74 No Wig=Best Dad Ever!

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"I'm back!" Lin calls out before swooping down to the bed and grabbing Victoria who was playing with her teething toys nuzzling her. The baby let out a squeal and proceeded to hug his face.

"And the wig is off, so the happy baby is back," (Y/n) muses from the other side of the bed as Lin scooted with Victoria closer.

"Okay so it must be the wig, dang, this will be hard for sure, especially since I'll want to see her during the earlier before show stuff," Lin says pouting.

"I'm sorry Lin, we didn't know how she'd react, but at least she seems to be in a better mood now that she's trying to hug you to death.

"She's getting so mobile, I'm worried she'll start walking too soon,"

"Maybe closer to her birthday she will. It's still January,"

"I know, I can't believe we'll spend my birthday here, best thing ever!" Lin says before giving Victoria raspberries.

"I can't either, at least you've got that day off, it'll be just us your family for the morning then big family stuff later," (Y/n) muses as she watches her partner and their baby girl play together.

"Ready for helping with bath time?"

"Wait I thought you'd already done that?" Lin asks.

"Figured you'd want to tell the story of our strange new ducky friend," she teases holding out the new rubber duckie that was painted as the Puerto Rican flag.

Lin's eyes lit up at it, "You found this today?"

"In the gift shop, Victoria grabbed at it before I could say no and shoved it in her mouth, I had to buy it," (Y/n) says sheepishly.

"That's my girl! We'll get all the duckies in the world with flags all over them! And you'll have a set from everywhere!" he says giving her a nuzzle to the nose.

"You two are so cute. I fall in love with you the more you interact with our daughter," (Y/n) muses, "You're such a great dad,"

"The best dad ever!" Lin points out.

"Sure, you're the best dad ever,"

A Book Started This Whole Thing (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now