Mr. Bieber's Chauffeur {BxB}...

By j-jastin

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Life can take many turns, some for the best and more times than we would like, life takes a turn for the wors... More

Chauffeur ~ Chapter 1
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 2
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 3
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 4
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 5
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 6
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 7
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 8
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 9
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 10
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 11
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 12
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 13
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 14
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 15
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 16
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 17
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 18
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 19
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 20
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 21
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 22
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 23
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 24
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 25
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 26
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 27
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 28
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 29
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 30
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 31
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 32
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 33
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 34
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 35
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 37
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 38
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 39
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 40
Jason (King Kong)
Justin (Damsel)
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 41
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 42
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 43
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 44
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 45
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 46
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 47
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 48
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 49
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 50
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 51
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 52
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 53
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 54
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 55
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 56
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 57
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 58
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 59
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 60
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 61
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 62
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 63
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 64
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 65
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 66
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 67
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 68
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 69
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 70
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 71
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 72
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 73
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 74
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 75
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 76
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 77
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 78
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 79
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 80
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 81
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 82
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 83
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 84
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 85
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 86
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 87
Chauffeur - Chapter 88
Chauffeur - Chapter 89
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 90
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 91
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 92
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 93
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 94
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 95
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 96
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 97
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 98
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 99
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 100
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 101
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 102
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 103
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 104
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 105
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 106
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 107
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 108
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 109
Chauffeur ~ Chapter 110

Chauffeur ~ Chapter 36

2.6K 167 150
By j-jastin

Justin P.O.V

~Four Months Later~

"Justin, you have a show tonight," I looked up from Jason's body to see Scooter looking at me.


"Don't even start, Justin. You know you have to do it. Jason is not moving from that bed before you come back."

"What are you trying to say?" I snapped as I stood up and let go of Jason's hand.

"I'm not trying to say anything. Jason is in a coma, therefore he is not going to move before you come back," he said, "you're trying so hard to find an enemy, Justin, but it's not going to be me." I stared at him for a moment before I shook my head and sat my ass back in that chair next to Jason's bed, "one hour and that's it, you have come to rehearsal," I ignored Scooter on purpose as I held Jason's hand again.

I heard the door closing making me sigh heavily. Laying my forehead on Jason's knuckles, I kissed his cold fingers softly.

"Come on, King Kong. Don't you think it has been too long? I mean, you have been resting for four months already and a lot of things have happened. I cut the dreads off and got a buzz cut, then I bleached my hair. I prohibited photos, which I have been dying to talk to you about, but you're not mentally here to give me some of your awesome advises. I got into a fight with some hulk and you weren't there to cheer me on or even fight with me. Falling on stage has become one of my trademarks and I know you would be making fun of me all day for it. I have tried to go to clubs to forget about the fact that you're in this bed, with a damn tub down your throat to help you breathe, but it doesn't work. I still think about you everyday and no matter how many clubs I go to, how many people I talk to, or how much I try to forget this situation, it will not change the fact that I miss you like crazy and nothing is the same without you. Please wake up, I have to tell you what I've been telling you for the past four months but while you're conscious...

... I love you, King Kong"

"Justin, it's time to go," I closed my eyes tightly before getting off of the chair and leaning down to kiss Jason's forehead.

"I'll see you soon, King Kong," I whispered.


"I don't know what you're going through at home and you don't know what I'm going through at home either. These next two songs are for all of you facing a hard time. For you, for you, for you, and for me because yes, right now I'm going through one of the hardest times and it has been like that for months now, but I'm holding on, wanna know why? Because life is worth the living, so live another day!" The crowd cheered loudly making me smile.

"Now, usually I would face you guys, but one of my closest friends, my best friend, is in a coma right now, fighting for his life, so I want to dedicate these next songs to him."

Facing the big screen behind me, I felt my eyes water the moment the first picture came on, but I knew I had to open my mouth and sing.

"Ended up on a crossroad
Try to figure out which way to go
It's like you're stuck on a treadmill
Running in the same place
You got your hazard lights on now
Hoping that somebody would slow down
Praying for a miracle
Who'll show you grace?

