Chronicles of Legends

By WhiteDeath14

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Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls... More

Volume 1 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 1 Chapter 1 - Mana Cores
Volume 1 Chapter 2 - Alistair
Volume 1 Chapter 3 - Zestier
Volume 1 Chapter 4 - Zestier II
Volume 1 Chapter 5 - Prince of Elenoir
Volume 1 Chapter 6 - Genius of Orbel
Volume 1 - Epilogue
Volume 2 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 2 Chapter 1 - Adventurer's Examination
Volume 2 Chapter 2 - Three Races Tournament
Volume 2 Chapter 3 - Wunderkinds
Volume 2 Chapter 4 - Discovery
Interlude - Elder Rinia - Prophecy
Volume 2 Chapter 5 - The Death Talon Dungeon
Volume 2 Chapter 6 - A Higher Being
Volume 2 Chapter 7 - Realmheart
Volume 2 Chapter 8 - Aether
Volume 2 Chapter 9 - Director Goodsky
Volume 2 Chapter 10 - Spirits
Volume 2 Chapter 11 - Love
Volume 2 Chapter 12 - Dance
Volume 2 Chapter 13 - Engagement
Volume 2 Chapter 14 - Lances
Volume 2 Chapter 15 - Birthday
Volume 2 - Epilogue
Volume 3 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 3 Chapter 1 - Student Council and the Disciplinary Committee
Volume 3 Chapter 2 - Entrance Ceremony
Volume 3 Chapter 3 - Settling In
Volume 3 Chapter 4 - Disciplinary Committee
Volume 3 Chapter 5 - Classes and Professors I
Interlude - Tournament Trailer
Volume 3 Chapter 6 - Classes and Professors II
Volume 3 Chapter 7 - Paladins
Volume 3 Chapter 8 - Capture the Flag I
Volume 3 Chapter 9 - Capture the Flag II
Volume 3 Chapter 10 - Slumber Party
Volume 3 Chapter 11 - Eve of the Tournament
Volume 3 Chapter 12 - Round of 16
Volume 3 Chapter 13 - Quarter Finals I
Volume 3 Chapter 14 - Quarter Finals II
Volume 3 Chapter 15 - Power of Aether
Volume 3 Chapter 16 - The Perfect Plan
Volume 3 Chapter 17 - Pinnacle of Swordsmanship
Volume 3 Chapter 18 - Punishment
Volume 3 Chapter 19 - The Feeling of Love
Volume 3 Chapter 20 - Hell's Jaw I
Volume 3 Chapter 21 - Hell's Jaw II
Volume 3 Chapter 22 - Hell's Jaw III
Volume 3 Chapter 23 - Hell's Jaw IV
Volume 3 - Epilogue
Volume 4 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 4 Chapter 1 - Windsom's Potions and Medicines
Volume 4 Chapter 2 - Beast Will
Volume 4 Chapter 3 - Paladins vs Lances
Volume 4 Chapter 4 - Terrorism
Volume 4 Chapter 5 - Lineage I
Volume 4 Chapter 6 - Lineage II
Volume 4 Chapter 7 - Elven Kingdom
Volume 4 Chapter 8 - Cottage
Volume 4 Chapter 9 - Future
Volume 4 Chapter 10 - Foreboding
Volume 4 Chapter 11 - Invasion
Volume 4 Chapter 12 - Despair
Volume 4 Chapter 13 - Betrayal
Volume 4 Chapter 14 - Fate
Volume 4 Chapter 15 - Light
Volume 4 Chapter 16 - Darkness
Volume 4 Chapter 17 - Aftermath
Volume 4 Chapter 18 - Council
Volume 4 Chapter 19 - Truth
Volume 4 - Epilogue
A/N: Power Levels
Volume 5 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 5 Chapter 1 - Alacaryan Camps
Volume 5 Chapter 2 - Awakening
Volume 5 Chapter 3 - Spirit Dive
Volume 5 Chapter 4 - Mana Sovereign
Volume 5 Chapter 5 - Epheotus
Volume 5 Chapter 6 - Kordri
Volume 5 Chapter 7 - Wren Kain IV
Volume 5 Chapter 8 - Uncle
Volume 5 Chapter 9 - Revelation Eye
Volume 5 Chapter 10 - New Mentor
Volume 5 Chapter 11 - Sister
Volume 5 - Epilogue
Volume 6 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 6 Chapter 1 - Arrival
Volume 6 Chapter 2 - Meeting
Volume 6 Chapter 3 - Legacy
Volume 6 Chapter 4 - Corollary
Volume 6 Chapter 5 - Cynthia Goodsky
Volume 6 Chapter 6 - Speech
Volume 6 Chapter 7 - Celebration
Volume 6 Chapter 8 - Assignments
Volume 6 Chapter 9 - Commencement
Volume 6 Chapter 10 - Shattered Hope
Volume 6 Chapter 11 - Mourning
Volume 6 Chapter 12 - Intimate Moments
Character Illustrations (2nd Edition)
Volume 6 Chapter 13 - Kingdom of Darv
Volume 6 Chapter 14 - Shadows of the Past
Volume 6 Chapter 15 - Declaration of Victory
Volume 6 Chapter 16 - The Wall
Volume 6 Chapter 17 - Brewing of Darkness
Volume 6 Chapter 18 - Clash of the Strongest
Volume 6 Chapter 19 - Converging Fates
Volume 6 - Epilogue
Volume 7 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 7 Chapter 1 - Alacarya
Volume 7 Chapter 2 - Integration Stage
Volume 7 Chapter 3 - Foreign Magic
Volume 7 Chapter 4 - Rematch
Volume 7 Chapter 5 - Day of Judgement
Volume 7 Chapter 6 - Conniving Indrath
Volume 7 Chapter 7 - Relictombs
Volume 7 Chapter 8 - An Unrivalled Artifact
Volume 7 Chapter 9 - Return
Volume 7 Chapter 10 - The Strongest
Volume 7 Chapter 11 - Demon Prince
Volume 7 - Epilogue
Character Sheet
Volume 8 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 8 Chapter 1 - Transition
Volume 8 Chapter 2 - Beginning of the End
Volume 8 Chapter 3 - Ultra Instinct
Volume 8 Chapter 4 - Monarch
Volume 8 Chapter 5 - The Greatest Bloodline

