Chapter 89

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—🌙 Xiaobai Yue (POVs)

As we both arrived inside the palace... this sonababich just suddenly collapse behind my back when we were about to arrived in my room... We were almost there but,

He just suddenly collapse out of nowhere. He was actually complaining about it LMAO, he says his brains hurts and it feels like it was about to explode... XD he said that to me, EVERY TIME.

He complains about it every time we walk back to the palace and the only thing I keep saying to him is XD.. 'Hold it back and don't try to sleep without my permission.'

Yes, I did said that to him and he did his best to not fall asleep or collapse, but I think he couldn't take it any more, and he just died behind my back when we arrived in front of my room.

I did say those words to him because I can't carry him on my back if he actually went dead because of the alcohol he drinks XD

But it is just so funny that he still managed to walk back to the palace without falling or sleeping.. Not until now of course.

For goodness sake people XD, he actually complained about being drunk and that his eyes feels like sleeping and that his brains feels like it is about to explode, he even said that to me.. That he's really going to collapse anytime soon XD

" That is what you get when you drink too much you sonababich." I said as I look at him sleeping so helplessly on the floor.

While looking at him sleeping on the floor with no blanket, pillows or even bed to sleep on, I just smirk and stare at him for a quite second.

" Hmm... Should I just left you and let you sleep on the floor with no sheets or just a blanket with you? " I said as I stare at his face.

( I just realized something today..)




( Why is this sonababich... Is looking prettier than me? )

" Betch, who made you? Why the hell do you look so fucking gorgeous and not me?  " I said as I stare at his face very closely.

" I shall give you your parents for a rate of five stars for making such a beautiful man like you and exist in this world, damn... Your face is prettier than mine, wtf." I said and smile as I also tries to place his hair on the other side, it was covering his half face.

" Damn... Your skin is softer than mine, your nose is looking good, your lashes is gorgeous, they are looking long and thick, these beautiful eyebrows are amazing, your adams apple is sexy, that's what makes you sexy, Ill give you a rate of four stars." I said as I pinch his nose.

( Am I even a woman?? )

( This man in front of me who's sleeping so peacefully looks beautiful than me. WTF.)

( This is so unfair!!!! This sonababich looks so fairly beautiful than me!!! )

( His skin is flawless than mine! He has good skin and fair skin tone! Wtf!!! Why do boys have thick and long eye lashes compared to the womens?! )

( This is just so unfair for a woman like me! Ahhhh!!! This is really so unfair!  )

( This sonababich right here, if she become a woman, I would even more become jealous! )

( Look at this sleeping ass sonababich! I'm already jealous of his beauty even though he's just a man and not a woman! )

( I feel so insecure of this sonababich now.)

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