95 Getting Ready Wedding Morning

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Pippa popped her head in the room while (Y/n) was getting her hair touched up into cascading curls. "Wow, you look amazing (Y/n/n)" she responds.

"How's Victoria doing? Is she changed yet?" (Y/n) asks her eyes darting to Pippa's clearly anxious.

"Don't do that, don't worry, Renèe has got her and is helping her keep her flower crown on," Pippa says. "And Isabella is making sure everything is set up in the venue- my job is to keep you relaxed before the wedding." Pippa points out as the make-up artist moves to start putting makeup on (Y/n).

"I'm so nervous I barely ate earlier,"

"And that's okay, to be nervous, it's a big event and tons of people are gonna be here. But you're marrying someone who is probably just as nervous too, but he loves you," Pippa reminds her.

"I know, I'm just glad we're finally able to do this. I can't wait to just say I do"

Pippa grins, "And it will be amazing (Y/n/n)" she points out squeezing her hand. "Your dress is absolutely amazing, Lin is going to have a hard time not eyeing you up,"

"I want to see him, or at least talk to him-" (Y/n) says with a frown.

"I can get him on the phone if you want? No face-time though! You are not seeing him until you walk down that aisle!" Pippa says sternly.

"Okay okay, no face time, I just want to hear his voice," (Y/n) says wincing as the brush poked her eyelid a bit.

Pippa moves to get the phone call before handing it to (Y/n), "Hey querida, Pippa said you were nervous? Please don't be, I bet you're gonna look so so so beautiful, I am the luckiest guy to have you" Lin's voice came over the speaker.

"I'm nervous about everyone watching, you know I'm not this big on this many people, there are so many people Lin,"

"I know, but it'll be worth it, just keep your eyes on me when you walk down that aisle, and then everything will be amazing," Lin points out making (Y/n)'s nerves die down a bit.

"Okay-okay I can do that. Renèe should be bringing Vicky over to you once we get to the venue-that way she can be around you, she keeps asking confused about this even if we did the rehearsal yesterday,"

Lin let out a laugh on the other end, "I bet she looks so cute, I can't wait to get pictures with her after the ceremony. With you too of course,"

"Course, it'll be the best family picture we've got," (Y/n) points out, "I love you Lin-Manuel,"

"I love you too (Y/n)" Lin whispers, "See you at the ceremony-I can't wait."

"I know, I'll see you at the ceremony, bye" (Y/n) says as she hands the phone back to Pippa who grins moving to tell Lin she'd take him to talk with Vicky soon.

"Better now?"

"Yes, way better, thank you, Pippa,"

"No problem, better let this dad talk to his princess or he's going to throw a fit," she jokes walking back out of the room.

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