Eclipse - A 2Moons FF

By PinkMilkBoy

542K 21.4K 4.1K

Wayo is a boy who has been helplessly in love with his high school senior Phana, however after he got rejecte... More

Chapter 1. Wait for me, i am on my way...
Chapter 2. Lost in Thoughts
Chapter 3. The Changes i had to make.
Chapter 4. Reunion
Chapter 5. Face to face with our feelings
Chapter 6. Exposing a Friend
Chapter 7. Confessions
Chapter 8. Date Night
Chapter 9. I fell for him
Chapter 10. A Deceiving Girlfriend & A Flirty Boyfriend
Chapter 11. I'm Sorry!
Chapter 12. "Let's Break Up"
Chapter 13. Two-Timer
Chapter 14. "Still here."
Chapter 15. We're not official yet
Chapter 16. So Comfortable
Chapter 17. I Might kill my friend
Chapter 18. As Sweet as Your Name
Chapter 19. A New Chapter
Chapter 20. The One I Love
Chapter 21. Finally Yours, Finally Mine.
Chapter 23. Miss you, Love you, Thank you
Chapter 24. A Painful Interruption
Chapter 25. Scratched but not Broken
Chapter 26. A Place to call Home
Chapter 27. A Dark Past, A Brighter Future
Chapter 28. Kit's Sweetness
Chapter 29. Ming's Violence
Chapter 30. Beam's Kindness
Chapter 31. Forth's Immaturity
Chapter 32. Park's Motive
Chapter 33. Yo's Empathy
Chapter 34. Phana's Lust
Chapter 35. My First
Chapter 36. Shortlasting Peace
Chapter 37. Senior Idiocracy
Chapter 38. Love brings Insecurity
Chapter 39. Will I Reach You?
Chapter 40. Mistakes & Trust
Chapter 41. Night of Love
Chapter 42. We Meet Again
Chapter 43. A Grand Entrance
Chapter 44. I Reached You
Chapter 45. A Suprising Finale
Chapter 46. 2 Moons, 2 Dads
Chapter 47. From the Bottom...
Chapter 48. ...To the Top
Chapter 49. Together as One
Chapter 50. Sun, Moon, Star
Chapter 51. The Morning After
Chapter 52. Family Similarity
Chapter 53. Family Friendly Morning
Chapter 54. Close Call
Chapter 55. Our Future
Chapter 56. Siblings Everywhere
Chapter 57. Little Boy in Need
Chapter 58. Chat with the Bottoms
Chapter 59. Sleepless Nights
Chapter 60. Another Brother
Chapter 61. Practice for our Future
Chapter 62. Working things out
Chapter 63. Here goes nothing!
Chapter 64. "You taste like KitKat."
Chapter 65. The Dom is out of the Bag
Chapter 66. Unlucky
Chapter 67. Coming back Home
Chapter 68. "She would be proud."
Chapter 69. The Video
Chapter 70. My Dad
Chapter 71. "Pa."
Chapter 72. The Night(mare) before School
Chapter 73. The Angels are back
Chapter 74. "You are my Happiness."
Chapter 75. "He is my Happiness."
Chapter 76. Worry
Chapter 77. Getting over him
Chapter 78. Rumour has it
Chapter 79. Finding the Perpetrator
Chapter 80. Caught!
Chapter 81. Summer's Arrival
Chapter 82. The Wedding
Chapter 83. The Honeymoon
Chapter 84. The Gear
Chapter 85. The Eclipse
Special Chapter 1. Epilogue (2 Years Later)
Special Chapter 2. Epilogue (3 Years Later)
Special Chapter 3. Epilogue (10 Years Later)
Special Chapter 4: Reveal!

Chapter 22. Competition Talk

7K 264 25
By PinkMilkBoy

Ming's POV

"Hmmmm. I want you to~" P'Kit kept on holding me in suspension and i couldn't  stand it anymore.

