Chapter 118

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—🌙 Lord Yang (POVs)

" Lord Yang! " Feng says as I cough blood and look at my wife Xiaobai who was holding the Demon Emperor's hair while the Emperor struggled to be free.

" Lord Yang are you alright?? " Yao says as I nodded my head, the empress then suddenly grab my hands.

" Stop my daughter before the Eclipse end." The Empress says as I look at her.

" When the Eclipse end, she will kill all of us with one snap on her finger, she will be merciless, she will kill innocent children and people." Empress says as my eyebrows crossed and look at my wife whose been torturing the Emperor using her fist.

" The Eclipse has just start, although.. She won't listen and hear you no matter what you say.. Just don't try to provoke her from killing you, but I believe she won't do that, I know there is still a place for you inside her, you just need to dive in and changed her heart. " The Empress says.

" Change her heart???  " I said and the Empress smiled and nodded her head.

" Those eyes is filled with anger and darkness, aim for her heart, she will changed, but you need to do it before the Eclipse will end. " The Empress says as I look at my wife who was now stumping her feet on the Emperor chest.

" Die you fucker." I heard my wife Xiaobai says, I then get up in the ground as I walk closer to my wife.

" Xiaobai.. " I called but she wasn't listening.

" Xiaobai.." I called out again and as I was about to touch her shoulder, she then grabbed me from my hand wrist so strongly but she wasn't hurting me.

" The fuck are you doing? " I heard her says, I then look at her hand where she was holding my hand and I then smile as I look at her.

( My wife cussed an inappropriate words..)

( Is this a good sign??? )

( She always says bad words in front of me.)

" Xiaobai.. I —. " I said but she didn't let me finished what I'm about to say when she suddenly let go of my hands and stare directly into my eyes.

" If you don't wanna die, stop pestering my war bitch." Xiaobai says and she then grabbed the Demon Emperor's leg as she throws the Emperor's body into those hideous looking creatures.

I was about to step closer to her when two hideous looking creatures stands next to her.

" Your highness.. What are we going to do with this Demon Princess, her uncles is the Demon Emperor." This weird looking giant says.

" Let her go, she's no fun, and it would be nice if she is the last demon princess of her uncle's clan. *smirk*" Xiaobai says and these hideous creatures just throws the demon princess far away like it was just a garbage.

I then inhale and steps closer to Xiaobai who was just watching some of her armies killing the other demons.

" Xiaobai.. " I said and hug her from her back.

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