Chapter 82

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—🌙 Xiaobai Yue (POVs)

As I was getting nearer to Wan's room, I couldn't help but to be overjoyed with happiness for I couldn't wait to see my bunny sleeping right next to my Wanny.

( If only I could have a camera with me.)

( I would love to take a picture for both of them.)

As I was getting nearer to his room with a smile on my face and being excited about seeing him with my bunny on his side.

Without a second, I began to walk quietly, I don't know why but I feel like I'm trying to not make a sound as my heart begin to feel anxious and heavy.

My heart is pounding so fast and I feel anxious as I keep getting nearer to Wan's room.

( Why do I feel so worried? )

( My heart is beating rapidly.)

( And I feel so heavy inside my chest too.)

( Something is telling me that this is bad, I have a bad feeling about this.)

( A woman's heart will never be wrong when it comes to senses of danger.)

( Aghhh.. I hope I'm not thinking too much.)

As my footsteps were slowly moving, thumping on the floor very quietly.. I then stop in front of Wan's doors with a heavy, anxious feeling.

And when I was about to open the door, I suddenly heard a moan coming inside Wan's room.

( Uh.... What? )

( Is.. Wan jerking off to himself? )

( I mean it is normal for a man to do that and I do understand that.)

( And I respect his privacy.)

( Uhm.. So should I just come tomorrow and see him again by tomorrow afternoon? )

( I might be invading his privacy or something.)



I was about to take my leave when I heard Wan's voice.

" Ahh.. St-stop please.. I'm b-begging you ahh. *sniff* *sob*" I then stop on my tracks, I then look at the door with my eyebrows crossing.

( Uhmm.. Did I hear that cracking right?? )

( Is.. Someone with him right now?? )

( I mean.. It Is not a problem.. Because it is normal for man to do things like that. )

( But for some reason, why do I feel.. Anxious and worried at the same time? )

( There are no other woman who lives in here, there are only mans!!! )

( And also, I already know Wan is interested in guys, since the day he told me who he actually preferred same gender.)

( But.. No I must be crazy, let's just leave him, I might be invading his privacy or... Their privacy.)

" Ahh.. P-please stop.. I d-don't like this... *sob*" Wan

" Shut up your mouth you little slut, stop talking, we know you like doing this stuff hahaha."

As I was just standing in front of the door clenching my fist, staring at the door listening to them, I then took a breath in and out and closed my eyes.

Woke Up As A Princess (Completed)||Still Editing||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin