102 Birthday Breakfast Surprise

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"Good morning my dear husband, and happy birthday," (Y/n) whispers as Victoria climbed up on the bed bouncing excitedly, and moved to shake Lin awake.

"mm? Breakfast in bed?" Lin mumbles as he tugged Victoria close who let out a squeal, "I think I'd rather just sleep with the princessa," he mumbles.

"no! Dada! Bweakfawst!" Victoria squealed out.

"hmmm, okay you've convinced me-are those? You two got me breakfast from my favorite place?" Lin says having finally caught the scent of the breakfast and moved to sit up.

"Yup, figured since it's a big day we should celebrate-"

"You're the best, and spoiling me. You know my parents are having that huge feast, trying to stuff me already?" Lin teases.

"Oh you know me," (Y/n) jokes as she sits down moving Victoria onto her lap. "We're all sharing by the way,"

"Wait but I thought this was my breakfast?"

"It is, but that's got a few more than just one person can eat, I figured it'd be nice to share a breakfast in bed, plus this one has been up rather early, she didn't want to eat until you got food too," (Y/n) points out.

Victoria had already grabbed her pieces of fruit from the smaller side plate and was eating them.

Lin chuckles, "Okay, fine this is just a perfect way to have a birthday breakfast," he points out leaning to kiss (Y/n)'s cheek and Victoria's forehead before digging into the food.

"And we're heading over to your parents this afternoon, that's where the real party is gonna be at." (Y/n) points out to which Lin gave her a grin.

"I can't wait, you kept it all quiet so I am clueless as to what exactly it is that we're doing,"

"Course I kept it a secret, it's special and you deserve the best 40th birthday ever,"

"Gosh I'm old-" Lin mutters shaking his head.

"No you're not THAT old," (Y/n) retorts.

"I'm older than you and older than you Victoria," he teases.

"Dada old-" Victoria mimics making Lin grin.

"Well see, even our daughter thinks I'm old!" he points out.

"You're still young on the inside though my love, such a child sometimes," (Y/n) teases as she kisses his cheek again, swiping a piece of bacon off his plate.

"Hey, that's mine!" Lin whines.

"Point-you are a child at heart and will never grow up-" she points out with a grin.

"Fine-I am a child at heart, but I always will."

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