Mr. Bieber's Chauffeur {BxB}...

By j-jastin

269K 16.2K 10.4K

Life can take many turns, some for the best and more times than we would like, life takes a turn for the wors... More

Chauffeur ~ Chapter 1
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 2
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 3
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 4
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 5
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 6
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 7
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 8
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 9
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 10
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 11
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 12
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 13
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 14
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 15
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 16
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 17
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 18
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 19
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 20
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 21
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 22
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 23
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 24
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 25
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 26
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 27
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 28
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 29
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 30
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 31
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 32
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 33
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 34
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 35
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 36
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 37
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 38
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 39
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 40
Jason (King Kong)
Justin (Damsel)
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 41
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 42
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 43
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 44
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 45
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 46
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 47
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 48
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 49
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 50
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 51
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 52
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 53
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 54
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 55
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 56
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 57
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 58
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 59
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 60
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 61
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 62
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 63
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 64
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 65
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 66
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 67
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 68
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 69
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 70
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 71
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 72
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 73
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 74
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 75
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 76
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 77
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 78
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 79
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 80
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 81
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 82
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 83
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 84
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 85
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 86
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 87
Chauffeur - Chapter 88
Chauffeur - Chapter 89
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 90
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 91
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 92
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 93
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 94
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 96
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 97
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 98
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 99
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 100
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 101
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 102
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 103
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 104
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 105
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 106
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 107
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 108
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 109
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 110

Chauffeur ~ Chapter 95

1.6K 99 42
By j-jastin

Jason P.O.V

"Heather you need to under---"

"No, Franklin, you need to understand that I will not raise a kid I don't want. I don't want it. Every time I'm going to look at it, it will remind me of the hell my life has been and I don't want to live in that shadow forever... It's not something I'm willing to do. I'm sorry" Franklin's sister said as her last words as she wiped her face.

"So there is no talking you out of the adoption"

"No... At least I'm letting it live. When it grows it should be glad I didn't kill it" I don't know why bu the way she was talking about the baby she was carrying inside of her made me feel uneasy.

"Why are you referring to a human being as an 'it'?"

"I don't know the gender of it"

"What? How come? You're almost giving birth and you don't know the gender of your own baby?" 

"I was kidnapped. Not off to la-la-land living my incredible life, Franklin" 

"I'm sorry for putting my nose in what it's obviously not my business" Jeffrey started saying "But I think she is right. She is only nineteen and the child she is carrying is from a rapist... I'm not saying the kid will grow to be a rapist but... I don't know I just think she is right. If she doesn't want the kid, she shouldn't have it" He said.

"You are not what your parents are" I said taking offense to what Jeffrey had said "You're your own person and your kids grow to be how to raise them. If some turn out the way they do it's because they want to"

"I agree bu---"

"Are you going to tell me that if I have a kid, it will grow up to be a criminal because of how I am? Or will it grow up to be a person of good because of how I raise it?" 

"You're right" Jeffrey said quietly as he took another sip of his drink letting the subject sit.

"Look Heather" I started "It's your choice what you want to do with that child. You're the one giving birth to it and whatever it is. Whatever you want to do, do it because you're the one with your future in your hands. It's not your brother and it's not any of us. You want to give it up for adoption? Great, go ahead but don't regret it when years go by and you find out the one kid you gave up for adoption is the greatest doctor or athlete or model or actress around here. You want to keep it? Amazing but if by any chance it turns out anything like their father, don't start looking back and contemplating why you didn't go through with the adoption. Instead ask yourself where did you go wrong at raising it. If you decide to keep it, it's not going to be alone. It's going to have a mother and an uncle plus you're not going anywhere any time soon so we will be here for it too. Any man can be a father and you're still young so just think before you act" Heather stared at me for a minute before nodding slowly. 

"Thank you" She mumbled quietly.

"No need" I said as I stood "Aide, take her and look for Jimena. Help her get cleaned up and look for some comfortable but dressy clothes that fits her. I'll go ahead and call the family's doctor to look at her and see if everything is okay with her. Jeffrey, tell the chef to cook dinner and all of you, I want you well dressed and at the dining room as soon as dinner is served. I think it's time we have a night rid of all worries and guns and all that shit. Michael, I want you to run down to the grocery store and buy some Monsters to mix with the drinks and bring Heather some juice that doesn't taste nasty. Franklin, you can go help the chef since Jimena is with your sister and Aide. Maxwell... Do what you do best kid and start looking for the best music you have in your playlist" As soon as I finished handing out assignments, I felt Justin's soft hand intertwining with mine making me look at him with a lifted, questioning eyebrow.

"What about me? You got me all excited and I have nothing to do" He said pouting making me chuckle.

"You're coming with me, damsel"

"You turn me on when you get all bossy and shit, King Kong" Justin said rather loudly making the people in the room groan.

"You people basically had sex not six hours ago" Maxwell whined making me look at the kid with a death glare.

"And how do you know that? You weren't here" 

"Jimena was and she is kind of the gossiping girl with the group" He said making Jimena, who was also in the room, gasp.

"I swear if I get fired, you bitch"

"Oh my... But the girl talks" Justin said from next to me making me look down at him in confusion. Looking back at Jimena, I saw her blushing deeply.

"Why do you say that?" I asked Justin.

"When I was here alone I tried to talk to her but she barely got a sentence out" Justin said smiling sweetly at Jimena.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't get permission to talk to you, sir. I did get permission to talk to these snitches though" Jimena said glaring at Maxwell who blew her a kiss in return.

"Everybody to their respective assignments, now" I ordered and everybody started scurrying away like rats when the lights are turned on. Tugging lightly at Justin's hand, I took him upstairs and into the room.

"What are we doing?" He asked as I closed the door behind us and locked it.

"Well, I'm calling the doctor to see when he can come check Heather while you shower. Then I'm going to shower as you change and when we're done, you're coming to the basement with me" I explained as I scrolled down my contact list.

"What for?"

"You're helping me search for the wine we're drinking tonight" He looked confused but didn't say anything else. Instead, he took one of the towels and walked to the bathroom leaving the door wide open. Pressing the Doc's contact, I dialed and pressed the phone to my ear. A few seconds later, she picked up.


"My favorite Doc" I greeted. A second went by before she replied.

"My most troubled and annoying patient. It's been a while"

"That's only because I've been a good boy lately"

"Or you've had a good boy by your side lately. You're not going to be able to play me, McCann" She said making me chuckle.

"That's awfully true. My damsel is too good" I mumbled "But I was calling you because I was faced with a predicament"

"One of your gang members?"

"Well, you could say that" I said "This girl was kidnapped and she is pregnant but she also seems like she was starved. When will you be able to come?"

"Well, McCann it sounds like you're lucky because I'm actually near by. I think I'll be able to make it in an hour or so"

"I'll make sure to pay you good, Doc"

"I hope so, McCann. Don't forget is Friday and I still haven't met the person that could make me work on a Friday afternoon"

"I guess you just did"

"I guess I did" She said just as Justin walked out of the bathroom drying his hair while being butt naked.

"Just ring the door bell and it shall be opened" I said to the Doc. She said her last farewell before I hung up. Throwing my phone on the bed I looked at Justin.

"You smell good" I complimented making him smile.

"It's your turn" Nodding, I walked past him but not before snatching the towel he was using from his hand. He pinched my torso making me hiss but nevertheless I winked at him to annoy him even more.

Washing my body, I got under the water and let the hotness of it consume any stress I was feeling today. Brushing my hair back, I applied some conditioner and turned the water off leaving some conditioner on so it would feel soft once is dry. Walking out of the bathroom just like Justin did, I looked around the room to see Justin buttoning the last button of his dress shirt before tucking it inside his trouser. 

"Looking good, damsel" I said as I walked to the boxers' drawer. Taking a black Calvin Klein out, I put it on before taking a pair of black long, slick socks from the drawer above.

