Episode 19

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Beacon Hotel Room

Allowing the valet to take their car to the parking lot, Billy and Vanessa head inside the hotel as Billy was on his Bluetooth talking to Joshua. Just to learn about Colin's kidnapping broke his heart as Colin's life could be in danger. He promised his brother that he would have his own resources look into Colin's whereabouts if the FBI couldn't hold up their end of the deal. Billy just hoped that Colin was found safe because Reva didn't deserve to go through that ordeal. Luckily, for Vanessa's daughter Maureen, who is coming back from her trip from visiting her father and her step mother, she didn't have to go through that. If anything happened to Vanessa's daughter, Billy AND Matt would move heaven and earth to find her, but at this moment all of them should focus on all the good Maureen has done since she's taken part in the peace corps during the summers or breaks when there are no college classes. Now she's back and will catch up on her school work at Springfield University. When they go to the dining section of the hotel, they check in at the office as the person takes them to their table.

Billy - "Alright little brother, you just keep me updated okay? Tell Reva, Vanessa and I are thinking about her alright? I love you Joshua, bye"

Billy sighed as he pressed the off button on his blue tooth, ending the call. They approached their table before he pulled out the seat for his wife who smiled at her husband.

Vanessa - "Thank you Billy"

Billy - "Your welcome Vanessa, I just got off the phone with Joshua and all hell's breaking loose right now"

Vanessa frowned and figured what it was all about as the two of them sat down at the table together. No other child should experience what happened to Colin just now, hell, if that was Maureen, Vanessa would lose it.

Vanessa - "'Colin right? They haven't found him yet?"

Billy - "No, nothing new on Colin except they think they found him in San Cristobel so Joshua and Reva are preparing themselves to go over there with them"

Vanessa - "Well I hope they find that sweet little boy and bring him back home. He doesn't need to be traumatized any longer"

Billy - "So do I Vanessa, so do I. Has Maureen, Matt and Charlotte's plane showed up yet?"

Vanessa - "Just a couple of minutes ago, the plane just landed at the airstrip so they should be here any minute"

Billy - "That's good...how do you feel? Seeing your daughter for the first time since she left Springfield this summer?"

Vanessa - "A little nervous, I mean despite talking to her on the phone every single night, I miss her Billy. I miss hanging out with her, visiting me at our home, making us laugh and all of that"

Billy - "And almost suffocating her with those hugs of hers?"

Vanessa - *Grins* "Okay okay, that too, I just can't wait to be with my angel"

Billy and Vanessa laugh as the waiter comes by to drop off their menus before introducing himself to them. He took down what they wanted to drink on his notepad then went to the back to make the drinks.

Vanessa - "Have you heard from Bill lately?"

Billy - "He and Lizzie have been busy the past couple of days at Spaulding/Lewis. With everything going on, they're focus on preventing Alan-Michael from doing any shady stuff take the company from them"

Vanessa - "Can't say I blame them, is Alan-Michael planning some hostile takeover or something like that?"

Billy - "That's what Bill thinks and it wouldn't surprise me at all. Alan-Michael for some reason wants the company to himself and ram it down Bill and Lizzie's throats but I have heard he's been having trouble lately

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