Find Your Light - Episode 3

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Cross Creek

Stepping out of the limo with Cassie and taking her hand, Richard and his fiancé both walk up to the cabin together to see Joshua and Reva. To say that they were happy was an understatement, they were thrilled, excited to be engaged but also getting married at some point. Which is why the two of them are here today to ask Joshua and Reva for some favors. Stopping at the door, Cassie rings the doorbell before it opens with Reva on the other end.

Reva – "Oh hi Cassie, Richard, wait.... did something just happen?"

Cassie – "How about we come in and tell you guys?"

Reva – "Sure, Joshua is Lewis Construction now but come on in. Someone's happy today if I am correct from what I can see"

Cassie and Richard come in as Reva closes the door behind them. All three went to the living room before they sat down.

Reva – "Alright, so what's the good news?"

Cassie – "Richard and I are getting married!"

Reva – "You.... you're what? Getting married? Are you guys sure about this?"

Richard – "Yes were sure about this Reva. We don't want to waste another moment together; I still love your sister despite everything that's taken place over the years"

Reva – "And I don't doubt that at all, Cassie has been through a lot and as her big sister, I want to make sure she is happy"

Cassie – "I am happy Reva, very VERY happy, Richard is the only one who has my heart and hasn't shattered it to pieces, like someone else has in Edmund"

Reva – "Well, who am I to say you're not happy with Richard because you are. The only thing for me to say is.... CONGRATULATIONS!"

Richard – *Smiles* "Thank you Reva for your support, this means a lot to us"

Cassie – "Would you like to be my maid of honor Reva?"

Reva - *Smiles* "Cassie, did you even have to ask me that question? Of course, for my sister Cassie? I'll do anything"

Cassie – "Thank you Reva, is Joshua coming back at some point? We want to tell him the good news?"

Richard – "He must be a busy man besides running errands. I wanted to ask him to be my best man at the wedding"

Reva – "Perhaps trying to also look for his other son he has out there thanks to that heifer Tangie while he works. Anyway, let me get some champagne so we all can celebrate!"

Reva gets up and leaves as Cassie and Richard watched her, gob smacked of hearing that Joshua has another son out there. Cassie was speechless, trying to take in the news, but does she really have a step nephew that she didn't know about yet? Cassie started to get worried about her sister, as Reva was in the kitchen trying hard not to cry still feeling the sting of her finding out about Joshua's son with Tangie unfortunately. 



Harley's Angels

Dinah, Marina, Blake and Daisy were watching footage from under the limo as they've been doing for weeks, months now. No matter where Edmund went there wasn't anything incriminating that showed Edmund's really behind Alan-Michael's attack that put the brother of Phillip Spaulding in a coma until he woke up. Marina, starting to get frustrated, has her arms crossed and taps her foot, sighing to herself.

Guiding Light (Season 4)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora