70 Happy New Year!

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Most if not all of the Hamfam were at the party for New Years'. Thankfully for once (Y/n) was finally able to drink again, having gotten baby Victoria on full-on solid food and had a small glass of champagne.

"Hi mi querida," Lin whispers as his arms snake around (Y/n)

(Y/n) leans back into his arms, "Vicky asleep again?"

"Yeah, the loud noises woke her up...I'm anxious she's gonna wake back up at midnight when the fireworks go off," he whispers.

"At least everyone isn't being too loud, and you put the white noise machine on for her?"

"I did, but I'm sure she'll still hear everything,"

"I know, I feel bad that there's no way to avoid it," (Y/n) whispers.

"Me too, have you tried Pippa's cookies she made?"

"YES! Oh my gosh, I am stealing her for sure, she bakes them way better,"

"And Daveed actually made some weird veggie dish, I was surprised,"

"I thought Emmy made that?" (Y/n) points out.

"...But Daveed said he made it?"

"He be lying to impress you," (Y/n) teases.

"Damn...what a crook he is," Lin mutters with a huff.

"I could have been his idea, but Emmy made it happen,"

"True, very true, ready for the ball drop?" Lin asks.

"Always ready as long as I get to kiss you after it is," she whispers.

"I love that part more so, and I can't wait for the year ahead soon to me Mrs.Miranda," he whispers.

"I know, July can't come soon enough," she whispers back.

"But first Hamilton in Puerto Rico,"

"I'm anxious about that, flying with a baby is hard,"

"I'll be by your side so it'll be worth it," Lin points out.




"I love you,"



"I love you too,"



"To a New Year,"



"To a New Year,"



Happy New Year

Lin leaned in and pressed his lips to (Y/n)'s, her arms snaking around his neck to tug him closer. Fireworks going off in a distance and everyone around them kissing significant others. It was all interrupted by a sudden cry from the nursery.

"Guess we should give a kiss to another girl huh?" Lin jokes.

"I'm sure she'll love her daddy's kisses to make her stop crying,"

"Only if her mommy comes too," Lin points out.

"Then let's calm our baby"

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