"P'Kit please tell me what i need to do for you, na, na?" I enveloped his hand with both of mine and begged him with puppy eyes.

"Ah i got it!" He sat straight and looked at me. 

"What is it P'?"

"I want you to become the campus moon."

"The Campus Moon?" What did the competition have anything to do with him? 

"Yeah, if you really want me to accept you, you need to put in some serious effort and become th university moon."

"But P'~ i want to be your boyfriend now." I complained like a child not getting what he wants. Besides i know i was chosen as the Moon of Engineering but was i good enough to become the Moon of the School? P' would probably not budge so i would just have to try and win the competition. But wait...The competition isn't going to be hold for another 3 months!

"P'! The competition isn't going to be here for another semester. Why are you doing this to meeee~"

"That sounds like your problem." He started laughing at my despairing look. I leaned back and looked at the sky. What am i going to do for so long...

Only a moment later i felt Kit leaning his head against my shoulder and also looking up.

"I know you care about me Ming, we might've looked at each other for quite a while but we've only interracted really for a few weeks, I just want you to do this so i know you won't be someone to hurt me."

I looked at Kit confused whilst he was looking dreamily at the clouds in the sky. I realised i fell in love with you when i noticed i was unconsiously spying on you, but when i was able to talk to you it confirmed that my feelings were right and loving you won't be something i'll regret. I won't hurt you, i won't let others hurt you. I look back at the sky and held Kit's hand again. Enjoying the scene and the serene moment.

"I will do anything for you Kitkat, just so i can enjoy things like this with you."

"But you aren't going to run away from me again before the competition starts right?"

"Maybe, if i feel like it." I sat up straight again and stared at P'Kit.

"P'!" my mouth left open slightly. P' stood up and was chuckling. He kissed me on my head and he kept pulling my hand signalling to stand up.

"I won't run away anymore, i am not scared anymore. Wherever you go a piece of me is always with you."

"P', what do you mean."

"Oh god, here i am trying to be romantic but you are such a..." Kit starts laughing again and his face actually got red from laughing so much, maybe engineers really are kinda stupid. What was i not getting, what did he mean with 'a piece of me is always with you'. Suddenly i got what he meant, i really am an idiot.

I stood up and kissed his pink lips softly but held on for a few seconds lingering in the moment.

"Wherever you go my heart is also always with you P'." He smiled at me.

"So you found out what i meant." The dimples started to break through, the little holes of cuteness on his sometimes less cute face.

"I love you P'."


"What? Okay? No i love you back." the pout on my face was back as i swung my arm around and my shoulders drooped.

"I won't say it again until you fulfil your duty."

"But...Can we atleast finish what we started in the room"

"MINGKWAN!" The small senior kept slapping my back and shoulders as i ran away from him into the lobby. The other students already started gathering i looked at my watch and noticed it was almost time to leave, i scanned the lobby and found our friend with our stuff sitting in a corner, i took Kit's hand and walked us through the crowd of students swarming to our friends.

"Are you two done being all happy and slimey." Pha said chortling and Yo gave him a slap against the back of the head. I guess the two of them saw us together.

"P'Pha, what did i tell you. Don't annoy them."

"ah, ah, ah. Okay don't be mad at P' na." Pha put his arms around Yo but Yo didn't move.

"Who is the slimey one again, i can't tell." Beam was now making fun of Pha standing behind P'Forth, i've noticed P'Beam really enjoys teasing his friends, did he do this also before. I never saw him tease them but maybe he did with just the 2 of 'em around.

"Shut up Ai'Beam! You've been holding onto Forth's waist this whole time."


"What did you two do, didn't you say you wanted him to put in effort?" Kit was now asking Beam. I remember them still being on chasing-terms earlier, are they already back together? Good job P'Forth!

"We just ate in our room then came down here thats all."  

"I ate and you came you mean." Forth said smirking at Beam, raising an eyebrow.

"Ai'Forth be quiet!" P'Beam slapped Forth against his face but then put his hand back around P'Forths waist."

