Chapter 36

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—🌙Xiaobai Yue (POVs)

( They all left me alone again.)


( Well at least, no one will ever disturb me again HAHAHAHA.)

As I was sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground with a broom of course, I then just starts to look up at the sky, the clouds are covering the sun and it seems like the clouds is getting gloomy today.

( Its going to rain now.)

I then took one glance at the kitchen where I ordered my little spider minions to clean up the dishes again for Shen and Feng, so that when both of them arrived with Shao, Yao and Suze.

They wouldn't have to worry about cleaning the dishes anymore because my little minions already took care all of the dishes right now.

( I hope those little things are going well.)

( Lord Yang also says that winter is coming soon.)

( Can't wait...)

( I also died when it was winter time, I wonder if I'll actually going to die again at winter.)

( Oh well, I'm not letting that to happen anymore! )

( I won't accept dying while I am still not being married! )

( I died being single and heartbroken from my past life you know! )

( I will never die again! )

( And also! I died being a gangster and died being a virgin too!! )

( That shit will never happen again! Before I die, I must complete all of my goal! )

( And my goal is 'I will never die miserably'.)

( Yes that is right! )

I then starts sweeping the leaves on the ground as I also starts humming a song.

As song that I actually loved to sing all the time, whenever I knew that an uninvited visitor is coming.


" Plowing through the ground, On a pair of broken skis."

" Outside of the door I go, I bang their head on the trees."

" The ground is now covered in red, I think they are almost dead."

" I choke them up on the air and split their body in half."

" They couldn't wake up on the morning, because they are actually dead! Hey! "

" Jingle bells, they go to hell."

" They better get the fuck outside of my way. "

" They can run but they can't hide, From the mother fucking sleigh, hey!  "

" Jingle bells, they go to hell, they will definitely die anyway, oh what is so fun to kill them for fun, from the knife on my hand, hey!  " I said as I looked at the knife on my hand with a smile on my face.

As I finished sweeping the leaves on the ground, I then placed the broom back to its place and look at the sky one more time again.

( Its going to rain anytime now.)

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