[1] Genius Mechanic

By KolapsiaOfLife

12.5K 356 1

Related Name : 天才维修师 Author : Li Wenjiu / 李温酒 Chapter : 400 + 26 Extra (Completed) In the year 1245 of the st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6. Banute Pollution Zone
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23. Tianyu Star Pollution Zone
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38. Fiyalge Pollution Zone
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57. Qiu Jin Grand Canyon Pollution Zone (Race Time)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66. Qiu Jin Grand Canyon Pollution Zone (Black Hole)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91. Koria Pollution Zone (Joint Cleanup)
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106. Koria Pollution Zone (Restricted Area)
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Cahpter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125. Dawn Galaxy (Preparation for Battle)
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137. Keze Floating Island Pollution Zone (Galactic Elimination Tourney)
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153. Kemudi Cave Pollution Zone (Galactic Advancement Tournament)
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173. Agaman Sea Star Pollution Zone (Galactic Ranking Tournament)
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194. Slareed Pollution Zone (Stellar Alliance Mission)
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199

Chapter 48

54 2 0
By KolapsiaOfLife

Long Knife

"Oh my god! KID's Guardian mecha, Yao, has flanked!" In the live broadcast room, the commentator's voice rapidly reported in real-time, "He has entered DE's internal circle, and now all of DE's mechas are approaching him!"

Not long ago, KID's artillery and tanks had ambushed DE in the front. Everyone's attention was over there. Who knew that KID's Guardian was so fast? In that short period just now, he immediately locked onto Xu Yaojun's position.

The sounds of battle came from afar, and You Su immediately aimed the cannon at that position, locking onto the DE mecha while also seeing the fearless Guardian mecha.

Huo Yan laughed twice, "When I rushed over, Xiaoyao had already gone to flank."

"Yao Bao has cooperated with Xu Yaojun before, knows that idiot's bad habits, and he loves hiding in places like this in forest maps." Ji Qingfeng and Lu Xi had already shaken off FDTX's people and were getting closer to the battle between DE and KID. "In this forest terrain, Xu Yaojun, that idiot, likes hiding in the oblique rear, and the sniper range is usually not more than a thousand meters."

You Su spoke up, "Pay attention to his cannon, the core seems a bit off."

Lin Yao decisively said on the communication channel, "I will make sure he can't fire the cannon! Da Feng, are you there? Help me take out that control mecha, it's annoying!"

Ji Qingfeng ran very fast, "Doesn't accelerating take time? I'm on my way!"

Lin Yao broke into the encirclement of the DE team. There was only one control mecha protecting Xu Yaojun, and his other teammates were sent to check the surroundings. They couldn't rush over in time.

Xu Yaojun angrily scolded, "Didn't I ask you to watch the surroundings? How did Lin Yao get in?"

The DE control mecha operator had nothing to say. He had indeed reminded Xu Yaojun, but the other party's retreat speed was slow. Could he be blamed?

Others from DE said, "He came in through the smoke. Just now, Brother Xu's sniper cannon caused abnormal conditions in the surrounding environment, and the radar couldn't catch his position in time."

Xu Yaojun cursed inwardly. Lin Yao was already holding a long knife and rushing over.

The control mecha from DE had to assist Xu Yaojun in retreating. His control bullets were fired first, and only the second one barely controlled Lin Yao. Who knew that Lin Yao would activate the protective shield the next second, blocking the third control bullet and breaking the continuous control.

Xu Yaojun wouldn't give Lin Yao a chance. Seeing teammates helping, he immediately raised the cannon in place. The close-range sniper cannon almost fired smoothly, hitting Lin Yao's shield with a loud bang, forcing Lin Yao to step back several steps.

Lin Yao noticed the damage absorbed by the shield. After all, he wasn't a tank mecha; there was a certain range limit to the damage absorption. Just now, that shot almost reached the limit of his shield. "Damn, Xu Yaojun's cannon has too much damage, right!?"

You Su reminded, "Stay alert, there might be something wrong with his sniper cannon's core."


In the preparation area, the DE maintenance engineer took a step back, hands on the control panel, looking unfriendly at Ying Chenlin's position. As a maintenance engineer, the task of staying in the observation backstage was to record various abnormal data of their team's mechas, to promptly inform the tournament committee in case of any abnormal situations. Abnormal data during matches was common, and the maintenance engineer's task was to determine if it was severe.

