Chapter 62

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—🌙Yang Nianzu (POVs)

As the soldiers were now taking their break, this two people in front of me keeps talking nonsense.

" Come on Wan, lets go and meet our ex lovers." Xiaobai says as I just look at her with my eyebrows crossing.

( Tsk..)

( Why does she keep talking about her past lovers when I'm actually here in front of her?!! )

( Is she not satisfied of me being with her at all? )

( She's already engaged to me yet she's talking about her past lovers??! )

( Why is she making me... Nevermind.)

" Wait, you're the one who have past lovers, I don't have any of those." Wan says and Xiaobai then smile.

" Then we should get you one, what do you like? Man or woman? " Xiaobai says and Wan then whispered something to Xiaobai's ears.

( Why would she asked such an obvious question??? It's obviously a woman, since he is a man.)

( But... From what I notice from him earlier, he seems to like the same gender as him. I guess? )

" Oh my! Wan!!! You naughty! AHAHAHA Though... I'll talk to that person and ask of what does that person like, don't worry I can keep a secret hehehe." Xiaobai says as both of them smile and laugh together.

( Aghhh.)

" Do you wanna know my ex lovers name? I'll tell you even if you don't want to hear it. " Xiaobai says as I just stare at her crossing my arms.

( Aghhh... She's about to talk to her past lovers again.)

( Though I'm actually curious who they are.)

" My first lover is Federico Fajardo, Shanyuan, Yaozu, Weimin, Blaine, Neal, Enoch, Jeremy and ninety-nine others, there are lots of them I can't remember their name anymore, but all of them are bunch of idiots and cheaters." Xiaobai

" But except for my first love Federico Fajardo, his family actually calls him as Rico only, anyway he's a good man he didn't cheated, it was just that he was getting married to someone else not me. " Xiaobai says as she smiled and look at me, I then just stare at her crossing my arms as I raised one of my eyebrows.

( That is a lot... But I don't care, she's mine anyway.)

I then look up at the sky for quite a second and then take a sip on my cup as the three of us were all sitting comfortably on one of the chairs with foods in front.

( Those idiots don't know how precious is my Xiaobai.)

( And all of them are stupid to leave a beautiful and a fierceless woman.)

" Though, my favorite lover is my future husband, right Lord Yang? " Xiaobai says and so I look at her and just smile.

( Why is she saying that word after mentioning those idiots who are her past whatever.)

" Look at my baby it's so cute and fluffy." Xiaobai says and so I look at her one more time and was surprised that she is holding the bunny that I give to her.

" Wanna hold it? Its a girl, her name is Bai Xiao, just like my name, but backwards." Xiaobai says and I just smile.

" Becareful, it will bite your clothes if she find that it smell good." Xiaobai

Woke Up As A Princess (Completed)||Still Editing||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें