Chronicles of Legends

By WhiteDeath14

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Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls... More

Volume 1 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 1 Chapter 1 - Mana Cores
Volume 1 Chapter 2 - Alistair
Volume 1 Chapter 3 - Zestier
Volume 1 Chapter 4 - Zestier II
Volume 1 Chapter 5 - Prince of Elenoir
Volume 1 Chapter 6 - Genius of Orbel
Volume 1 - Epilogue
Volume 2 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 2 Chapter 1 - Adventurer's Examination
Volume 2 Chapter 2 - Three Races Tournament
Volume 2 Chapter 3 - Wunderkinds
Volume 2 Chapter 4 - Discovery
Interlude - Elder Rinia - Prophecy
Volume 2 Chapter 5 - The Death Talon Dungeon
Volume 2 Chapter 6 - A Higher Being
Volume 2 Chapter 7 - Realmheart
Volume 2 Chapter 8 - Aether
Volume 2 Chapter 9 - Director Goodsky
Volume 2 Chapter 10 - Spirits
Volume 2 Chapter 11 - Love
Volume 2 Chapter 12 - Dance
Volume 2 Chapter 13 - Engagement
Volume 2 Chapter 14 - Lances
Volume 2 Chapter 15 - Birthday
Volume 2 - Epilogue
Volume 3 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 3 Chapter 1 - Student Council and the Disciplinary Committee
Volume 3 Chapter 2 - Entrance Ceremony
Volume 3 Chapter 3 - Settling In
Volume 3 Chapter 4 - Disciplinary Committee
Volume 3 Chapter 5 - Classes and Professors I
Interlude - Tournament Trailer
Volume 3 Chapter 6 - Classes and Professors II
Volume 3 Chapter 7 - Paladins
Volume 3 Chapter 8 - Capture the Flag I
Volume 3 Chapter 9 - Capture the Flag II
Volume 3 Chapter 10 - Slumber Party
Volume 3 Chapter 11 - Eve of the Tournament
Volume 3 Chapter 12 - Round of 16
Volume 3 Chapter 13 - Quarter Finals I
Volume 3 Chapter 14 - Quarter Finals II
Volume 3 Chapter 15 - Power of Aether
Volume 3 Chapter 16 - The Perfect Plan
Volume 3 Chapter 17 - Pinnacle of Swordsmanship
Volume 3 Chapter 18 - Punishment
Volume 3 Chapter 19 - The Feeling of Love
Volume 3 Chapter 20 - Hell's Jaw I
Volume 3 Chapter 21 - Hell's Jaw II
Volume 3 Chapter 22 - Hell's Jaw III
Volume 3 Chapter 23 - Hell's Jaw IV
Volume 3 - Epilogue
Volume 4 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 4 Chapter 1 - Windsom's Potions and Medicines
Volume 4 Chapter 2 - Beast Will
Volume 4 Chapter 3 - Paladins vs Lances
Volume 4 Chapter 4 - Terrorism
Volume 4 Chapter 5 - Lineage I
Volume 4 Chapter 6 - Lineage II
Volume 4 Chapter 7 - Elven Kingdom
Volume 4 Chapter 8 - Cottage
Volume 4 Chapter 9 - Future
Volume 4 Chapter 10 - Foreboding
Volume 4 Chapter 11 - Invasion
Volume 4 Chapter 12 - Despair
Volume 4 Chapter 13 - Betrayal
Volume 4 Chapter 14 - Fate
Volume 4 Chapter 15 - Light
Volume 4 Chapter 16 - Darkness
Volume 4 Chapter 17 - Aftermath
Volume 4 Chapter 18 - Council
Volume 4 Chapter 19 - Truth
Volume 4 - Epilogue
A/N: Power Levels
Volume 5 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 5 Chapter 2 - Awakening
Volume 5 Chapter 3 - Spirit Dive
Volume 5 Chapter 4 - Mana Sovereign
Volume 5 Chapter 5 - Epheotus
Volume 5 Chapter 6 - Kordri
Volume 5 Chapter 7 - Wren Kain IV
Volume 5 Chapter 8 - Uncle
Volume 5 Chapter 9 - Revelation Eye
Volume 5 Chapter 10 - New Mentor
Volume 5 Chapter 11 - Sister
Volume 5 - Epilogue
Volume 6 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 6 Chapter 1 - Arrival
Volume 6 Chapter 2 - Meeting
Volume 6 Chapter 3 - Legacy
Volume 6 Chapter 4 - Corollary
Volume 6 Chapter 5 - Cynthia Goodsky
Volume 6 Chapter 6 - Speech
Volume 6 Chapter 7 - Celebration
Volume 6 Chapter 8 - Assignments
Volume 6 Chapter 9 - Commencement
Volume 6 Chapter 10 - Shattered Hope
Volume 6 Chapter 11 - Mourning
Volume 6 Chapter 12 - Intimate Moments
Character Illustrations (2nd Edition)
Volume 6 Chapter 13 - Kingdom of Darv
Volume 6 Chapter 14 - Shadows of the Past
Volume 6 Chapter 15 - Declaration of Victory
Volume 6 Chapter 16 - The Wall
Volume 6 Chapter 17 - Brewing of Darkness
Volume 6 Chapter 18 - Clash of the Strongest
Volume 6 Chapter 19 - Converging Fates
Volume 6 - Epilogue
Volume 7 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 7 Chapter 1 - Alacarya
Volume 7 Chapter 2 - Integration Stage
Volume 7 Chapter 3 - Foreign Magic
Volume 7 Chapter 4 - Rematch
Volume 7 Chapter 5 - Day of Judgement
Volume 7 Chapter 6 - Conniving Indrath
Volume 7 Chapter 7 - Relictombs
Volume 7 Chapter 8 - An Unrivalled Artifact
Volume 7 Chapter 9 - Return
Volume 7 Chapter 10 - The Strongest
Volume 7 Chapter 11 - Demon Prince
Volume 7 - Epilogue
Character Sheet
Volume 8 Chapter 0 - Prologue
Volume 8 Chapter 1 - Transition
Volume 8 Chapter 2 - Beginning of the End
Volume 8 Chapter 3 - Ultra Instinct
Volume 8 Chapter 4 - Monarch
Volume 8 Chapter 5 - The Greatest Bloodline
Volume 8 Chapter 6 - Truth of the World