Volume 8 Chapter 6 - Truth of the World

99 5 3
By WhiteDeath14


Every swing of Kevin's sword felt like a relentless assault, pushing me further and further back. His mastery of the blade was evident, each strike executed with precision and finesse that made it nearly impossible to keep up, even with my heightened perception granted by the Eyes of Revelation.

But what struck me more than his skill was the mischievous smile on his face, taunting me with the knowledge that he still had so much more to unleash.

I was reminded me of my past and the title I once held: the genius of Elenoir. Back then, surrounded by adulation and praise, I believed I possessed unrivaled talent. Yet, everything changed when I crossed paths with Gary.

He was not just stronger; he was in a league of his own, his talent surpassing mine in every aspect. It shattered the illusion of my greatness, revealing the depths of my own shortcomings.

Determined to overcome my past and the lingering sense of weakness, I dedicated myself to relentless training and self-improvement. Uncovering the truth about my lineage and returning to Epheotus, I immersed myself in honing my abilities, striving to become someone who could protect those dear to me.

And then, against all odds, she returned.

Saphira Claxter, my mother, stood before me, a force of power unrivalled and unattainable. Her presence alone rendered me powerless, unable to even fathom the strength she possessed.

Why won't my sword reach him?

Why won't my blade reach Kevin's throat so I can kill him?

What am I missing?

Kevin's smirk widened as our swords clashed once more, but this time, a discernible shift occurred. I could feel my strike being relentlessly pushed back, a forceful indication of a familiar sword style—the one Gary had employed years ago at Xyrus Academy against Arthur and me. It was a mastery where each successive strike compounded the power of its predecessor, an artistry approaching the pinnacle.

Arthur had exposed a vulnerability in this technique during a past tournament—a moment just before the linking happened, where the power reached its zenith.

As Kevin's left foot slid back, he executed a sweeping arc with his sword, an overt display that puzzled me. Why give me such an apparent opening? Was it a trap, or perhaps a ruse to manipulate my perception?

Despite the uncertainty, I chose to seize the opportunity, allowing Faithkeeper's verdant edge to cleave through the air toward his arm, while my second sword aimed for his outstretched right knee.

What transpired next left me in shock.

Instead of the expected surge in power, Kevin's sword moved with unprecedented speed. Even with my enhanced eyesight, it seemed as if he had momentarily transcended the constraints of time itself. His knee deftly evaded my sword strike, and his heavy blade met Faithkeeper.

The sheer force compelled my entire body to lurch downward, and in that vulnerable moment, he exploited it by driving a knee into my chin, shattering my mana-augmented defenses.

Discarding his sword, Kevin unleashed a barrage of kicks and punches, a symphony of blows raining down on me. My eyes strained to keep pace with his movements as he flawlessly struck various points across my body.

'Shit!' I cursed internally as I was treated like a punching bag by Kevin. I focused on defending my vitals and tried to find an opportunity to counter attack.

Black flames of vivum manifested in front of him, forcing him to move and allowing me to get out of the dangerous situation.

|Third POV|

A second enlightenment was considered impossible.

However, as the world experienced an unprecedented surge in power, the limitations once thought unbreakable shattered before Alistair's very eyes. The ocular powers that had served him faithfully evolved, revealing a new brilliance as one of his eyes transitioned from scarlet to a resplendent shade of purple.

Understanding flooded his mind like a cascading torrent, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. He could see the truth now, the intricate workings of the world laid bare before him.

With newfound clarity, Alistair gracefully retreated from Kevin's onslaught. A shiver of unease rippled down Kevin's spine as he lunged forward, but his movements were too sluggish, too predictable.

In perfect harmony, Alistair wielded his two swords with flawless precision, deflecting each of Kevin's attacks with an otherworldly grace. The clash of their blades echoed through the air, a symphony of steel that bore witness to the emergence of a power long hidden.

"Sword Domain," Kevin gritted his teeth, his frustration evident.

