Episode 11

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The Marler Residence

Blake made sure she had everything with her as she was just out the door for groceries. But before she stopped, seeing Jason laying on the couch. The music that was playing in the living room was The Thrill Is Gone by BB King, as Jason almost looked depressed. Blake hated to see her son like this as the two of them haven't spoken that much since the reveal at the Bauer BBQ. It hurt Jason to know that Rick Bauer, the man he looked up to, was involved with his father's death. But he hated the fact that Blake kept it from him, but she knew she was wrong and should have told her kids. Then there came the incident with Kevin and his father, the one and only Ross Marler with amnesia coming to the aid of Jason who was hurt with a concussion. So for the time being Jason needed to rest, relax and heal so without arguing with Blake, he was staying until the semester starts up again at the end of the month. For the time being Blake backed off to give Jason space, but she was going to talk to him whether he likes it or not. Blake decides to walk into the living room to let her son know she was leaving.

Blake - "Jason, i'm going to the store so i'll be right back. Do you need anything?"

Jason - "Get me four sandwiches and three diet cokes please?"

Blake - "Sure sweetie, you have my phone number if anything happens. Make sure you watch the house while I am away. I love you"

Jason - "I love you too mom"

Blake smiled as she walked, leaned over before kissing Jason on the forehead. About to leave the house, Blake opens the door and sees Dinah walking up the steps. Blake was relieved to see her step daughter and the woman who was like a real daughter to him, regardless of their differences.

Blake - *Smiles* "Hey Dinah"

Dinah - *Smiles* "Hey Blake. How are you?"

Blake and Dinah hugged each other.

Blake - "I'm good Dinah. I was just leaving to go to the store but i'm glad you're here. Can you stay and watch Jason for me until I get back?"

Dinah - "Sure, i'm not staying that long anyway Blake. All i'm here for is a visit before I meet up with Mallet back at the hotel, he's investigating a fire at the gallery"

Blake - *Arches his eyebrow* "Wait...a fire at the gallery? The art gallery that Phillip and Beth own?"

Dinah - "Yes, it just happened. I don't know all of the details but Mallet is already over there with Frank. He's also the brand new Lieutenant of the Springfield Police Department, something i'm proud of"

Blake - *Smiles* "When you see Mallet, tell him I said hi and congratulations. I am so happy for you two, but I should get going. Your brother is inside and laying on the couch resting but he looks too much like someone broke his heart. He's been like that since Jason was discharged from the hospital. Can you please talk some sense into him? He hasn't spoken to me that much since after the Bauer BBQ and the incident"

Dinah - *Grins* "My pleasure Blake and don't worry, I won't go too hard on him. That I can promise you but go ahead, have fun shopping and don't take too long. Who knows? Jason may get restless without you being here"

Balke and Dinah hug one more time before she lets her step daughter inside the house. Blake gets in her car and heads to the store, while Dinah is inside, hearing the music coming from the living room. When she living room, Dinah could see her brother laying on the couch, the same way Blake saw him on many days, sad, depressed, and yes the whole nine yards. Dinah could see him trying to go to sleep, like he was blocking out something in his mind. This should be an easy conversation to have with your brother who's being lazy and not motivated right? Shaking her head, she immediately went to the radio and turned it off causing Jason to immediately sit up, opening his eyes in annoyance as he saw her sister.

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