Episode 11 - (The Bauer BBQ Part 6/Last Part)

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The Bauer Residence

Ross, perplexed and not sure of what to say still, heard all what Blake told him about their son's actions with Zach earlier. For Ross to come back, find out that Phillip and Rick betrayed him, and now to hear his son could possibly be gay? That was a lot to take in as he sat with Blake along with other people who were waiting for Jonathan and Tammy's wedding to take place at the Bauer Barbecue.

Ross – "Why didn't our son tell us about this himself instead of you finding out Blake? Why didn't he tell me too?"

Blake – "Even if he didn't tell you Ross, do you think our son would have kept this by himself? Eventually we would have found out another way"

Ross – "And Phillip knows about this too? Great, now were probably going to be in laws soon because of this crap"

Blake – "Phillip is concerned about this too because it involves his son Ross. He was shocked and worried himself"

Ross – "Heh, I am sure he was Blake or thrilled secretly because he'll probably use this to get back into my good graces"

Blake – "This isn't about Phillip, you or me, this is about Jason and Zach. That's it Ross and we'll handle it together okay? For now, let's just...enjoy the wedding Ross"

Ross nodded as he looked on, obviously disturbed of what Blake told him but he had to keep a brave face. Their children, Clarissa, Kevin and Jason were sitting on the other side, not paying attention or hearing what they were saying but on their phones. Jason could overhear them talking and didn't like what they had to say but kept his mouth shut.



Cedar's Hospital

Bill, along with Phillip, Beth, James and Daisy almost ran into the hospital after Bill got the call about Lizzie. One of the nurses who saw them run in told them to slow down and stop before they explained why they were here. One of the doctors who was walking past the nurse heard the group as he started to speak up.

Doctor – "Are you the family for Lizzie Spaulding?"

Phillip – "Yes we are doctor. Where is Lizzie?"

Doctor – "I'm the doctor who treated your daughter when she came into the hospital. I was just about to call one of you, there's unfortunate news"

Bill – "Wait no....no no no.... please doctor. Don't say it"

Beth – "What are you trying to tell us?"

James – "What happened? Where's my sister!?"

Doctor – "After the EMT's brought her in we did everything we could to save her. There was so much water we drained out of her to get the blood going and trust me, we did the best we could...."

The doctor trained off a bit before he told the family and Bill that Lizzie died. All of them were shocked and devastated before Bill darted off the hall to look for Lizzie, ignoring what the rest of what the doctor was saying. Bill shook his head and decided not to believe it, so he was going to find his wife, be with her then go on from there. But stopping dead in his tracks across from him was Lizzie's room and seeing Lizzie with her eyes completely closed before Bill broke down crying.



The Bauer Residence

As the wedding music started to play, everyone stood up and watched Tammy walked down the steps before walking across the law with Joshua arm in arm. Jonathan smiled and watched Tammy make her way with Joshua straight up to him. When she was close enough, Tammy stood across from Jonathan with the priest in the middle.

Priest – "You all may be seated. Today we are gathered here to celebrate the love of two people who have come together in the name of love. Jonathan Randall and Tammy Winslow are an example of what great love can be when you-"

Richard – "Over my dead body!"

Everyone including Jonathan, Tammy, Reva, Joshua, Billy, Vanessa and Cassie along with everyone saw Richard Winslow. Yes, the former prince of San Cristobel who everyone thought died of a heart attack, stood at the front of the back porch before he walked down with a not happy look on his face.

Jonathan – "Is that?"

Tammy – "Daddy?"

Tammy picked up her wedding dress and ran to her father before hugging him immediately. Richard hugged her back, but he wasn't happy at all despite glad to see Tammy was okay.

Jonathan – "Dad? It's really you!"

Jonathan stepped down and ran up to his father to before Richard pushed him away. Jonathan and Tammy looked at him confused for how he acted after the man just returned.

Tammy – "What's wrong daddy?"

Richard – "Don't you daddy me Tammy. How could the two of you do this? Get married in front of EVERYONE here in Springfield!? The two of you are family for god sakes up, do you two realize how SICK this is!?"

Jonathan, who narrowed his eyes at his father threw a punch at one another before the two of them started fighting. Joshua, Billy, and others ran to put an end to the fight while Tammy was yelling, screaming at the two to stop fighting. Reva, Vanessa and Cassie held her back as others were trying to separate Jonathan and Richard. After he just made his return to the town he was familiar with, Richard was disappointed but also disgusted in two of his children especially their love story.


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