At the pinnacle of swordsmanship, where the essence of every sword art converged into an unparalleled synthesis, emerged the formidable concept known as the "sword domain."

Alistair, newly initiated into this advanced level, found himself beneath the skill level exhibited by Gary. This discrepancy was inevitable, considering Alistair's recent ascent and his lack of a shape-shifting weapon comparable to Gary's.

However, Alistair more than compensated for this shortfall with the extraordinary power of his purple eye—a manifestation of the highest echelon of the Revelation Eye. This ocular prowess transcended conventional limits, endowing him with the extraordinary ability to perceive the very essence of reality itself.

"Can you finally see it?" Kevin remarked, his gaze icy as it locked onto Alistair's.

It wasn't a jab or a tease; Kevin wasn't playing games. Beneath that frosty exterior, an unusual sense of urgency lurked.

Alistair, armed with eyes that could peer through reality itself, easily discerned the peculiar desperation. He shifted his gaze, peering through the layers of existence.

Space, time, and life.

Spatium, aevum, and vivum.

The three cosmic principles that governed reality.

But that wasn't enough for him.

Delving deeper, his eyes pierced through aetheric layers. Purple motes of aether shifted like parting waves as he navigated the layers, akin to peeling an onion.

Finally, the purple pathways gave way to resplendent golden ones, adorned with strange inscriptions.

"Fate," he muttered.

"So you can see it," Kevin grinned, lowering his sword, catching Alistair off guard.

"What's happening?" Alistair inquired, attempting to cool his mind while grappling with the surreal revelations.

"Look at the strands of Fate," Kevin urged, "Examine how they're woven, twisted, and discover the truth."

Alistair complied. He traversed the Fates of countless beings, arriving at the most brilliant strands.

The Fates of Legacies and Paladins. Otherworldly entities and himself.

"You see," Kevin chuckled, "You're the original hero of this world, the standout born to fend off invaders who twisted Fate and causality to get here."

"Why spill all this now?" Alistair questioned with a furrowed brow. There seemed to be no reason for Kevin to disclose such information.

"Because I need you to realize the true puppeteer," Kevin responded, his eyes gleaming, "Look beyond these Fates, and you'll find the Goddess of this world and Agrona. Yet, there's another layer."

Alistair skimmed over the details about the Goddess and followed Kevin's guidance, searching for the layer of Fate controlling their actions.

His breath caught as he observed golden tendrils subtly entwined around their forms, manipulating their every move.

And, as he looked further, he beheld the true mastermind.

"Ah, so you've finally arrived," the voice sighed, as if the entire affair had been meticulously orchestrated.

Alistair struggled to suppress gasps of astonishment, his eyes widening at the unfolding revelation.

"Why?" he inquired, finally addressing the enigmatic being.

"Everyone harbors a desire for power, do they not?" The being flashed a wry smile, nonchalantly twirling golden strands around its fingers. "Much like Agrona, I found contentment elusive with the status quo. Hence, I meticulously devised this elaborate scheme."

Alistair's eyes widened further as he began to comprehend, at least in part, the unseen architect pulling the strings.

The orchestrated genocide of the Djinns by Kezess Indrath.

Agrona's estrangement from Epheotus.

Agrona's calculated maneuvers, rallying Legacies with visions of universal conquest.

It was all the handiwork of this mysterious puppeteer.

"Regardless of one's might," the being elucidated, "they cannot contend with Fate itself. This holds true even for formidable figures like Gary Whiteborn and Lancelot Orbel. Thus, it is evident that the orchestrator of Fate wields the ultimate authority."

"How simplistic," Alistair scoffed. "Fate is malleable. Every individual shapes it through their actions. Our choices mold the future."

"Indeed, the future possesses a certain pliancy," the being conceded. "However, I have accounted for every variable. My machinations have spanned a duration far longer than your existence. There exists no vulnerability in my plan. Ultimately, every entity succumbs to the orchestration of Fate."

"I shall unveil a glimpse for you," the entity proclaimed, extending its arm and transporting Alistair to an alternate realm.

In this ethereal setting, two fair-haired women sat elegantly around a table, partaking in a seemingly tranquil tea gathering.

Rachel swiftly rose at the sudden arrival of Alistair and Kevin, both being ushered in by the enigmatic being.

"How dare you bring yourself here?" Anastasia uttered, her tone laced with venom.

"Compose yourself, chained Goddess," the being reproached. "Your threats resonate no more than a dog's bark in my ears."

Anastasia found herself immobilized, scarlet chains tightening around her wrists and ankles, inflicting searing pain even upon her divine form.

Not even her godly vessel could elude the grasp of these chains.

"Mother?" Rachel queried, her eyes betraying concern. She promptly deduced that the being responsible for chaining the Goddess had just made an entrance, yet the motive behind such an act remained elusive.

She gritted her teeth, acknowledging the futility of a direct confrontation.

"You possess discernment," the being chuckled. "Let us commence from the commencement, shall we?"

"I am the architect of the entire arrangement that orchestrated the arrival of your soul among others, Rachel Glidesburn."

[A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed it! Remember to vote and comment if you did. I will be uploading twice a week now since my mocks are over till this fanfic is finished.]

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