33 Moving In With Each Other

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"Okay that's the last of the boxes...I never knew I had this much stuff in my little apartment..." (Y/n) says sheepishly as Lin set down the last of her boxes, the ones filled with books that is.

"No, it's fine...we'll just have to figure out where another bookshelf is gonna go...we both have too many books," Lin says jokingly.

"Yeah, and they're too important, I've got so many notes in most of these books, from papers to my dissertation..." (Y/n) says as she starts opening them.

"Not to mention you've actually got less clothes than I expected," Lin murmurs.

"Well I don't need a whole lot of clothes, I cleaned out a lot before I moved everything, and donated quite a bit. If I'm not wearing it, or haven't in a year why should I keep it?" (Y/n) points out letting a squeal when Lin tossed a piece of clothing at her.

"Hey! Okay you've asked for it Lin-Manuel!" (Y/n) growls out playfully as she makes a move to tackle him away from her boxes of clothes landing on top of him and pinning his arms a bit away from the boxes.

"No! I wanted to put your clothes away," Lin says with a pout his eyes trained on hers.

"And no, maybe there are somethings I don't want you seeing just yet," (Y/n) says her cheeks flushed as she practically was on top of him, it didn't help that she was wearing very little due to moving things.

"Well maybe that's why I was trying to go through them," Lin murmurs his eyes trained on her lips.

"Well you have to wait sir...cause we still have to break in me living here don't we?" she purrs leaning to press her lips against his only to quickly get off him and grab the box, rushing to the bedroom where she could put them away.

"Hey! You tricked me! That's not fair!" Lin's call comes out from the other room, she could practically hear his pout in his voice as she let out a small laugh putting things away.


Once she was fully unpacked, meaning Lin had somehow managed to put her books on the shelf...though quite a bit still remained on the coffee table she made her way to sit next to his pouting form.

"Oh stop it, you're gonna get your face stuck like that," she mumbles as she slips her arms around him, resting her head on his chest as his own arms wrapped around her.

"Okay, but still that was a dirty trick, I deserve some compensation for that mean trick,"

"Oh you will, but after we take a rest and way after dinner...perhaps some wine with dinner might make it more worth it," she whispers as she moves to play with his fingers.

"Hmmm....that might very well be worth it." he says with a wide grin.

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