Episode 17

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Springfield Police Department

On her way to the SPD, Mayor Doris Wolfe looked at her cell phone and saw the headline in one of the main newspapers. It was about Springfield University shutting down over the threat that happened with Holly. She may not be running anymore for the next election once her term is up, but at the same time, it didn't mean Doris was giving up on Springfield. This was her town as well, the town that gave her the opportunity to be District Attorney, the opportunity to be the first ever gay mayor of Springfield. She wasn't going to let some syndicate ruin this great town, despite all the flaws that people, citizens have made in their lives. Over the past couple of months since the end of the August, Frank has kept her up to date on the Ultimate Force. They are the so-called syndication that was operating on all levels mysteriously in this town. Even the FBI were involved which Doris didn't like,  she can put up with them though, since there's going to be a press conference today outside the Springfield PD headquarters. Arriving at the SPD, the chauffeur gets out and opens the door as she steps out and already the media started taking pictures.

Doris - *Mumbles* "So annoying"

Doris walks past the media with their bodyguards clearing the path so that none of them get in her way. Seeing the podium and microphones set up already , the mayor goes inside the SPD and already see's Frank and Mallet talking with the FBI agents and District Attorney Christopher Williams in Frank's office. Walking up to the office, she knocks on the door before Frank opens it for her, seeing everyone as she nods.

Doris - "Looks like everyone started without me. I hope I wasn't too late since I got off the phone with university, the vice president has closed the school down for the time being. They'll go with online classes."

Frank - "Actually no Doris, you're not late at all, this is one of the FBI Agents in charge out of the four of them, Agent James Harrison, the lead on the case for them. Agent Harrison, this is Doris Wolfe, our mayor of Springfield"

James - "Mayor Wolfe, it's a pleasure to meet you, I wish it wouldn't be under these circumstances. These are my four FBI agents that'll be working with us, Agent Cates, Agent Hunter, Agent Dark and Agent Sloan"

Doris - "This is Springfield, one thing you and your FBI agents have to know is that nothing in this town is ever typical. What does the FBI already know of this case?"

James - "The Ultimate Force is a espionage crime syndicate that is involved in illegal properties and loves to destroy small  businesses, and sell certain products on the black market. This syndicate has some of the deepest criminals involved in it"

Doris - "Such as?"

Ashley - "Sebastian Houlce? Does that name ring a bell to you?"

Doris - "I've heard of his name before, Frank told me a couple weeks ago about him that he got it from you guys, the FBI"

Ashley - "What happened at the University with Misses Bauer we believe is a total connection to Sebastian. The lead poisoning was in the envelope when she opened it, there was even a small note inside"

Doris - "What did it say?"

Ashley shows Doris the letter which is inside the plastic bag that was written by Sebastian Houlce. It had his entire hand writing all over it which for anyone who's connected to Houlce can read it.

Ashley - "Did you really think you could forget about me Holly? You know that you can't escape me, just when they thought I was out, YOU pull me back in...Sebastian Houlce"

Doris - "Ugh, that sick bastard, he should of died a long time ago...how is Holly?"

Frank - "She's expected to make a full recovery, though Holly's already been informed about Sebastian since Ashley spoke to them a couple weeks ago"

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