Chapter 116

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[Through The Darkness]
[Falling Deeper]
[The Eclipse]


—🌙Third Person Omniscient (POVs)

After a long night of darkness, the sun has already rises on the sky so brightly, but the Yue Empire is still filled with dark clouds and fogs surrounding the entire empire, the area were also filled with hideous looking creatures.

Times passed by again and its almost dawn, the eclipse will occur when the moon is set.

Outside the border of the empire, there's Jinxiu, Wan and the animal guardian who can't get inside the palace because of the hideous looking trees that guards the entire empire.

Inside the palace of Yue Empire, there's Xiaobai standing in front of the fountain, looking her own reflection on the water, she had been staring at her own reflection since morning until the sun is setting.

" You look so beautiful.." Xiaobai says as she look at her own reflection on the fountain but she then smirk.

" But you're more beautiful with black tinted eyes, this is who you are now. No one will ever stop us." Xiaobai says and when she was about to leave, she stop on her tracks and look at her own reflection again on the fountain.

" Only for another minute, I want to changed my mind.. This isn't right to me. " Xiaobai says but she then just laugh at her own reflection and broke the fountain as she punch it so hard using her fist causing her fist to bleed with blood.

" No. I'm not going to change my mind.. I'll take back everything what he took away from me. " Xiaobai says as she then smile.

Her two markings on her body then turned completely to all black as Xiaobai fall down on her knees in pain, she was feeling suffocating and out of breath.

The sun has already set and the moon is glowing so brightly and an eclipse is going to happen.


A few hours have passed and Xiaobai was now quiet, she wasn't screaming in pain anymore, she was just sitting in front of the fountain with blank expression, her tears were no longer pure for she was now crying with tinted black colored tears.

Her beautiful nail grows sharply, while Xiaobai was just sitting on the ground staring at her reflection on the water, crying with tinted black tears, her tears keeps falling but she can't feel any emotions.

She didn't understand why she was crying when she can't even feel any pain, she can't even remember anything what happened but there's only one thing she knows that was stuck inside her head.

It was anger, she don't understand anything but she is filled with anger inside, she can't remember the people in her memories.

Even if she wanted to remember who they are, there was a strong energy blocking her way.

Xiaobai then stares on the sky looking at the eclipse above her, while staring for a few minute without a thought, she get up on the ground wearing that smile again on her face.

On the other side of the empire, Jinxiu who have been crying again was now looking up on the sky with tears.

" My highness... What have you done." Jinxiu says as she kneeled down on the ground.

Xiaobai then opened the palace door very widely wearing her sadistic smile on her face, looking at her thousands of armies.



" What are those weird howlings???  " Wan says as he look at the tall walls of the Yue Empire, Xiaobai inside the empire then smile.

" Today is the day, we shall bring the enemies down, devour and kill them." Xiaobai says as she was grinning so widely, all of the creatures then bow down to her.

" He took everything what I have, now.. I am going to take everything what he owned, when I say it, I mean It. *grin*" Xiaobai says as her eyes is filled with darkness.

" Run and kill them! *grin* split their body in half, show them no mercy! *smirk* devour each one of their body." Xiaobai says as soon as Xiaobai set her foot with no heels or shoes  on the ground, the entire forest outside the Yue Empire was set on fire while Xiaobai just smirked with darkness inside her.

Xiaobai then uses her powers to open the entrance door of the Yue Empire leading all the dark and scary looking creatures running outside Yue Empire to attack the Demons Territory.

Xiaobai then steps outsides the border of the Yue Empire with her barefoot, Wan and the other with him, they all saw Xiaobai walking barefoot on the ground with blank expression.

" Y-your highne—." Jinxiu says but when she was about to step any closer to her she stop on her tracks when Xiaobai look at her with dark tinted eyes filled with darkness, she stares Jinxiu's face but continued to walk for Xiaobai won't remember who she was.

" My h-highness!! " Jinxiu says as she runs after Xiaobai but what surprises Wan is when Xiaobai turn around and used her powers to throw Jinxiu far away from her  causing Jinxiu to fly and hit her back on the trees.

" Jinxiu!!! " Wan shouted as he and the animal guardians runs toward to Jinxiu, Wan then look at Xiaobai in disbelief, but Xiaobai just look at Jinxiu with blank expression and turn her back like she did nothing.

" Xiaobai!!! " Wan yelled so loudly that made Xiaobai to stop on walking and she turned around to look at Wan with no expression on her face.

As Wan stares at Xiaobai's face, Xiaobai was looking at him with no expression on her face and when she was about to walk away again, Wan then runs towards to Xiaobai but he stop in the middle when Xiaobai raised her arms and set fire in front of him causing him to step back.

" I do not know who you are and I have no intention of hurting you and your friends, so stop pestering me, or I'll burned you alive.. With your friends." Xiaobai says with a blank expression and she then disappeared right in front of him leaving all of them in speechless.



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