Had a couple dollars and a quarter tank of gas
With a long journey ahead
Seen a truck pull over
God sent an angel to help you out
He gave you direction
Showed you how to read a map
For that long journey ahead
Said it ain't never over
Oh, even in the midst of doubt

Life is worth living, ou ou ou ou
Life is worth living, so live another day
The meaning of forgiveness
People make mistakes, doesn't mean you have to give in
Life is worth living again

Relationship on a ski slope
Avalanche comin' down slow
Do we have enough time to salvage this love?
Feels like a blizzard in April
'Cause my heart is just that cold
Skating on thin ice
But it's strong enough to hold us up

Seen her scream and holler
Put us both on blast
Tearing each other down
When I thought it was over
God sent an angel to help us out, yeah
He gave us direction, showed us how to make it last
For that long journey ahead
Said it ain't never over
No, even in the midst of doubt

Life is worth living, ou ou ou ou
Life is worth living, so live another day
The meaning of forgiveness
People make mistakes, doesn't mean you have to give in
Life is worth living again, oh whoa oh
Life is worth living again

What I'd give for my reflection
Is a different perception
From what the world may see
They try to crucify me
I ain't perfect, won't deny
My reputation's on the line
So I'm working on a better me

Life is worth living, oh yeah
Life is worth living, so live another day
The meaning of forgiveness
People make mistakes
Only God can judge me
Life is worth living again
Another day
Life is worth living again"

I looked at the crowd with tears in my eyes, all throughout the song only thinking about Jason and how he needs to know that life is worth living so he needs to live another day.

"This next song is called Purpose. We all have a purpose. God sent us down here with a journey, with a purpose.

Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath
Feeling like I'm walking my last steps
Look at all of these tears I've wept
Look at all the promises that I've kept

I put my heart into your hands
Here's my soul to keep
I let you in with all that I can
You're not hard to reach
And you bless me with the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose
Yeah, you've given me purpose

Thinking my journey's come to an end
Sending out a farewell to my friends, forever peace
Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please?
I'm more than grateful for the time we spent, my spirit's at ease

I put my heart into your hands
Learn the lessons you teach
No matter when, wherever I am
You're not hard to reach
And you've given me the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose everyday
You give me purpose in every way

Oh, you are my everything
Oh, you are my everything"

I sang both songs while facing the screen as pictures of me and Jason displayed. Tears running down my face as I thought back to all those moments I've shared with King Kong.

"This next song is a cover of a girl I listen quite often, this too, goes to you and my friend. I hope you enjoy," I said as I looked at the screen once again.

"Hush Darling
Your silence is deafening
I know you're hurting in the worst way
You don't wanna stay

There will come the time to go
But it's not your time so
Don't leave me

I need you here to fight this war
I don't wanna see a world without you
It wouldn't be the same, the same at all

A future awaits you here
I can feel it, it's so close
And I know right now that you wouldn't believe me
When I tell you that your purpose here will be worth you seein, breathin
There will come the time to go
But it's not your time so
Don't leave me

I need you here to fight this war
I don't wanna see a world without you
It wouldn't be the same, the same at all

So don't go
So don't pass the pain on, you're strong.

And I know you're tired in a way that sleep won't change.
And I know the stars don't seem as bright as they used to.
But we will fight it, till you're alright and the pain's outgrown cause you're not alone.

So don't leave me
I need you here to fight this war
I don't wanna see a world without you
It wouldn't be the same, the same at all, oohh

I need you here to fight this war
I don't wanna see a world without you
It wouldn't be the same, the same at all

So don't go"

I sang as the last photo faded away. I faced the crowd again before walking closer to them. My eyes fixing on their faces as the light hit them and I was moved when I saw their cheeks shining, their small, sweet eyes wet as more tears rolled down their cheeks.

"You're not alone and I need you here to fight this war. Don't let anything you're going through win, you're stronger, you're better and you have me, your problems don't. I will keep you all in my prayer and all I want you to do is to enjoy the journey and forget about the destination because when you arrive, you will wish you were back in the road."


"Justin..." I turned around and looked at Scooter as he looked at me with sorrow.


"It's Jason, he lost his fight."

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