Volume 5 Chapter 1 - Alacaryan Camps

91 10 6
By WhiteDeath14


With calculated composure, I strode through the dimly lit tunnels, my footsteps muffled by the pulsating sound barrier enveloping me. Raising my gaze, I fixed my icy eyes upon the formidable wooden gate that obstructed my path, confirming my suspicions of yet another Alacaryan camp.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't be tasked with the mundane duty of clearing out Alacaryan camps. As one of the esteemed Paladins, my training and responsibilities encompassed more significant challenges. However, with the Six Lances and other powerful mages stretched thin and unable to safeguard every corner, we were compelled to take on these essential missions ourselves, temporarily diverting our focus from rigorous training.

Summoning a gust of wind, I commanded it to rupture the gate, granting me entrance into the expansive cavern beyond. The scene unfurled before me, a chaotic tableau of Alacaryans engaged in the taming and enslavement of powerful beasts, their intentions veiled by the fog of war.

The air crackled with energy as portals hummed with activity, facilitating the movement of troops amidst the clamor of the encampment. Sensing the urgency of the situation, I prioritized neutralising this gateway nexus, severing their strategic advantage.

Extending my right palm, a slender tendril of lightning shot forth, instantly obliterating the portals in a dazzling display. The sudden collapse of the conduits drew the attention of the Alacaryans, their gazes fixated upon me.

"Have I finally garnered your undivided attention?" I quipped, devoid of amusement, my thumb instinctively caressing the hilt of my sword.

Harnessing the power of the Keiki Style, the third movement: Void Step, I tapped into my silver core, aglow with raw energy. Drawing upon the wellspring of lightning and sound mana within, the fabric of reality seemed to warp around me as I materialized amidst the startled enemy ranks.