"Well, some bossy motherfucker said we had to dress nicely and I didn't want to be the only one wearing skinny, ripped jeans"

"You'd actually do that to be honest" I laughed as I walked to the walk in closet. Grabbing a nice suit that didn't require a tie, I walked back into the bedroom and started getting dressed as Justin styled his hair. As soon as I was done, I walked over next to Justin and started styling my hair as well. When we were done, we turned to face each other.

"Can I fuck you while you're in that suit?" He asked sexily.

"No you cannot" I laughed "Although I want you to" I said letting my smile fall altogether. Leaning up, Justin pressed his lips against mine before quickly backing away and turning around to face the door that leads to the hallway but I kept staring down at him.

After a minute, I took his hand and led him out the door. Going down the flight of stairs that leads to the living room, we kept going down another two flights before we arrived at the ground floor where Danger was sitting down on.

"Oh my God, who is this?" Justin exclaimed as he ran towards Danger who sat still.

"That's Danger, my--- our dog" I replied making Justin look at me as he pet Danger's head.

"Ours?" He questioned in disbelief "When did you get him?"

"Yes, ours. I got it a few weeks ago in the name of the both of us because I knew you'd be back with me sooner or later. In the back of my head but I knew" 

"Oh my gosh" He breathed "Why do you have him down here?" 

"It's a her and because this is her favorite spot" I replied "But come on, you'll have time to be with her. Let me show you the winery"

"You have a winery here?"

"Well, I kind of built it because the house didn't come with it" I explained "Come, let me take you" Justin kissed the dog's head and stood up before taking my hand. Going through the door, we entered the main hall that leads to the basement.

"Why the heck is this so big? I'm in love with this hall" Justin admired as he looked around. Chuckling, I squeezed his hand.

"It's kind of big, yeah and I love it... Shame my mom refuses to come live here" I mumbled.


"I got this house with what she calls 'dirty money' and she says she would never live in the dirt no matter how clean it looks" 

"Your mom is a woman that knows her values and that's admirable. Plus, she lives in a spacious house with her other kids. Trust me, she doesn't feel bad living there"

"I know. I love her cozy house" I chuckled.

"Does she come to visit though?"

"She does" 

"There you go. She doesn't want to live here but she visits so that should be enough for that frown of yours to turn upside down" He said as he reached up with his other hand and stretched my lips to make it look like I was smiling and he succeeded. We reached the end of the hall and entered the main entrance of the winery.

"Whoa" Justin said in shock "This is all yours?" He asked.

"And yours too"

"Where did you even get so much wine?"

"Wait" I said "You actually think this is it?" I laughed.

"Is it not?" He questioned with a raised, confused eyebrow.

"Perhaps is not" I said before taking his hand and showing him every room of the winery. Every corner of this place and I was in love with each and every one of his reactions.

"Holy fuck"

"And now, where I have all the classics and where you'll tell me which one to pick" I said before opening the door to my favorite room.

"Oh my fuck" Justin gasped as he let go of my hand once again and started looking around "Jason, what the fuck is this place? Can I move in?"

"Whenever you want, damsel. Mi casa is your casa or whatever" I said as I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. How do I know shit like 'No me digas' but I can't say a phrase everybody says? Go me. Walking to the middle of the room, we stood on each side of the little crystal table with a few cups on it.

Looking at Justin, I saw him looking back to where we came from "Ready?" I asked grabbing his attention. He nodded and I handed him a cup. Walking around the room, I took five bottles of which I thought were the best. If I let the fact that all the wine in this room is great get to me, we'd get drunk down here and never get to the dinner.

"Here you go" I said handing him the cup after I poured him half an ounce of the wine. He smelled it and scrunched his nose cutely before taking a sip of it. Following his lead, I took a sip still watching Justin as he gagged.

"This is too bitter" He whined as he placed the cup down. Chuckling, I took another cup and opened another bottle of wine.

"This one is sweeter" I said as I handed him the cup. He took a sip and savored his mouth before putting the cup down.

