Mr. Bieber's Chauffeur {BxB}...

By j-jastin

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Life can take many turns, some for the best and more times than we would like, life takes a turn for the wors... More

Chauffeur ~ Chapter 1
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 2
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 3
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 4
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 5
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 6
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 7
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 8
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 9
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 10
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 11
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 12
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 13
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 14
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 15
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 16
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 17
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 18
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 19
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 20
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 21
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 22
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 23
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 24
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 25
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 26
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 27
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 28
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 29
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 30
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 31
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 32
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 33
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 34
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 35
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 36
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 37
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 38
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 39
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 40
Jason (King Kong)
Justin (Damsel)
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 41
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 42
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 43
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 44
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 45
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 46
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 47
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 48
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 49
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 50
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 51
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 52
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 53
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 54
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 55
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 56
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 57
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 58
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 59
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 60
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 61
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 62
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 63
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 64
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 65
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 66
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 67
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 68
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 69
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 70
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 71
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 72
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 73
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 74
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 75
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 77
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 78
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 79
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 80
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 81
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 82
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 83
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 84
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 85
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 86
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 87
Chauffeur - Chapter 88
Chauffeur - Chapter 89
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 90
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 91
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 92
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 93
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 94
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 95
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 96
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 97
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 98
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 99
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 100
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 101
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 102
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 103
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 104
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 105
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 106
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 107
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 108
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 109
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 110

Chauffeur ~ Chapter 76

1.1K 111 97
By j-jastin

Jason P.O.V

"Who are you?"

That did it. I only stared at Justin as he looked at me in confusion. Like he genuinely haven't see me all his life. Like a stranger just walked into his room and he didn't know what to do or how to act and that broke my heart into millions of pieces. Pieces that I'm not so sure I will be to pick up later on.

"You don't remember me?" I asked in a barely audible whisper. He looked at me sadly before looking down at his intertwined fingers.

"I don't remember anything. I try to remember how I got here and what happened or where I am but I can't remember anything. I only remember my name and... And---"

"And what else?" I asked as I died to know what is it that he remembers other than his name. His mom probably? His father? Scooter? The things he remember could be anything. It could be the most random things.

"I remember a body, but not a face" He said narrowing his eyes "Like, it's a pretty tall body but it's face its blank. Like I can't see it but I do can see his body. I also know it's a boy. The body is the body of a man" Yeah, probably his father. 

"Well... Um, your mom is coming pretty soon and so is um... Your uncle so I will just wait here until they arrive" He nodded hesitantly and laid still on his bed. After a minute of being completely strangers, Justin turned his head to me and offered a smile, but it wasn't the same.

"You can take a seat" He stated making me nod slowly. Taking a seat on the chair that was next to his bed, I pulled it a little farther from his bed "So, what's your name?" He asked trying to make a conversation I suppose, but every time he talked, my chest ached more.

"Jason. My name is Jason" Justin nodded and licked his lip making my stomach churn.

"I'm Justin"

"I know that" I replied.

"How? Are you my cousin or something? I'm sorry if I don't remember. The doctor told me I lost my memory. How much of a bummer is that?" He said pouting like a child.

"I'm your chauffeur

"My chauffeur? Why would I have a chauffeur? Am I paying you with food or my friendship? Is this a joke and you're actually a nurse or something? Where is my mommy? She is going to be so mad I left the house without her permission and on top of that lost my memory" 

"Mad that you left your house?"

"Yeah. My mommy gets mad pretty easy. One day, I took a cookie out of the cookie jar on Christmas and she got mad and told me I was going to get diabetes before she sent me out to play" He chuckled but you could say it hurt him to even move.

"Ah, I see... Justin, and how old are you?" I asked trying to get to know how much he remembers.

"I don't know... But you can ask mommy or daddy when they get here. Or my uncle. You said my uncle was coming. He should know my age" he said as he kept playing with his fingers.

"Ah, okay. I will" He mumbled "So, why is mommy taking so long? She would usually be here in a couple of minutes. Half an hour maximum. It's not like this city is that big" 


"Yeah, city. You didn't know Stratford was a city? I mean, it's not big but it's still a city. Or at least that's what mommy says. Plus, you should know, you're here." For some reason, him saying mommy and talking like he still lived in Stratford with his mom gave me an unsettling feeling.

"Okay then history guru, but we're not in Stratford" 

"I'm actually not good in history. My teacher hates me and always sends me to the principal's office" He said until his eyes widened "What do you mean we're not in Stratdord? Oh my god, where are we? Mommy is going to kill me. Who am I here with?"

"You're in Bora Bora and you're with me" 

"Bora Bora? We don't even have money to go to Disneyland. Why are you lying to me? And who even are you? I want my mommy" He cried out making me rush to his side.

"Shh, it's okay. Calm down. You don't remember but you will soon find out. You will remember every single thing soon enough, just please, calm down" At this point all I wanted to do was break down. All I wanted to do was fall down to my knees and break down.

Only thing I need is to let my walls down. To let my guard rest and for the first time, drop my mask to the floor. Breath in deeply and cry out to the heavens. Beg for forgiveness and for things to go right in my life once again. 

I want to mourn the death of my unborn baby. I want to grieve the fact that my boyfriend doesn't even remember his age... Or me. I want to break down about the fact that I was left with nothing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Are you okay? I didn't mean to be mean. It's not your fault" Until he said that, I didn't realize tears running heavy down my cheeks. Pulling away, I wiped my cheeks roughly.

"You don't know that" I spat bitterly making him flinch against my will "If you could remember you'd be blaming me like everybody else, including myself, are doing. You'd throw me out of this room and yell at me to leave, yell that you never want to see me in your life ever again, but you don't remember. Of course you're going to be saying that"

"If I could remember, I'd know who you are and forgive you because you seem like you'd be someone very important in my life. If I could remember I'd reassure you that I don't blame you for whatever happened here. I'd tell you that it's just God's way of making things fall into place and you have nothing to do with it"

"Yeah okay" I had to keep on being strong. I couldn't break down right now, I couldn't do this here, right now... Or for the years being.

"You know... I remember this one thing but I can't exactly say what it is. It's a movie name but I don't know anything that happened in it, but it reminds me of someone, if that makes sense"

"It doesn't make sense" Justin pouted as he nodded.

"I figured. Well, when I remember, I will tell you" 

"It better be sometime in the next couple of minutes because your mom doesn't want me here" I said chuckling bitterly.

"Why not?"

"She blames me for what happened to you"

"She is probably just mad"

"Yeah okay, damsel" 


"Justin... I meant to say Justin. Sorry"

"Is Damsel you girlfriend?" He asked as he looked at me like a curious puppy with those big hazel eyes of his.

"I--- Boyfriend but I don't think he wants me so much anymore. He doesn't remem--- remember we're supposed to be together forever. He is letting himself go and won't fight it" 

"What do you mean? I'm sure he is fighting and you just don't see it. Plus, I'm sure he still wants you, you seem nice" Staring at him, I saw as he eyes sparkle as he smiled at me sweetly.

"I seem... But I'm not"

"You're not that tough, big guy"

"Mhm" I was about to spark up another conversation when the door opened making me turn my head towards it to see a nurse peeking her head in.

"His mother is here and she refuses to come in if you're in here" Getting up from the chair, I nodded.

"I'll be out in a minute" I said as I approached Justin.

"My mom doesn't like you?"

"She did. I suppose not anymore" I mumbled "Anyways, look, I'll leave you my number here" Taking a piece of paper and a pen from the little table next to his bed, I wrote down my number "You can text or call me whenever you want. I don't care what time it is or what you think I'm doing, you just call me and I'll answer right away, okay?" I said as I put the piece of paper on the his palm.

"Okay" He mumbled as he took the piece of paper from me "When will I see you again?" He asked.

"I hope soon enough"

"Bye" He waved slowly and I could see him trying not to flinch. Holding my breath, I walked over to the door and twisted the doorknob before pushing the door open, refusing to turn my head to look at him in person for the last time in a while but that didn't work so much.

"Oh my god" Justin gasped making me turn my head around in a swift movement to look at him and see if he got hurt from one moment to another but his eyes were wide as he looked at me with enthusiasm.

"What happened?" I asked in confusion.

"King Kong"  


Huh? What is going on? What happened? Where is Jason leaving? Why is Jason leaving Justin like this? What's going to happen? Who is going to die? Who is going to leave? Where did Justin's memory wander off to? LET'S GO FIND IT.

Too many questions boii. ANSWER ME 😭

~ Eli

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