?! Huuyyy KitKat, i told you that you could do it. Who is the best? Hmm?" He hugged me thightly and shook me around.


"That's right You!" He gave me a big wet kiss on my cheek, i giggled and wiped off his saliva and then he gave me soft pecks on my lips.

"I think that Earth also really opened up to your parents, He now calls them Mama and Papa instead of just Mae and Pa. I think he finally sees Pa and Mae as his real parents."

"P'Kit, how can you be this amazing. Are you sure you aren't an angel?" Ming says and nuzzles his face in my neck.

"S-Stahp, i'm ticklish." I giggle and try to push his face away. I try to walk away to the living room but Ming backhugs me and doesn't let go so we're walking in sync to not fall over.

"So will he be okay sleeping alone."

"I really hope so. Earth is a strong boy. Now that he knows he can beat the nightmares i'm sure of it." I looked to the side and Ming's head was there just giving me a nod and a kiss on the cheek again.

"So when's the wedding?"

"Not yet Pa. I don't want to distract P'Kit from his studies to much. After we finish school, i'll ask P'Kit to be my husband." I smile at his idea. He was being conciderate like always. Knowing that i really want to finish school as quickly and unproblematicly as possible.

"My son grew up to be such a gentleman, i'm so proud of you Ming."

"A gentleman wouldn't have sex before marriage in his parents house, don't you think Anne?"

"As if you waited."

"No, but i don't call myself a gentleman either, i'm just a man. One that's good in bed as well might i add. Heyo!"

"Dad, you're disgusting. Earth is right in the kitchen."

"Please, Earth has walked in on us having sex multiple times."



"Ew..." Dad just laughs and Mae walks over to continuesly slap Pa. But he just sat there taking the hits laughing. I feel a tug on my arm, i look down to see Earth confused.

"P'Kit why are Mama and Papa fighting?"

"Earth they aren't fighting. Look. You see Papa is laughing and Mama is smiling. They're just playing around."

"So they aren't angry?"

"Do they look angry?" He shakes his head and smiles at me, i ruffle his hair and tell him to go sit down and eat as me and Ming soon join him. Our late breakfast was now in our stomachs and it was time for us to depart.

"N'Kit you're always welcome and again thank you for everything." Mae opens her arms and i walk into them hugging her back.

"Thank you Mae. I was glad i could do something. Call me if you ever need anything. And give my regards to P'Kim and El. Tell her i'll go home soon and will cook for everyone again."

"Okay. Come back soon and do your best in school. You too Ming." She said and points her finger at Ming.

"Yes, Yes, Mae i will. I'm a top student you should know this by now."

"I know, but i don't want you slacking just because you have this cutie with you." She pinched my cheeks and then let go to walk over to Ming.

"Just saying, if you get him to marry you now i'll pay for the whole wedding." Dad told me with a teasing smile. I just huffed and started chortling. 

"In time Pa. But thank you for being so kind to me."

"You're my son now, of course i want to be kind to you. Maybe me and Anne will visit your parents sometime to talk about setting up a weddingplan."

"You're not going to let it go, aren't you Pa?"

"Not until you're married, i'm not." He said and smiled sheepishly.

"I love you guys." 

"We love you too KitKat." He said and hugged me. I was slightly confused but i stopped thinking about it, he's family so a nickname here or there from them is just endearment. Even if Ming might've told him to call me that.

"Kit can you do 1 tiny thing for me?"


"Can you call me Daddy?"

"Daddy?" He nodded his head vigorously with a excited smile on his face. I just sigh and nod.


"Thank you!"

"But why though?"

"I haven't been called Daddy since Ming was a little boy. It's adorable when a little boy comes up to you and calls you Daddy." For him the word Daddy was still so pure and innocent but Beam and Pha have ruined my image of that word and i am pretty sure Ming would think the same. If i call someone Daddy even if it was his own dad, he would get jealous as hell or might grimace at the idea-Wait...little boy?!

"I'm not that little!" I say and pout, making Earth next to him chuckle.

"You're no shrimp, but you arent exactly a tree." I don't get it. That comparison doesn't make any sense? Shouldn't that mean that i'm just of average hight? That should mean i'm not a little boy?!

"Uhu?" He ruffles my hair and walked over to Ming and Mae.

"So, Earth. P'Kit will see you again soon okay?"

"Can't P'Kit stay longer?"

"Sorry buddy, I need to get ready for school and you start school on monday too." He nods sadly and holds out his arms for me to grab him and lift him up.

"Don't be sad, i'll come visit Earth when i have breaks and as Mama told you, if you're good, you can visit P'Kit and P'Ming at my school. I'll let you meet our friends and Earth will have even more friends. Sounds good?" 


"Promise." I say and he eventually showed me a smile back. I put him back on the ground and back off to go stand next to Ming, we say our last goodbyes and they wave us off as we drive off the property.

We sat in the car peacefully, soft music playing on the radio and the afternoon sun was bright and warm. 

"So did you like the family?"

"Mhm. But i didn't expect my sister to be there."

"I never knew she was your sister. Maybe next break i'll visit your house and meet your siblings."

"Will probably happen at some point, seeing as your dad keeps pushing us to get married."

"I want P'Kit to be my wife but right now i'm okay with P'Kit being my boyfriend."

"How do i go from being your BOYfriend to your wife, Ai'Idiot." I laugh and hit his arm.

"Do you want me to call you my girlfriend then?"

"Aish! Just drive stupid." I slap the back of his head and give him a quick kiss. 

The ride didn't take too long and soon we reached our dormroom. We put the bags somewhere in a corner and we plopped down on the bed.

"Hold on, i'm going to send Yo a text saying that we are back at the dorm." Ming said, unlocking his phone.

"Yeah same, i'll inform Beam. I think Beam should get back tonight as well." I grabbed my phone and sent Beam a quick text. As i sent the text and dropped my phone on the bed i turned to see Ming still looking at his phone with a somewhat aggrevated look.

"Something wrong?" I asked and he jumped up, grabbing his jacket, keys, wallet and putting on his shoes.

"Ming? What's going on." I pull his arm, his eyes hold anger that make me slightly uncomfortable but he softens his expression when he sees me nervous.

"There is a problem, i need to go."

"Go where?"

"Yo's house."



Hi! So i hope you guys liked this chapter, i was really excited to reveal this chapter. Earth is okay and well thanks to Kit and Yo's dad is finally being mentioned. Can you guess what is going to happen? Comment, vote, share. IDK what you like to do. :P Thank you guys also for 85K reads. I keep saying thank you every 5K or something, but i really appreciate every single one of you that reads my story.

Also i have begun writing my new story, the first chapter is almost finished. When the story is released, i'm releasing the first 3 chapters simultaniously. And since we are getting so close to release i will give you guys another bit of information :P. 


In this story. Forth and Yo are brothers & Pha and Forth hate eachother. Why? Who knows? :^) (I know why.)

As always Thank you for your support and taking the time to read my story, Much Love <3 - Ryan

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