Chapter 96

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—🌙 Xiaobai Yue [Yurina] (POVs)


As time goes by and we have a free time today, a guy then suddenly blocks my way, he was wearing a black shirt with long sleeve, I then raised my eyebrows.

" Daimon, what are you doing? " Guy 1

( So his name is Daimon? )

( Cool.)

" Yurina, I heard that you have a fair match with Yasha's girl, are you ready about that? " Daimon says as I raised my eyebrows.

( Oh... Yasha has already a girlfriend?? But why did he says I love you just an hour ago? )

" Uhh... Yeah? " I said and he then just smile and stare at me.

" Great! I'll be watching. " Daimon says as he then wink at me.

" Uhh okay, make sure to bring a popcorns with you." I said and I  then left him, Katana, Shan and Sephra which is Yurina's friends then followed me.

" Yurina, are you sure about this match? You know Mayumi that obsessed ex girlfriend of Yasha is really annoying, although she is also known as a fighter in Gazera School. " Shan says and I then stops on my track when I saw Yasha and a girl with big boobs, I mean.. It is not like it's really big, it just look like it.

" You mean... That girl?  " I said and point my finger to the direction where I'm looking at.

" Oh my ghad! That biatch, why is she talking to Yasha again??? Aghh! That girl really doesn't know the word that they already 'broke up'." Sephra

( Her name is Mayumi... She is the one that Yurina told me that I shall not let her touch her BOY  FRIEND.)

I then walks towards them and when I was so near to them, this girl was then about to grab Yasha's hands but too bad, I grab her hands first.

" Please don't touch my boyfriend with your filthy hands, thanks." I said and then let her hands go as I also step in front of her.

" He is MINE and I'm NOT SHARING him to anyone, at all.. Like never." I said and she looked at me in surprise but then looked so pissed off.

( Yas biatch! )

( Take that! )

( I'm the Queen of all Queens, I'm the biatch of all biatches and I'm the Queen of all Mean Girls.)

" Your boyfriend? Why? Are you two even dating?  " She said as she smirks, I then just laugh at her face so fakely and then look at her with my face and smile.

" Yes, do you want me to prove it in front of you? I can slap you with the truth right now, right here. " I said and smirk, she then raised her right hands and I know what she's going to do.

" Don't you ever lay your hand on my gorgeous face, once you slap me, I'll also give you a double slap on your face." I said with a serious look on my face, but she didn't listen, instead she goes straight for my hair.

I then also grab her hair so hard and pulls it down very harshly and when she loosen her grip on me, I then kick her stomach causing her to fall down in front of me.

I then went towards her and grab her hair and slam her pretty face on the floor that cause her nose to bleed, I then later on ride on top of her and slap her face for four times that I even left her with a hand print on her face.

" That is how you fight like a legend, you can copy but you will never do it like me." I said and slap her face once again.

I then get up and kick her stomach so hard that she groans in pain and she then look at me while glaring but I only give her a smirk on my face.

" You know... My spirit animal is a slightly deranged unicorn who has a mission to poke holes in all of the annoying people and you're one of them." I said and give her my sadist look.

" Next time, if you want to flirt with some boys, make sure they don't have a crazy psycho girlfriend and make sure that you your place is. " I said and stare at her face and her nose keeps bleeding.

" Just to let you know, you just flirted with wrong person and you're even in the wrong floor honey because you are not in my level. " I said and then turned to face Yasha who was just staring with a surprise look on his face and he then looks at me and just smile.

I then went towards him and grab his arms and turned around to look at this poor little girl sitting on the floor and smirk at her.

" I hope you're going to find someone who will definitely love you unconditionally and also, about our match? It won't happen, you know why? As you can see.. I'm more stronger and better than you, I can fight without using anything, toodles.*wink*" I said and smile then we all left her as I also dragged Yasha with me.

As we left that girl alone, I then pinch this guy next to me so hard that he then look at me.

( If Yurina would actually be here.)

( This dumbass guy would be running and hiding.)

( Yurina would probably kill this guy if he cheats.)

" You, if I see you flirting with some low ass biatches, I will make sure to bury you to the deepest core in this underworld." I said and he just then smile.

" I-I won't.." He says and I just smile.

( This biatch is scared of Yurina?? )

( Awww~~ that is cute af.)

As we were all walking through this endless hallway, I can't stop thinking about Yurina staying in my world.

( That girl, I wonder what she is doing right now.)

( I hope she is not doing something embarrassing.)

( Aghhh!! She even smiled to me so mischievously! )

( I forgot to tell her to not do something stupid.)

( I hope she is doing well in my world...)

( Aghhh I can't stop thinking about it.)



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