Heavenly. Teen Wolf (s.s)

By cherrylips_1989

319K 9.4K 912

Gracie Hale, the youngest Hale child, just wanted to finish her sophomore year in peace. But that all chang... More

ห—หห‹โ‹† HEAVENLY โ‹†หŽหŠห—
act one
i. the bite
ii. impossible
iii. making first line
iv. friday night frights
v. trigger
vi. self-control
vii. dream a dream, you little bleep
viii. all you have left
ix. as i lay dying
x. creature in the night
xi. we all have a cross to bear
xii. affected
xiii. pulse rising
xiv. the alpha
xv. trapped
xvi. no way out
xvii. thrown under the bus
xviii. to bear no malice
xix. i only see red
xx. bounded
xxi. an attempt to tip the scales
xxii. my cousin miguel
xxiii. and the alpha is...
xxiv. the winter formal
xxv. completely powerless
xxvi. heart-stopper
xxvii. dead or alive
act two
i. underwater
iii. bodies piling up
iv. the creature in the shadows
v. the new beta
vi. pack business
vii. the first full moon
viii. this unfamiliar feeling
ix. isolation
x. invisible strings
xi. dead in the water
xii. the game plan
xiii. as above so below
xiv. the usual suspects
xv. immune
xvi. compelling
xvii. on the move
xviii. in too deep
xix. an eye for an eye
xx. one hour and counting
xxi. healing process
xxii. ties that bind
xxiii. the killer within
xxiv. the worm moon
xxv. anchor
xxvi. in the heat of the night
xxvii. i know who you are
xxviii. a shot in the dark
xxix. dead inside
xxx. the thinner the air, the harder to breathe
xxxi. looking before leaping
xxxii. run boy run
xxxiii. window of opportunity
xxxiv. on enemy territory
xxxv. evolution
act three
i. rite of passage
ii. the first day of junior year
iii. bad omens
iv. open wounds
v. onward and upward
vi. a trip down memory lane
vii. guided
viii. make the plan
ix. execute the plan
x. expect the plan to go off the rails
xi. throw away the plan
xii. give and take
xiii. the silver lining
xiv. the crux of the matter
xv. kill or be killed
xvi. darach
xvii. the walking dead
xviii. keeping a close eye
xix. it's all within the eyes
xx. glen capri
xxi. a multitude of casualties
xxii. drowning
xxiii. is there still hope?
xxiv. interruptions
xxv. psychic
xxvi. until the next full moon
xxvii. gone too soon
xxiii. threats
xxiv. seeing the entire board
xxx. the girl who lived
xxxi. true form
xxxii. a different method of persuasion
xxxiii. things you can't outrun
xxxiv. where do we go from here?
xxxv. the calm before the storm
xxxvi. the nemeton
xxxvii. sixteen hours
xxxiii. bloodlines
xxxiv. lunar eclipse
act four

ii. search party

3.4K 99 1
By cherrylips_1989

˗ˏˋ⋆ H E A V E N L Y ⋆ˎˊ˗
↳ 𝒊𝒊. 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚
𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘰𝘭𝘧, 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘸𝘰



          "NAKED?" SHERIFF STILINSKI ASKED MELISSA AND LYDIA'S PARENTS as they walked into the hall after they explained what had happened. "As in nude?"

"I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing," Melissa commented. "...but, yes, as far as we know, she left here clothing-optional."

They came to a stop as Noah faced Melissa and Lydia's parents. "All right, you checked the whole hospital, right?"

Melissa nodded. "Every last corner."

"Nothing suspicious?"

"Nothing," Melissa shook her head. Natalie and Thomas Martin looked between the nurse and the Sheriff with pleading eyes. "She just took off."

"All right, let's get an APB out on a fifteen-year-old brunette," Noah said, turning to the deputies beside them before turning back to Lydia's parents. "Any other descriptors?"

Stiles, who had been listening as he stood behind them, stepped forward. "Five-three, green eyes, fair-skinned, and her hair is specifically strawberry blonde."

"Is that right?" Noah asked, looking at his son.

Stiles nodded. "Yeah."

"Uh, come here," his dad nodded and grabbed Stiles by the back of the neck, pulling him away from Melissa and Lydia's parents. "What the hell are you still doing here?"

"Um, providing moral support?" Stiles said, which wasn't exactly a lie. His eyes shifted everywhere, and the walls and the floor became very interesting as he avoided his dad's eyes, knowing he shouldn't have been still at the hospital.

"Uh-huh. How 'bout you provide your ass back home, where you should be," Noah whispered to his son.

"Okay, I can do that too," Stiles said, knowing his dad wouldn't give in.


"Mm," Stiles hummed, leaving and nearly walking into the two repair men who were trying to fix the vending machine he had tipped over. He looked at them wide-eyed and went past them.

While everyone was talking to his dad and the deputies to find as much information on Lydia, Stiles easily got back to her room.

"What are you doing?" Gracie whispered to him, standing in the doorway of the bathroom. 

"I called Scott," Stiles said quietly. "He's on his way. He's gonna use her scent." He picked up Lydia's discarded hospital gown and hid it in his jacket and zipped it up. "...to find her."

"Good idea," she complimented him. "I'll come with you." She gestured to the hospital gown. "Just let me get out of this."

"Okay," Stiles nodded, looking down at his phone.

As she grabbed the clothes Derek had brought her a few days ago, Gracie went to take off her gown when she remembered a certain presence hadn't left the room. She turned to see him, staring down at his phone.



Stiles glanced up at her with a blank expression. She gave him a pointed look, and his face never changed, clearly not understanding what she was getting at.

Rolling her eyes, Gracie stepped forward and spun him around, pushing him towards the door. Never glancing back, he muttered a few "sorrys" as he went to wait outside.

Once she was sure he wasn't there, Gracie changed out of her gown and into her outfit. Afterwards, she and Stiles walked outside the hospital with Lydia's gown tightly and went straight to Stiles' Jeep, where Scott was already waiting in the passenger seat. As soon as Gracie was settled in the back, Stiles handed Scott Lydia's gown.

"This is the one she was just wearing?" Scott asked, looking at Stiles as he hopped in the driver's seat. Stiles nodded and let out a shaky breath, looking down. He was doing his best not to freak out over the fact that Lydia was running around town, freezing to death.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her," Scott consoled, seeing the not-so-concealed worried look on his friend's face. "Not again."

Gracie looked down, hating the fact that she was helping the guy she liked find the girl he was in love with, who obviously wasn't her. Thinking about it now, she hated the fact that this was what she was focused on at the moment when she should be worried about the Argents going after an innocent girl –– even if it was Lydia.

"Focus, Gracie!" She chastised herself in her head.

"All right, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her," Stiles huffed and started the car, listening to the engine turn over, while Scott took a whiff of the gown.

When the headlights popped on, illuminating Allison and surprising the three of them, she rolled her eyes at Stiles' loud cursing and rushed over to Scott's window.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked her. "Someone's gonna see us."

"I don't care," Allison declared. "Lydia's one of my best friends and we need to find her before they do."

"I can find her before the cops can," Scott assured her.

"How about before my father does?" Allison challenged.

"He knows?" Gracie leaned forward in shock at the fact that they now had to find Lydia before the police did -- or before Chris Argent and his werewolf-hunter friends did.

"Yeah," Allison nodded worriedly. "I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs."

Scott looked towards Stiles and Gracie. "A search party."

"It's more like a hunting party," Allison corrected him. Gracie frowned at the tall brunette.

Scott immediately opened his door. "Get in."

Stiles pulled out of the parking lot as soon as Allison was seated in the back next to Gracie. The girls smiled awkwardly at each other, both hesitant with how to act around each other. It was definitely uncomfortable for the two girls, considering Peter had killed her aunt, who had also killed most of the Hale family.

"All right," Stiles sighed as they turned onto the road in the direction that Scott had found Lydia's scent. "...but if she's turning, would they actually kill her?"

"I don't know," Allison said, frustrated by that fact. "They won't tell me anything. Okay, all they say is, 'We'll talk after Kate's funeral, when the others get here.'"

Gracie grimaced at that. If other Argent hunters were coming to Beacon Hills, it didn't mean anything good. Scott and Derek were in danger and now, if she was turning, so was Lydia.

"What others?" Stiles looked in the rearview mirror, exchanging a worried look with Gracie.

"I don't know," Allison repeated, hating the fact that she knew very little. "...they won't tell me that yet."

"Okay," Stiles said, annoyed. "...your family's got some serious communication issues to work on." He looked to his best friend, who was sticking his out the window like a dog as he held onto Lydia's scent while the wind blew in his face. "Scott, are we going the right way?"

Scott slipped back into his seat and pointed to a road up ahead.  "Take the next right!"

As Stiles followed Scott's directions, Lydia's scent led to what was left of the Hale house. When he pulled up, Stiles parked outside the house and got out to walk towards it, which Gracie had to admit looked even more creepy at night.

"She came here?" The Stilinski boy asked, looking back at his best friend. "You sure?"

"Yeah," Scott answered with a nod. "...this is where the scent leads."

"All right," Stiles sighed, still unconvinced. "...but has Lydia ever been here?"

"Not with me," Allison told him, shaking her head as she looked away from the house, while Stiles walked closer to it. "Maybe she came here on instinct, like she was looking for Derek."

Gracie pursed her lips thoughtfully while Scott raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"You mean she was looking for an Alpha?" Scott asked her. 

"Wolves need a pack, right?" Allison reasoned.

"Most of the time," Gracie nodded.

"Not all of them," Scott said, giving her a pointed look.

Gracie subtly rolled her eyes and turned away. She knew that Scott was still mad at Derek for killing Peter, especially lying about there being a cure for werewolves. That was fine, but it was better if he would join Derek's pack. There was strength in numbers and with more Argents coming to town, the more protection they had, the better.

Everyone knows omegas, the lone wolves, never make it that long on their own, and Gracie just didn't want Scott to get killed.

"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha?" Allison prodded. "Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?"

"Yeah," Scott nodded. "...we're-we're stronger in packs."

"Like strength in numbers."

"Yeah," Gracie nodded.

"But like-like, literally stronger, faster, better in every way," Scott explained, turning back from the house to the brunette.

"That the same for an Alpha?"

As the couple talked, Stiles was standing a few feet away, rustling through the leaves and shoving them when he spotted something.

"Derek would be stronger, too," Gracie told them.

She missed the look that Allison and Scott exchanged when she turned around after Stiles' called their names. He was crouched down next to a tree as his hands caressed what looked to be a wire strung over the ground.

"Whoa, hey, look at this!" He exclaimed. Gracie and Allison walked over to get a good look. "You see this? I think it's a tripwire."

Just as Gracie was about to advise Stiles to let go of the wire, he pulled it firmly. There was a whooshing noise from behind them and the two girls turned to see Scott, who had been standing by a tree, was swept up in the air by a strong rope. Meanwhile, Stiles was oblivious to Scott's dilemma, still studying the wire.

"Stiles..." He heard Scott call out.

"Yeah, buddy?" Stiles asked, finally looking back to see Scott swinging upside down. "Oh..."

"Next time you see a tripwire..." Scott started to say, his face slowly started to turn red when the blood started rushing to his head. "...don't trip it."

Gracie and Allison snickered while Stiles nodded. "Yeah, noted."

He and the two girls stepped forward to help him down when he held up his hands to stop them.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," Scott shook his head, listening carefully. "Someone's coming. Hide."

When neither of them moved and shared a confused look, Scott whisper-yelled at them again, "Go!"

Gracie, Stiles, and Allison scrambled, assuming that it was probably Mr. Argent and his hunting buddies. The Hale girl followed Stiles as the two hurried over to a nearby tree that was big enough to hide them both while Allison ducked down behind another tree, while the three of them were completely out of sight from Scott, overshadowed by the darkness.

As if proving their theory right, Mr. Argent and two other guys walked up to Scott, dressed in black.


So there's chapter two of season two. Please don't be a silent reader. If you did like it, please comment, vote, and share it.

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