"Er, Ming how about you ride with Pha, Yo and Kit. So you don't have to go alone in the bus. I am riding with Forth, Wai and Aim." P'Beam turned to me and suggested. 

"Okay, thank you P'!" this made me happy, now i could spent 4 hours next to KitKat instead of 4 lonely hours with 20 loud students.

"You two definately did something up there didn't you?" Kit was still suspicious of Beam and Forth and so was i but i was too happy thinking about spending 4 hours cuddling P'Kit out on the road.

"Ai'Kitty stop being nosy. Tsk." Beam scoffed and rested his chin on Forth's shoulder.

"Just saying Ming, you're driving." P'Pha said. I thought i could cuddle with P' but no i need to drive?

"Awh, P' why. Maybe P'Beam doesn't trust me with his car." trying to make up a reason for P'Pha to drive.

"Ming i don't trust either of you with my car when your 'bottoms' are with you, but i trust you more than Pha. Yo only needs to sneeze and Pha will forget about the road and drive into a tree." P'Beams way of making fun of his friends was really getting to me i was laughing out loud with his words.

"Hey Beam, you're overreacting." Pha scoffed and threw a mean look at Beam.

"P'Pha, that literally almost happened when you drove us to school yesterday" Yo held his hand on his face and used it to rub his temples with his thumb and middlefinger. Okay maybe it is better if i drive.

"Auw, Yo you should support your boyfriend not his annoying friend."

"Boyfriend? Yo, are you two official now?" I asked.

"Mhm" Pha and Yo both nodded in unison with open eyes. 

"Heyyyy, Congratulations my friend." I pulled Yo out of his seat and hugged him whilst spinning in circles.

"Ming, too tight, too tight."

"Oh sorry. i was just so happy for you. All these years of chasing and drama finally ended well." 

"Thank you Ming." Yo showed me a returning smile and i looked at the others where Beam, Kit and even P'Forth were congratulating Pha. I can't wait for me and Kit to become official too.

"Also, how are you and Kit? Are you two dating officially yet?"

"Uh-uh, not yet."

"Why not?"

"P'Kit says he will officially date me if i become the Campus Moon."


"What is it with you and Kit just saying "Okay" when i expect a more meaningful answer."

"I mean look at you, you will probably win the competition by far. So i don't think you need to worry and hey, you already tried to fuck him and will probably do it again so you won't be missing anything only a title."

"Yo watch that dirty mouth of yours." I covered my friends mouth with my hand and shook his head around. Until his boyfriend pulled him away and put him back in his seat, giving me a weird look. 'Weird protective Phana'

All the students were here already but we were still waiting for Jae'Ging, Forth and Beam were just sitting down, Beam asleep against Forths shoulder, Pha also sleeping with his head on Yo's lap while Yo was on his phone and kept stroking Pha's hair. Meanwhile Kit was sitting on his suitcase and i stood behind him with my arms hanging around his neck. Sis Ging finally arrived almost half an hour later then the set time but she rushed her way to the front with an announcement.

"Hey everyone sorry i am late but i just had a call with the schoolboard and i have a very important announcement so you better all be listening." Everyone turned to Ging waiting for the announcement.

"So, we decided to move the Moon and Star competition, instead of it being next semester it will be held in 2 weeks just before the school break.So i will explain the specifications now. The competition has 2 performances, 1 group dance performance and 1 talent showcase starting with an introduction and ending with the award ceremony. For the group performance we will have choreographed training sessions at the practice site for the coming two weeks starting tommorow, there will be a special instructor teaching you guys the routine. The training is during school hours and will last up to in the evenings, training will start at 3PM and you guys don't need to go to your classes or make your assigned homework. This also counts for N'Forth and N'Pring who will be supporting and supervising you. N'Forth did you hear that?"

Everyone looking at Forth and Forth just gives a thumbs up to Jae'Ging, not wanting to wake Beam up who somehow still managed to stay asleep. Ging just giving back a thumbs up in recognision.

"For the talent showcase, you will have to show your individual talents, it can whatever you want it to be but it has to be under 3 minutes and if you need props for you performance please tell me atleast 4 days before the competition, Okay? The Competition will be held at the gymnasium located at the Faculty of Sports and will start at 7PM but all Stars and Moons needs to arrive at 12AM for the runthrough and to get ready for the big show!"

"Now that, thats done. Let's move people!" Everyone followed Ging out of the lobby and went outside to put their stuff in the bus, i notified Sis Ging that me and Yo will be going with our friends and headed back to our friends who were still in the lobby. Yo and Forth tried waking up their boyfriends gently, but that didn't work so Kit stood up and slapped Beam on his face and Pha on his back waking them both. 'Good job KitKat, but please don't wake me up like that.' was what i was thinking. We got our stuff to the cars, the bus was about to leave. We parted ways with P'Beam, P'Forth and his friends as they got into their car and drove ahead.

We got in our car, well Beam's car. Me driving with Kit in the seat next to me and P'Pha and Yo in the back, P'Pha already back in Yo's lap as we drove off.

"Ming, Yo. Do you two know what you will be doing as your individual talents?" P'Kit asks us.

"I will probably do traditional Muay Thai dance since that is what i have been doing for a long time now." I already settled with Muay Thai because i have been doing it for almost 8 years.

"I Don't know P'. There isn't really anything i am good at." Yo answered from the back sounding a little depressed.

"I Mean you can always read all chapters of One Piece in front of everyone." I tried cheering up my friend.

"Fight me Ming! But now that i think about it P'Pha what did you do for your talent last year?" 

"Don't wanna talk about it." Pha scoffed and put his face in Yo's legs

"Ai'Pha was singing, but he was so nervous his voice cracked near the end and he is still ashamed about it."

"Kit! Don't Remind me of it!"

"As if you would ever forget." We were now all laughing at the cost of P'Pha even Yo.

"Nong, do you know that he sang a love song and it went out to you even though you weren't there."

"Really? P'Pha really?" Yo looked suprised at P'Kit then turned to P'Pha.

"Uh, i wanted to sing a song that i could relate to so i sang about someone i love. And now i finally have you." Pha pulled Yo down by the collar slowly and i could hear them kissing.

"Funny thing is Ai'Forth did the same thing, last year Forth sang a love song and played guitar and he confessed his love for Beam on stage. I was almost peeing myself, i will never forget that night." Kit pretended to wipe away a tear from his eye.

"And Ai'Beam accepted, but too be honest even the way Beam accepted it back then was really underwhelming." P'Pha finished and started laughing thinking back about it.

"I figured out what i want to do." Yo said looking out of the window with a smile.

"O, tell me." P'pha asked Yo to tell him.

"No, it's a secret."

"Yoooo, no secrets from your boyfriend na." You really like using your title, don't you P'Pha.

"No, P'Pha." Pha sat up again and pulled Yo' head onto his lap, holding his arm around Yo to stop him from sitting up again.

"I won't let you go until you tell me." P'Pha stuck out his tongue at Yo.

"Okay, then i'll just stay here. HA!" And Yo did, he literally fell asleep after 5 minutes but P'Pha did not seem to mind. he just kept caressing Yo and brush his hair. Kit looked back at his friend and let out a soft ha and shook his head. "Ai'Pha just like on our way here."

"And i wouldn't want it any different." The seniors smiled and i let out a soft laugh to myself.

'Yo i know excactly what you are going to do, i can read you like a book my friend.'



Hi! Thank you for reading this chapter, Hope you enjoyed! Please tell me if this chapter was too long or boring, i always try to add some jokes or laughs in some chapters but i am thinking in this chapter i kinda overdid it to a point where a lot of lines become unneccesary. So yeah please give me some feedback. Thank you! :3 <3 

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