"This is good but then again if you take this to dinner is going to be too sweet. This is for like when you're only drinking. Not drinking and eating" He examined all expert like and shit.

"I got myself an expert now?"

"No, you got yourself someone who knows how to fucking take a taste" I laughed and nodded accepting his retort. Opening another bottle and taking another clean up, I poured him the same amount.

"How about that one?" 

"This..." He took another sip before looking up at the roof as he concentrated on the taste " I think I'm taking that one with me. Put it aside" Rolling my eyes, I put that bottle down and served him another cup "You're going to get me drunk" He giggled.

"Who the fuck cares? If yo do get tipsy, I'll take care of you" I said winking at him. He took the next sip and nodded his head in approval.

"This one is the perfect amount of sweet and bitter and all of the above"

"Do you have to taste the last one?" I asked as I grabbed the bottle in the air. He shook his head and put the cup down before burping "Very charming" He flipped me off and grabbed the bottle he said that was his.

"Take two or maybe three of the one I tasted last for the dinner and if you have any more of this one" He lifted the bottle he claimed as his "I want them all" He said before walking out of the room. Rolling my eyes once again, I put the bottles away but the one Justin chose. Taking two more bottles out, I grabbed them and walked out of the room to see Justin sipping out of the bottle he had "You have mine?"

"No. You will have come back and get it yourself later"

"I can live with that" He said as he started walking down the different hallways and out of the winery.

"Wait" I called out "I want to show you one last room. You'll love this one" I said. Justin followed me as I took the shortcut my personal favorite room aside from the one I was just in. Going down another two flight of stairs, we didn't have to go through any door to come face to face with the room.

"No you didn't" Justin gasped as he walked in front of me while looking around.

"Like it?" I asked with a knowing smirk on my face.

"Like it? I'm fucking moving down here" He said as he walked towards the standing M&Ms.

"Good lord, can I take samples? Can I take all of them?!" He exclaimed as he placed the bottle of wine he had on his hands down and ran to the tub that had the colorful M&Ms.

"By all means, my love. They're yours" I laughed at the way a twenty-two years old man could act like such an adorable kid.

Taking a fistful of it, he threw it all in his mouth before moving to the white chocolates and doing the same. Running to the last tub, he took the same amount before throwing it in his mouth as well. By the time he reached the red chocolates, he was looking like a chipmunk that had a nut in their mouth.

"Damsel, your stomach is going to hurt so bad. Come on, let's go. You can come down here whenever you'd like when you're over" 

"When I'm over? King Kong, I am potentially moving in with you. What the fuck?" He said with his mouth full.

"That's more than fine by me to be honest" I said. My stomach filling with butterflies, it's that what they call it?, as he said that so seriously. Nothing would make me happier than sharing the same roof as my damsel.

"I want to stay here" He said as he took another fistful of the colorful M&Ms. 

"You can come down whenever but now we have to go, you damn kid. The doctor is coming over to check Heather and everybody is probably waiting for us.

"Fine" He whined. Justin ran to the last tub again and I thought he was going to take more when he actually just kissed the glass surprising. 

How old is he again?


"I'll see you sooner than you think, babies" He said as he ran to every tub and kissed them. Coming back to me after his scene, Justin took the bottle of wine he placed down and took my arm. Going up the stairs, Justin looked down again and pouted "I want more"

"You'll get an stomachache. That's what you going to get"

"I'll embrace it if I get it while eating all this goodness. Why haven't you ever bring me down here?" He said sounding mad at me.

"Literally, it's your first time coming over" Looking pensive for a minute, Justin chuckled uneasy before nodding.

"True" He said giving me that innocent smile I love so much "Now let's get this little party started. I'm starving and every one seems excited and I want to come down here for dessert and we're so dancing with whatever music Maxwell got and---"

"Is that sugar rush already?"

"What? Never" He laughed before running off.

This is going to be interesting.


Yo, I want to live with Jason for the rest of my life tbh.

What do you think Heather is going to do with the baby? 

Height difference between Jason and Justin down below! (ugly ass edits, I know)

~ Eli

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