Chapter 103

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—🌙 Yang Nianzu (POVs)

As I told everyone to go back to their works, Xiaobai and I then approached one of my Masters when I was a kid, who taught me how to become a warrior that I have been chasing of.

" Good afternoon Master Peng." I said as Xiaobai and I then bow down in front of the master who taught me since I was a kid.

" Yes, good morning too, how have you been? I heard you brought victory on our empire again, I must have taught you so well when you were small back then." Master Peng says as I smile and mod my head.

" Yes, I still remember the things that you taught me before, I'm very proud about everything you taught me. I have learned them so very well. " I said and he then smile as he look at my wife Xiaobai next to me.

" And may I know who is this young lady who is next to you? Good afternoon to you young lady. " Master Peng says as he greeted my wife and Xiaobai smiles to him.

" She's my soon to be wife, we will get married after this month." I said and Master Peng then look at me in surprise.

" Oh my~ you're already engaged with a beautiful woman? Where did you find this beauty? " Master Peng says as I smiled to him.

" As far as I know, you never dated a woman before since you were just a kid in here, but I can't deny the fact that you have so many admirers that time and even until now, but seeing you getting engaged already? It is quite surprising." Master Peng says as he then look at Xiaobai who have been looking at somewhere else.

I then look at where Xiaobai has been staring at, but my eyebrows then crossed to each other when I saw some of the young soldiers in here are completely showing off their upper body with no clothes on, and Xiaobai is looking at them with a very obvious look on her face.

( I'm not going to bring her in here anymore.)

" Young lady." Master Peng says as Xiaobai my wife then look at Master Peng with her face.

" Yes? " Xiaobai says as she smile genuinely.

" May I know how did you steal my student's heart and even got engaged to him? " Master Peng says with a smile on his face, as It made me to smile and then look at Xiaobai, waiting for what will she answer.

" Oh.. L. Just being myself, by saying it.. I mean I always make him pissed off and making him get mad at me every day, in that way, whenever he will get mad of something, he will think of me everytime." Xiaobai says and then wink at me as I just give her what-look on my face.

( Well... It is kind of true, that whenever I thought of her that day, I always gets mad or pissed off.)

( Until... She won't leave my mind.)

" I see *smile*. " Master Peng says and he nods his head and smile while looking at me.

" Do you love each others then? " Master Peng says as he looked at Xiaobai and I with a serious look on his face and I just chuckle.

" Master Peng, who would marry someone if they don't even love each others? " I said with a smile, while his face remained serious.

" Some young people are like that, sometimes they are forced by their family to marry someone whom they don't even love, for example... I married someone who I don't really love, that is why I'm asking you two about this, I'm just worried about something like that. " Master Peng says as I nodded my head.

" Sounds reasonable enough, but thank you for worrying about it, but I sincerely love my wife and I hope she felt the same. " I said as I look at Xiaobai who keeps staring at those young soldiers who are completely naked, they aren't wearing clothes on their upper body.

" Looks like your wife is attractive by seeing young soldiers who are completely naked and doesn't have a clothes on their body. *chuckles*" Master Peng says as I just sighed, but then Xiaobai turns her head to look at Master Peng.

" I'm not attracted to those students in here who are not wearing an upper clothes, but lets just say that they do have a nice body and I'm looking at them, but it doesn't mean I'm already attracted by seeing them with no upper clothes and still, I won't exchange my soon to be husband to them." Xiaobai says as Master Peng nod his head.

" I can't disagree with you. " Master Peng says as I just smile and shake my head in disbelief.

" Master Peng, please tell your students to wear clothes and do not let them keep showing off their body whenever my wife is here." I said and Master Peng just laugh and nod his head once again.

" Alright, I shall keep that in my mind." Master Peng says as I smile, but suddenly Xiaobai just collapse and I then catch her right on time before her body could landed on the ground.

" Oh my~ what happened? " Master Peng says as I hold Xiaobai's body who have been completely knocked out and is unconscious.

" Xiaobai... Xiaobai?? " I said as I tried to wake her up, the students in here then gathered around to see what happened.

" Lord Yang, what happened to miss? " Jin says and Master Peng then pulled a needle on Xiaobai's neck.

( What... The fuck!? )

" Everyone, look for the intruder inside here." Master Peng says as he ordered everyone.

" Master Peng, is that what I'm thinking about? " I said as I look at Master Peng and the needle he is holding, he just then nodded his head.

" This is what most of the people we called assassins, they follow what their masters says and what they usually order to do this types of work. " Master Peng

( What? But why does it have to be my wife? )

( Why are they targeting my wife?! )

" It seems like, this people wants your wife, did you somehow made an enemy angry again?  " Master Peng says as I shook my head.

" I've been keeping an eye on my actions and I've been also trying to be extra careful of what I do, but Master Peng that needle you're holding. " I said as I look at Xiaobai with a worried expression on my face.

" Yes, but you shall not worry a thing, I have something to cure for it, your wife will be fine after she will drink the medicine. " Master Peng says as I carried Xiaobai on my arms, while Master Peng lead us to a spare room.



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