Seizing the momentum of my movement, I unleashed a sweeping arc with my sword, snuffing out the lives of several dozen mages caught off guard. The Alacaryans responsible for subjugating the beasts were thrown into disarray, desperately attempting to rouse their captives, while the remaining forces charged headlong toward me.

As the soldiers closed in on me, their faces void of fear, I pondered the concept of mob mentality. It seemed their collective resolve fueled their audacity, prompting them to advance despite the imminent danger before them. With an unwavering gaze, I met their approach head-on.

Weapons and spells surged toward me, but their futile attempts were effortlessly repelled by the coiled armor of yellow lightning tendrils enveloping my body. The attacks glanced harmlessly off my impervious shield. Digging my foot into the ground, I channeled my power, unleashing thicker serpentine bolts of lightning that slithered their way toward the hapless beasts.

The creatures, still ensnared by the artifact's grasp, succumbed with a final wheeze, their resistance futile against my formidable spell. As the lightning consumed them, the soldiers closest to me suffered the same fate, their bodies convulsing with electricity. The surviving troops, wary of the unfamiliar power I wielded, instinctively retreated, their caution overpowering their aggression.

Lifting my left hand, I snapped my fingers, releasing a pulse of sound that reverberated through the air, striking the soldiers with deafening force. Their reliance on defensive shields proved futile as blood trickled down their necks, their agonized screams piercing the once tumultuous atmosphere.

Annoyed by their feeble resistance, I sneered inwardly. The time had come for decisive action. Channeling the essence of the Keiki Style, I executed the second movement: Horizon Splitting Slash (360).

The world transformed into a blinding white haze as my sword sliced through the air in a seamless circular motion. A hush descended upon the room as the soldiers' sounds were abruptly extinguished. One by one, their neatly severed heads cascaded to the ground, severed from their lifeless bodies with precision.

Surveying the aftermath, the silence resonated deeply within me. Another mission accomplished, another victory won. It was time to depart, leaving the echoes of death and destruction behind.

As an overwhelming pressure bore down upon me, threatening to break through the confines of my stoic facade, I summoned every ounce of willpower to maintain my composure. Slowly, I turned, my gaze meeting that of my new adversary. In that single glance, the stark contrast between us became apparent.She was no ordinary opponent—her very presence exuded an air of formidable power. An <A>

rank warrior, her aura radiated with an intensity that demanded respect. Yet, there was something distinctly different about her. It was not just her physical appearance that set her apart; it was the way she carried herself, the way her essence seemed both contained and volatile, like a dormant explosion waiting to be unleashed.

She stood before me, an enigmatic woman whose countenance defied conventional beauty. Long, lustrous hair cascaded around her, possessing an ethereal pearlescent quality that captivated the eye. Her skin, resembling polished alabaster, possessed a flawless complexion, a stark contrast to the sickly gray hue of Uto. Her eyes, as piercing as her long, spiraling black horns reminiscent of an impala's antlers, seemed to penetrate deep into the very core of my being.

Yet, it was her aura—or rather, the controlled restraint of it—that seized my attention. There was an undercurrent of power, an aura held tightly in check, akin to a devastating bomb waiting for the opportune moment to detonate.

"So, you are one of the people responsible for the relentless assaults on our Dicathen bases," she stated, her voice devoid of any discernible emotion, bereft of the anger one might expect from such a confrontation.

I acknowledged her words with a silent nod, understanding that falsehoods held no merit in this encounter. Honesty, in the face of such formidable opposition, was the only path to tread.

In an instant, her aura erupted, unleashing the full might of its <A> rank power. The sheer intensity of it compelled me to grit my teeth, realising the immense challenge that lay before me. With determination etched on my face, I tapped into the depths of my own abilities, activating Monarch's Indifference through the manipulation of aether.

Even with my quasi <A-> rank power, I knew that it would not be enough to overcome an opponent of her caliber. However, amidst the surge of her unleashed aura, I sensed no trace of intent to kill. It was an intriguing observation, one that I kept to myself, focusing solely on the task at hand—to defeat the formidable being standing before me.

"I am Scythe Seris, one of the Five Scythes of Alacarya," she announced abruptly, her voice carrying a hint of mystery as she raised her hands, summoning a mana sword from her spatial ring.

With resolute purpose, I activated Realmheart, tapping into the profound well of power that lay within me.

The tension between us grew, each of us poised for the other to make the slightest move that would ignite the spark of our impending battle.

Anticipating the clash, I seized the initiative, launching my assault with the First Movement of the Keiki Style: Quick Slash. My blade, infused with the raw power of wind and lightning magic, sliced through the air with lethal velocity, aimed directly at her.

Yet, just as my blade was about to strike, a mana barrier materialized out of thin air, effortlessly nullifying my attack. I watched as the barrier absorbed the full force of my strike, leaving no trace of its impact.

In retaliation, she swiftly countered, wielding her own sword with masterful precision. To my surprise, her weapon transformed into a whip adorned with edges bathed in a mesmerizing purple fire.

A surge of danger coursed through my being as I swiftly withdrew my blade, using it as a defensive measure to deflect the incoming whip. However, the evident power disparity between us became apparent as the force behind her attack forced me to stagger backward, retreating several steps in the wake of our intense exchange.

A dense mist materialized, swirling around Seris before billowing towards me. An inexplicable sense of foreboding accompanied its approach, urging me to act swiftly. In response, I conjured flames of destruction, weaving them into a protective wall before me, effectively blocking the encroaching mist.

However, my hasty defensive move momentarily obscured my vision, providing Seris with an opportunity to launch a surprise attack from behind. Sensing her presence, I swiftly pivoted, employing the Second Movement of the Keiki Style: Horizon Splitting Slash to parry her strike.

Once again, the clash of our swords resounded, but the overwhelming power disparity persisted, forcing me to yield ground under the weight of her assault. Despite my greater skill with the sword, Seris wielded an abundance of mana, granting her superior control over its forces, an advantage I found challenging to overcome.

A peculiar density and weight accompanied Seris' mana, a quality that surpassed my own. Although my mastery of aether allowed me to contend with her to some extent, it only served to highlight the gaping power disparity between us.

"Not bad," she remarked, her gaze fixed upon me. "However, if that's the extent of your strength, I can't say I'm satisfied. You lack the power necessary to face the Asuras."

Her words stirred a flicker of intrigue within me. I had harbored reservations about the Asuras from the start, not because they were inherently malevolent, but because they exuded an air of superiority. They resembled the Protectors from my former existence—entities tasked with safeguarding the races, yet unafraid to eliminate those who posed a threat.

Her statement confirmed two things. Firstly, she and I were not truly enemies; circumstances had merely placed us on opposing sides. In fact, our interests might align more closely than expected.

Secondly, she sought to enlist me in a future confrontation against the Asuras.

'Is she connected to that woman?' I pondered silently, a suspicion forming in my mind. Nonetheless, I swiftly redirected my focus to the ongoing battle, knowing that unraveling the truth would have to wait for another time.

Ever since my encounter with Jezebeth, the woman had once again reinforced the seal on my light magic, rendering it inaccessible until I reached the white stage. Consequently, I was deprived of the <A-> rank strength I had employed against him.

However, I still possessed an ace in the hole—my mastery of ice magic.

In an instant, it felt as if the world had come to a standstill as I tapped into a dormant power within. My once-grey hair underwent a radical transformation, turning an ethereal shade of white, while my amethyst eyes blazed with a piercing blue intensity. As I exhaled, a palpable drop in temperature permeated the entire cavern, announcing the awakening of my ice magic.

"The true battle has only just begun," I declared, my sword now infused with the potent energy of ice magic. Frost began to spread across the cavern, encasing the surroundings in an icy embrace.

Seris's eyes widened in surprise, her lips curling into a knowing smile. "You've piqued my interest," she acknowledged, the thrill of a formidable opponent evident in her voice. With newfound determination, we both launched ourselves towards each other, ready to engage in a clash of powers and skills.

[A/N: Remember to vote if you guys like this chapter! It helps me in gauging the quality of my writing!]

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