75 Rehearsals And Sleepy Baby

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Harmony held Victoria in her arms as they watched Lin and the rest of the cast perform the first run through with costumes. Victoria seemed to realize partially it was her dad up there but still gave a whine every time she saw the sway of the long hair.

"I know baby, but daddy is amazing up there," (Y/n) whispers as she bounces the 9month old in her lap a bit.

Eventually, Victoria settled down and started suckling on her binky as Lin started singing Dear Theodosia and her eyes started shutting, indicating that it probably was best to vacate the rest of the rehearsals, as not to be a distraction.

Hanging out in the dressing rooms with a sleepy baby was easier said than done, (Y/n) had to be sure that it was quieter. Thankfully Lin finished up, and though sweaty made a beeline to hug her kissing her cheek.

"Hi querida," he murmurs as his arms wrap around her waist.

"Hi. You were so good, you made our daughter fall asleep for Dear Theodosia," she whispers back.

Glancing a bit to his side where Victoria laid in her makeshift pack and play crib he smiled. "I can't wait for her to actually see the whole thing and understand it when she's older," he whispers.

"Me too, it'll be neat. But I think In The Heights will be far more spectacular," (Y/n) whispers.

"It might be too, but she'll see both when she's able to understand it."

"She's trying to walk already, can you believe it?" (Y/n) whispers.

"What?" Lin mumbles clearly upset by that, "She's growing too fast," he whines.

"I know, tell me about it, she's able to push herself up to stand against anything, and then falls right back down, determined little bugger she is,"

"You grow up too fast," Lin scolds playfully as he pulled away from (Y/n) to scoot closer to his daughter, "Where have the months gone by?"

"I dunno, really fast and slow at the same time...she turns one in three months can you believe it?" she asks.

"I can't, but it's been a good year, and I can't wait until she's able to run around and I'll be able to spend more time,"

"You're busy this year,"

"Our wedding is this year you know?"

"I know...remember my student when you first met me?"


"Mmhmm, I kept in contact with her after she graduated, and she's our wedding planner, she's excited to start when we get back from Puerto Rico,"

"Perfect," Lin whispers leaning to press his lips to (Y/n)'s.

"I know, she's the best and I'm giving her a shot, she's shown me a few things she's been able to assist on and I love it,"

"I'm glad you get to keep in contact with the good students,"

"Me too...now you're off tomorrow for your birthday...what are we doing?"

"Exploring of course! I've got to show my daughter the fun places around here," Lin points out.

"...that sounds like fun, but also a bit much,"

"Don't worry nothing bad will happen!"

A Book Started This Whole Thing (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now