Their gazes met, and Ying Chenlin did not turn to look at the polluted battlefield scene, but there were no other actions either.

The DE maintenance engineer thought about it and gradually relaxed. He was almost startled by a newcomer. How could the other party detect a problem with the weapon?

The core they used for that weapon was very discreet. Even the Mecha Alliance couldn't find any issues while reviewing the mecha data, let alone this little repairman, KID.

"Why are you looking at me?" The DE maintenance engineer frowned. "A newcomer is still a newcomer. Instead of paying attention to our mecha pilots, he has the time to look around."

The voice of the DE maintenance engineer wasn't low, and other maintenance engineers around heard it. Some maintenance engineers glanced at Ying Chenlin.

This KID's repairman was too young, just looking like a little kid who hadn't grown up. He seemed inexperienced. The situation on the field changed rapidly, and he actually didn't stare at the data but instead had time to watch others. Now, their teams were about to start a fight in the polluted area!

At this moment, Ying Chenlin spoke, "Aren't you turning it off?"

"Turn what off—" The DE maintenance engineer didn't finish his sentence. The next second, an abnormal alert popped up on the virtual screen next to him. His eyes widened, and he was about to quickly turn off that abnormal alert. When he raised his hand, he noticed the gaze from behind and stopped abruptly.

Ying Chenlin spoke again, "Still not turning it off?"

The DE maintenance engineer broke into a cold sweat, looking at Ying Chenlin with an attempt to appear calm. "Of course, I'll turn it off. It's just a minor issue."

He turned off the abnormal report, but the next second, the abnormal report popped up again. He was about to continue turning it off when he heard a voice from behind.

Ying Chenlin said, "Is it? I remember this kind of continuous abnormal report should be reported to the official, right?"

The DE maintenance engineer's hand paused and didn't press down.

At this moment, the continuous alarms attracted the attention of other maintenance engineers around. The maintenance engineer next to the DE repair station reminded, "Your side's alarm is ringing, what's going on?"

The DE maintenance engineer hurriedly said, "It's okay, just a minor issue."

He quickly turned off the report, and when he looked at Ying Chenlin again, the previously dismissive attitude was completely gone. Could this new repairman have found something? But even if he did, why didn't he report it to the committee!?

The attention of other maintenance engineers returned to their observation platforms. The DE maintenance engineer was still looking at Ying Chenlin.

The DE maintenance engineer had to lower his voice, "What do you want to do?"

"There's surveillance in the preparation area, and it's currently locking onto our position." Ying Chenlin pointed upward. "Continuous alarms. The energy storage of your artillery mecha's weapons seems to be problematic. Each energy storage causes a fluctuation in energy that leads to overclocking."

The DE maintenance engineer was stunned, his palms full of sweat. "What are you trying to say!? He's just a newcomer. The situation on the field is not as simple as in theory."

"Is that so? Your alarm has sounded again."

Ying Chenlin said, "Still not turning it off? If you're too slow, the surveillance cameras behind will capture your rule-violating actions."

The maintenance engineer from DE was drenched in cold sweat. Despite being a newcomer, he had the illusion of being completely seen through.

He dared not turn off the alarm. "What do you want!?"

"My teammates want to beat someone." Ying Chenlin looked at him with a calm tone, "I need to give them some time to beat people."


After FDTX retreated, the battle between KID and DE was about to begin. Ji Qingfeng's original position was not far from here, and he quickly supported Lin Yao. After a few minutes of Lin Yao being attacked, Ji Qingfeng found the position of DE's control mecha. Without saying a word, he directly used the chain to bind the mecha.

Lu Xi used water bullets to block the advance of other DE members. "Da Feng, control and drag them away."

Ji Qingfeng easily dragged away DE's core control mecha. "Don't worry, dragging people is my specialty!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience didn't expect it to be so exciting. One wave after another, KID repelled one team, and now he's fighting against DE. Both of these teams are from the Sirius Major constellation. There had been conflicts due to resource allocation issues, and gossip-loving netizens had heard a lot of rumors. Now, the more they watched, the more thrilling it became!

As the melee began, Ji Qingfeng dragged away DE's control mecha, and Lu Xi blocked the advance of DE's Guardians and tanks. Only the stealth positions were not found. She looked worriedly at Lin Yao's position. Not long after, the sniper cannon coordinated by You Su came from a distance, immediately separating the two sides of the battlefield.

You Su: "Huo Yan, go help Lu Xi, I'll keep an eye on Lin Yao."

Lin Yao: "You Su, if you want to blast my head, just say so."

You Su had no intention of blasting him; he was paying attention to the surrounding scene, preparing to catch DE's stealth mecha.

On Lin Yao's side, with the help of his teammates, only Xu Yaojun's mecha remained in front of him.

Seeing this situation, Xu Yaojun thought that his useless teammates hadn't been of any use so far, letting KID's people run over.

When the Guardian mecha faced the artillery mecha, in terms of close combat, it used to be a comprehensive suppression. However, that was in the past. With this core weapon now, he wasn't worried about the Guardian getting close anymore.

This was a rare A-grade mutant double-attribute energy crystal that DE bought from a mercenary mecha pilot. It came from a rare mutant giant rat. This color-changing rat not only could disguise its aura, but it also had a mutated food pouch that could store a large amount of food. After obtaining this energy crystal, the DE team transformed it into the weapon core of the artillery mecha.

This weapon core perfectly inherited the two characteristics of the color-changing rat, concealing the aura and super-large storage.

Under the cover of these two features, his weapon could store a large amount of energy without being detected when used illegally. When DE reported the mecha data, they replaced the core data of the color-changing rat with a similar rodent energy crystal, claiming it was an amplifying type. This successfully bypassed the Mecha Alliance's review.

As long as this weapon existed, the power of his sniper cannon shot one second after charging was equivalent to 40% of a sniper cannon. The power of one sniper cannon shot was doubled or more. Lin Yao wanted to approach him with a broken shield, but Xu Yaojun wasn't worried.

Xu Yaojun raised the sniper cannon, ready to charge again. Who knew that Lin Yao would charge straight at him.

Lin Yao's Guardian mecha carried two weapons, a highly resistant shield and his most commonly used energy blade.

This energy blade was very special. Although it belonged to the category of energy blades, it was a special style among them.

Typical energy blades had a long blade and a short handle, but Lin Yao used an unconventional long blade with a handle slightly longer than the blade. It leaned more towards a long-handled sword. He didn't use aiming weapons, but this kind of close combat long weapon had always been his best weapon.

On the field, using a blade against artillery was like using eggs to hit a stone.

But Lin Yao wasn't afraid. He charged forward vigorously, and with a single charge, he lifted Xu Yaojun's entire mecha with the long blade.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was suddenly stunned.

When Xu Yaojun was hit by Lin Yao, he was suddenly stunned, seeming to react to something. He had worked with Lin Yao before and knew some of Lin Yao's operating habits. This guy liked to charge forward, often leading to the team's failure in matches due to being charged.

Sometimes he feels that Lin Yao is more suitable for operating stealth mechas because Lin Yao's maneuvers are very precise. Especially with the unique long blade, he can achieve a high attack speed.

Now, Lin Yao's blade is faster than before, and this speed is not just attack speed. Each time the blade hits him, it has the impact of the first strike!

The battle on the field continues. As Lin Yao gets close to Xu Yaojun, his blade doesn't stop.

Each strike is swift and powerful, deadly with every swing.

In a 1v1 melee, if firearms can't shoot, it sets the stage for defeat.

Xu Yaojun is rendered defenseless by this continuous onslaught, with no chance to lift his cannon. How is this possible!?

In the preparation area, the maintenance engineer from DE was suddenly surprised to see this. There were no alarms on the detection platform, indicating that Lin Yao's weapon was not a problem. But Xu Yaojun, who performed exceptionally well as an artillery mecha pilot last season, couldn't counter a single attack.

The DE maintenance engineer looked at Ying Chenlin and found that the latter was still looking at him.

"The detection platform won't trigger an alarm. Lin Yao's weapon complies with all the Mecha Alliance regulations."

Ying Chenlin explained calmly, "What? Haven't you heard of the common attack style with a long blade?"

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